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2018-08-14/15 Orchestration Focal Point ConfCall #006 notes (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
2018-08-09/10 Orchestration Focal Point ConfCall #005 notes (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
2018-08-2/3 Orchestration Focal Point ConfCall #004 notes (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
2018-07-18 Orchestration Focal Point ConfCall #003 notes (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
2018-06-28 Orchestration Focal Point ConfCall #002 notes (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
2018-06-14 Orchestration Focal Point ConfCall #001 notes (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
2018-05-16 31st Forum transition from HMZ PDA to Orchestration FP (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
2017-11-23 ISCRM Domain: Confcall #005 Agenda & Meeting notes (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
2017-11-16 ISCRM Domain: Confcall #004 Agenda & Meeting notes (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
2017-11-02 ISCRM Domain: ConfCall #002 Agenda & Meeting notes (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)