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  • Readying the PDA to commence working on deliverables

Discussion items

145 MinMentoring TeamHM, NS, BMcC, IW

Harry, Nita, Bill and Ian, all with experience contributing to UN/CEFACT since circa 1996, and with prior considerable experience in implementing UN/EDIFACT and ANSI/X12 have agreed to re-engage with the Harmonization PDA to bring forward and make aware the value of prior work and in particular re UMM and ISCRM and the related CCTS and CCL and more recent SCRDM and MMT RDM.

This group will act without inhibiting new thought, as mentors to the Harmonization PDA teams.

Harry & Bill provided significant assistance commencing Q2/2017 to the Vice Chair (IW) and more recently Nita has joined this work.

IW and HM in particular hold significant collateral going back to the time 1998-2005 when CCTS & UMM and the UN/CEFACT methodology was created.

This material and more yet to be recovered, will be loaded into CUE in an organised manner to assist internal and external persons understanding of the value of UN/CEFACT's contribution to trade facilitation.

260 MinFull PDA team & Mentoring TeamJK, NR, RGShort briefing on the prior 45 min work.
3 Canonical ProjectIW

IW proposed a 4 x sub projects approach to the project deliverables

Team to determine if any enhancement is required to the Draft UN/CEFACT Project Proposal and liaise with the Bureau to achieve final Project Proposal


IW presented a Mindmap showing a proposed structure within CUE to service the PDA

All team members to ensure they are registered to access CUE and verify they can access Harmonization PDA spaces.

Nott, Tomas & Ian to progress CUE setup re the Harmonization PDA

5 Hitch Hikers GuideIW

IW has a comprehensive Mindmap with linked documents & URL's, files reflecting the UN/CEFACT journey.

This material is to be uploaded to CUE as an information and research resource

6 ISCRMIWIW demonstrated the content existing in the ISCRM
7 Canonical ModelALL

It is confirmed that the Harmonization PDA is not the creator of the content within the Canonical Model, that is the role of the PDA's who have respective domain knowledge.

The Harmonization PDA is also not M&T and thus may make recommendations re UMM, & CCTS to M&T

8 Commencing DeliverablesALLThe PDA commenced to hypothesis what 'modernization' of how UN/CEFACT delivers via the PDA's, meaning it is possible that tools available 2017 may enable a level of automation and productivity improvement.
9 uploadIW HM BMcCCommence uploading collateral into CUE, following the agreed document tree structure (ref MM)
10 StudyALLProgressively team members to research to a level of understanding the collateral as provided
11 Next MtgALLThe final 5 of 5 GTMs in the current format is scheduled in calendars for 23/11.

Action items

  • Natthaphat Rojanasupamit 20/11/2017    Nott Ian Tomas   GTM to progress CUE structure
  • Harry MOYER 22/11/2017  Harry Ian  f2f  refine the 2 MM's and commence collateral upload
  • ALL by 23/11/2017  to ensure access to CUE and ability to study collateral and in particular the ISCRM