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Transport Modal Views of MMT


Project Details

Project Identifier
Bureau Decision #
#2012068, #2103096, #2106008, #2109030
Project Proposal Status


Project Page
Supporting VC
Project Lead
HoD Support
StatusIn development
Submitted date
Draft Development Completion
Publication Date

Project Purpose

The Multi-Modal Transport Reference Data Model (MMT-RDM) was developed to cover all the needs of transport and logistics data exchange regardless of the mode of transport. The deliverables within the Transport and Logistics domain also aim to propose multi-modal solutions. That notwithstanding, many stakeholders today are still working on modal-specific data exchange and require either data exchange formats for their specific mode of transport or data exchange formats to move from one mode of transport to another. This project aims therefore to fill this gap and provide modal-specific (or trans-modal) data exchange eBusiness standards.

Project Scope

This project will develop the eBusiness standards (BRS, XML schema and all relevant technical artifacts) for modal specific transport all based and closely aligned to the MMT-RDM. It will initially work on the requirements for rail, inland waterway, air and maritime. It will also consider the eBusiness standards needs for changes of modes of transport at transshipment hubs (including, but not limited to between maritime and rail; between maritime and road).

Project Deliverables

Deliverable 1: Rail transport BRS and all relevant technical artefacts Deliverable 2: Inland waterway BRS and all relevant technical artefacts Deliverable 3: Air transport BRS and all relevant technical artefacts Deliverable 4: Maritime transport BRS and all relevant technical artefacts Deliverable 5: Trans modal transport from maritime to other modes of transport BRS and all relevant technical artefacts

Exit Criteria

The exit criteria will be: Exit Criteria for Deliv. 1: BRS finalized & satisfying all public review comments; ready for publication Exit Criteria for Deliv. 2: BRS finalized & satisfying all public review comments; ready for publication Exit Criteria for Deliv. 3: BRS finalized & satisfying all public review comments; ready for publication Exit Criteria for Deliv. 4: BRS finalized & satisfying all public review comments; ready for publication Exit Criteria for Deliv. 5: BRS finalized & satisfying all public review comments; ready for publication

Project Team Membership and Required Functional Expertise

The project team is open to experts with broad knowledge and experience in the area of Multi-modal transport; modal specific transport; data modelling. In addition, Heads of Delegations may invite technical experts from their constituency to participate in the work. Experts are expected to contribute to the work based solely on their expertise and to comply with the UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct and Ethics. Required Functional Expertise: Multi-modal transport; modal specific transport; data modelling

Geographical Focus

Geographical Focus is global.

Initial Contributions

The following contributions are submitted as part of this proposal. It is understood that these contributions are only for consideration by the Project Team and that other participants may submit additional contributions in order to ensure that as much information as possible is obtained from those with expertise and a material interest in the project. It is also understood that the Project Team may choose to adopt one or more of these contributions “as is”. List any initial contributions: • UN/CEFACT Buy Ship Pay Reference Data Model • UN/CEFACT Multi Modal Transport Reference Data Model • UN/CEFACT eCMR eBusines standard • Contract of International Transport of Goods by Rail (CIM) • Agreement on International Goods Transport by Rail (SGMS) • Budapest Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Inland Waterway (CNMI) • The Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), 1944

Resource Requirements

No additional secretariat resources will be required.

Project Proposal Files

  File Modified
PDF File 201214-3c T+L Modal project proposal v2.pdf Dec 15, 2020 by Malik
PDF File 210104-3x Modal project HoD support DE.pdf Dec 16, 2020 by SHLYKOVA
PDF File 210104-3x Modal project HoD support IT.pdf Dec 16, 2020 by SHLYKOVA
PDF File 210104-3x Modal project HoD support RU.pdf Dec 16, 2020 by SHLYKOVA
PDF File 210104-3x Modal project HoD support UA.pdf Dec 16, 2020 by SHLYKOVA
PDF File 210104-3x Modal project HoD support US.pdf Dec 16, 2020 by SHLYKOVA
PDF File 210104-3x Modal project HoD support CG.pdf Dec 21, 2020 by SHLYKOVA
PDF File 210104-3x Modal project HoD support ES.pdf Dec 21, 2020 by SHLYKOVA
PDF File 210104-3x Modal project HoD support VN.pdf Dec 21, 2020 by SHLYKOVA
PDF File 210125-3x T+L Modal project HoD support FI.pdf Jan 18, 2021 by Lance THOMPSON
PDF File 210215-3x T+L Modal project HoD support TR.pdf Jan 26, 2021 by SHLYKOVA
