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Invitees (Pre finalisation of registration)
- William McCarthy
- Nita Sharma
- Briefing: Conf call #001 post Rome forum. Set conf call cycle. Introduce team members not at Rome
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
10 Min | Team Introductions | All |
15 Min | Harmonization PDA Launch - Rome | IW | Briefing on agreement at the Paris (6/2017) Bureau F2F and Rome (10/2017) forum on the role of the harmonization PDA as UN/CEFACT now increases focus on process modelling. Reference to the presentation (2.5 hrs) made to the Bureau F2F Paris |
25 Min | Opinions | All | Discussion related to the Canonical Model project, including discussion of how wide and deep should UN/CEFACT prescribe standards related to processes.
10 Min | Liaison | EC | Discussion on how UN/CEFACT liaises and harmonizes with other related standards bodies and at what model level of detail could this be meaningful and valuable |
5 Min | Next Actions | All | Agreement to run weekly conf calls for the next 4 weeks.
2 Min | CUE | IW | Establish initial CUE set-up for the Harmonization PDA. IW to liaise with UNECE Secretariat, JK Peng & Nott. |
2 Min | Strategy | IW | IW to liaise with Jonathan, Harry and team re initial articulation of the approach going forward, and how related to existing UN/CEFACT deliverables |
Action items