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Cross Industry Supply Chain Track and Trace Project


Project Details

Project Identifier
Bureau Decision #
#1901050, #2003082, #2011060, #2102091, #2112055 , #2206085, #2208092, #2211005, #2303027
Project Proposal Status


Project Page

Cross Industry Supply Chain Track and Trace

Supporting VC
Project Lead
HoD Support
GR / SE / ES / RU / DE / CG / IT
Submitted date
Draft Development Completion
Publication Date

Project Purpose

The purpose of the project is to create Business Process Models and Business Class Diagrams to document the business scenarios and business transactions involved in the exchange of information about asset (product, lot, pallet etc) traceability.

Project Scope

The scope of the project is tracing (monitoring the history of a traceable asset) and tracking (monitoring the present and future movements of the asset). Business cases supported by these processes are business to business concerning products, events within a country or transborder events. A traceable asset can be any item (for example an object, a product or other traded item or a service) that needs to be tracked along a supply chain. This requires a high level of organization in the supply chain, i.e. assets or a group of assets (such as a lot, pallet or container) can be tagged, traced and the information can be made available in electronic format. The definition of traceability is to retrieve information about locations and events, what happened to the assets). The information exchanged concerns with trade, transport and/or their products. The outputs will be the harmonized XML schemas to support the business process.

Project Deliverables

The project deliverables are: • Deliverable 1: A Business Requirements Specification (BRS) document containing Business Process Models covering electronic business processes of Cross Industry Track and Trace • Deliverable 2: CCBDA message structures (as class diagrams) for the business transactions of Cross Industry Track and Trace • Deliverable 3: XML Schemas • Deliverable 4: White Paper

Exit Criteria

The exit criteria will be: • Exit Criteria for Deliv. 1: Completed BRS Public review and logs showing how comments have been addressed • Exit Criteria for Deliv. 2: Completed CCBDA messages structures ready for publication • Exit Criteria for Deliv. 3: Completed XML Schemas ready for publication • Exit Criteria for Deliv. 4: Final text ready for publication

Project Team Membership and Required Functional Expertise

Membership is open to UN/CEFACT experts with broad knowledge in the area of: broad knowledge of standards production and awareness of implementer’s expectations, the functions of UN/CEFACT, and its groups. In addition, Heads of Delegations may invite technical experts from their constituency to participate in the work. Experts are expected to contribute to the work based solely on their expertise and to comply with the UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct and Ethics and the policy on Intellectual Property Rights.

Geographical Focus

The geographical focus of the project is global.

Initial Contributions

The following contributions are submitted as part of this proposal. It is understood that these contributions are only for consideration by the Project Team and that other participants may submit additional contributions in order to ensure that as much information as possible is obtained from those with expertise and a material interest in the project. It is also understood that the Project Team may choose to adopt one or more of these contributions “as is”. List any initial contributions: • Business Requirement Specification (BRS) Product traceability data exchange Process 1.0, issued September 2017. • Business Requirement Specification (BRS)Animal traceability data exchange v1.2, issued April 2017 • Business Requirement Specification (BRS) Cargo tracing and tracking process v.25, issued July 2012 • Requirement Specification Mapping Cargo Tracing and Tracking v0.2, issued July 2010. • Harmonized BIEs of UN/CEFACT CCL. • Published SCRDM & MMT RDM, based on the latest CCL. • Published document-centric XML schemas concerning Animal and Product traceability, based on the latest CCL. • Procedures for Reference Data Model (RDM) & Associated Artefacts Publication, draft v1.0.0.9. • UN ECE_TRADE_Traceability For SustainableTrade • GS1/ISO EPCIS standard • Work in progress within UN/CEFACT on: • Smart Containers project • Buy-Ship-Pay • Reference Data Model project • Electronic Interchange of fisheries catch data (FLUX) project • Sustainable Textile and Leather Traceability and Transparency project

Resource Requirements

Participants in the project shall provide resources for their own participation. The existence and functioning of the project shall not require any additional resources from the UNECE secretariat. Any additional request: Establishing and maintaining the project team's Web site pages with appropriate links, document download facilities, and items of interest
