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Alignment of Master Data for Metering Point and of Measured Data in the deregulated Energy Market


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Alignment of Master Data for Metering Point and of Measured Data in the deregulated Energy Market



Project Purpose

The project regards the common requirements for the processes that directly involve the alignment of Master Data Metering Point (MP) and Measured Data between parties in the deregulated Energy Market. The purpose of the project is to derive specifications for Core Components from the process requirements and data structures regarding the alignment of Master Data Metering Point and Measured Data between parties in the deregulated Energy Market and publish these resulting specifications.

Project Scope

• Specifications for Core Components for information exchange regarding • data alignment between parties (including initial data exchange), • within the deregulated Energy Market, • for Master Data Metering Point and for Measured Data. The results will be UN/CEFACT deliverables for information (category D).

Project Deliverables

The project deliverables are: • Business Requirements for the various processes; These Business requirements (BRS) are created in line with UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology 2.0 and will be delivered both as an XMI-formatted UML-model file and as a text based document. The UML model is the source for all other documentation. The Business requirements are submitted as a basis for the understanding of the need for the proposed Core Components (BIE’s and some CC’s). • Business Information Models as based on the above mentioned Business Requirements; These information models are created in line with UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology 2.0. The models will be delivered both as an XMI-formatted UML-model file and as text based documents. The UML model is the source for all other documentation. The Business Information Models (BIM) specify the information exchange as created from the proposed Core Components (ABIE’s). • Business Information Entities and Business Data Types as used in the above mentioned Business Information Models; These business information entities and business data types are created in line with UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification 3.0. The entities and data types will be delivered both as an XMI-formatted UML-model file, as an Excel spreadsheet and as XML schema’s based on UN/CEFACT Naming and Design Rules 3.0. The UML model is the source for all other documentation. • Aggregated Core Components and Core Data Types for some specific Business Information Entities and some Business Data Types to be based on; These Core Components and Core Data Types are created in line with UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification 3.0. The core components and data types will be delivered both as an XMI-formatted UML-model file and as an Excel spreadsheet. The UML model is the source for all other documentation. • Specification of the payload for the information to be exchanged between the specified processes for the data alignment with regard to Master Data Metering Point and to Measured Data; These payloads are assembled from business information entities in line with UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification 3.0. The payloads are specified in the Business Information Model. The payloads will be delivered both as an XMI-formatted UML-model file and as XML schema’s based on UN/CEFACT Naming and Design Rules 3.0. The UML model is the source for all other documentation.

Exit Criteria

The exit criteria that when met will indicate the deliverable has been completed, are specified in the table below. Deliverable Criteria Supporting documentation Business requirements (BRS) Approval by project group In line with UN/CEFACT UMM-2 Business Information Model (BIM) Approval by project group In line with UN/CEFACT UMM-2 In line with relevant business requirements Specification of the payload Approval by project group In line with UN/CEFACT UMM-2 and in line with UN/CEFACT Naming and Design Rules 3.0 Actual deliverable Business Information Entities and Business Data Types Approval by project group In line with UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification 3.0 Aggregated Core Components and Core Data Types Approval by project group In line with UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification 3.0

Project Team Membership and Required Functional Expertise

The project team is a group of experts with broad and in-depth knowledge of the processes within the deregulated Energy Market and/or with ample knowledge of UML modeling and/or of UN/CEFACT recommendations.

Head of Delegation Support

List at least three Country heads of delegation who support this project, and include their written expression of support using the template in annex IV... The project results will be UN/CEFACT deliverables for information. Therefore the revised ODP does not require anymore HoD support. The first version of this project proposal (version 1.0.A d.d. 25th of March 2011) was supported by the following Heads of Delegation: Adam Arndt, Denmark Arie J.M. van Bellen, The Netherlands Arild Haraldsen, Norway Johan Pontén, Sweden Christoph Wolf, Germany

Geographical Focus

The proposed CC’s will be defined globally and will not be limited geographically. The focus of the initial contribution for the project may be on Europe, because of the availability of Business Requirements and Business Information Models for processes that directly involve the alignment of master data Metering Point (MP) and measured data between parties in the deregulated European Energy Market. Since BRS’s and BIM’s have a focus on the European Energy market, the focus for the proposed BIE’s will be similar.

Initial Contributions

A first version of all deliverables has been created by ebIX® for the deregulated European Energy Market and will be used as an initial contribution. Most of these files and documents are available at the ebIX® website: (or directly to the documents: ) ebIX® Business Requirements for Query MP Characteristics v3r1A (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Requirements for Request MP Characteristics v3r1A (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Information Model for Change of Supplier 2011A (category: BIM) ebIX® Business Information Model for End of supply 2011A (category: BIM) ebIX® Business Information Model for Notify MP characteristics 2011A (category: BIM) ebIX® Business Requirements for Change of supplier v3r1A (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Requirements for End of supply v3r1A (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Requirements for Notify MP Characteristics v3r1B (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Requirements for Change of Balance Responsible party v3r1A (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Requirements for Change of Metered Data Responsible v3r1A (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Requirements for Change of Transport Capacity Responsible v3r1A (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Requirements for End of Metered Data Responsible v3r1A (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Requirements for Measure Collected Data 2.0.D (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Information Model for Measure Collected Data 2011.A (category: BIM) ebIX® Business Requirements for Measure Determine Meter Read 2.0.B (category: BRS) ebIX® Business information Model for Measure Determine Meter Read 2011.A (category: BIM) ebIX® Business Requirements for Measure for Imbalance Settlement 2.0.D (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Information Model for Measure for Imbalance Settlement 2011.A (category: BIM) ebIX® Business Requirements for Measure for Labeling 0.0.B (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Information Model for Measure for Labeling 2011.A (category: BIM) ebIX® Business Requirements for Measure for Reconciliation 2.0.A (category: BRS) ebIX® Business Information Model for Measure for Reconciliation 2011.A (category: BIM) UMM-2 model: EEM 2011.A (as an XMI-file) (category: misc.) XML schema's 2011.A (category: XML) UN/CEFACT spreadsheet-template containing CC/BIE documentation as derived from UMM-2 model (category: CC/BIE)

Resource Requirements

Participants in the project provide resources for their own participation. The continued existence and functioning of the project team will not require any additional resources from the UN/ECE secretariat other than: • Establishing and maintaining the project team's public Web site pages with appropriate links, document download facilities, and items of interest; • Establishing and maintaining the project team's public and private list servers. • Support in matters of UN/ECE procedures.

Project Leadership

Project Leader: Kees Sparreboom Editors: Ove Nesvik






Expected Completion Date



Expected Completion Date



Expected Completion Date



Expected Completion Date



Expected Completion Date


Expected Completion Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proposal Files

  File Modified
PDF File P1004 Call for participation.pdf Sep 09, 2016 by Gianguglielmo
PDF File P1004 Project Proposal.pdf Sep 09, 2016 by Gianguglielmo
