05/09/2019 UNLOCODE Maintanance Team WebEx Meeting

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Team Members

DMR Requests

  • George Papathanasiou
  • Toni Maricevic
  • Nardo Bezemer

UNLOCODE Working Copy




Special Note

  1. The Xiamen conference including the next UN/LOCODE Advisory Group Annual Meeting was announced. Online registration is open.
  2. List of NFPs was updated.
  3. The secretariat to confirm with the local organizer of the Xiamen conference if the remote participation will be supported.
  4. Due to unavailability of co-chairs, the next meeting is cancelled.
  5. The secretariat to fix the new timing slots of 26/09/2019 and 7/10/2019 meetings in order to facilitate participation from America.
  6. The secretariat to contact Michael SCHROEDER to reach Schenker headquarters to discuss massive DMRs from Schenker;
  7. The secretariat to discuss with Finland FP offline to follow up the presence of requested MR submitters to the meeting in two weeks.
  8. The secretariat to contact INTTRA for clean-up of their DMRs like last time
  9. The secretariat to contact SGL to clarify DMR submission, especially function 1
  10. The secretariat to help George to contact SMDP to look for a solution to code a terminal.
  11. Bertrand to contact Australian administration for FP nomination.
  12. The SMDP meeting will be held in Singapore from 17-19 September 2019.