Project Details
Decent work and economic growth (8), Industry, innovation and infrastructure (9)
An implementation guideline for the EDIFACT Syntax version 3 exists today and is published by UNECE on their website. A guideline for the latest version, 4, does not exist and an ISO equivalent was never published.
The project will develop a guidance document explaining how to implement the technical specification ISO 9735. At this point, it will only cover part 11: Version 3 compatible profile for Version 4 of ISO 9735. Other parts of the standard may be developed in subsequent projects if requested.
The work will be carried in the ISO/UNECE JWG1- Joint syntax working group. It is expected that the deliverable will be published as an implementation guideline by UN/CEFACT and a Technical Report by ISO.
The project's deliverable is:
Final document ready for publication.
UN/EDIFACT is the most implemented EDI standard in private and public globally. To ensure efficient trade facilitation, such as single window, it is important to align its implementation, which is the purpose of this project.
Membership is open to UN/CEFACT experts with broad knowledge in the area of: The EDIFACT Syntax (ISO 9735).
The geographical focus of the project is global.
Trade facilitation in developing and transition economies is only feasible when lowering the cost of implementation by clear (ideally single) rules and guidelines.
Participants in the project shall provide resources for their own participation. The existence and functioning of the project shall not require any additional resources from the UNECE secretariat.