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Num | Time | Agenda Item | Who | Notes |
01 | 3 min | Welcome/Opening | BH | Thank attendees and introduce the project, ref 2VC's 2 DC's |
02 | 3 min | Confirm agenda | BH | Confirmed |
03 | 5 min | TIC sector / How did we get here? | BH | TIC determines compliance, Supports Govt's who set requirements Ref .pptx presented by Brett, to be placed in CUE Discussed the project in the context of other UN/CEFACT work - seek to unify and avoid disparate developments Ref draft report, in CUE as an input to this mtg |
04 | 10 min | Intros and what is your particular interest in this work? | IW | Intro on certification, agencies, certificates etc. Lifecycle, informal -> formal as maturity grows and standards developed - which then must be accredited - somehow Birgit: Political scientist, government focus - digitalisation projects of interest, private sector interest. General interest in product quality. Kevin: UNECE Secretariat - technical support - interest in a paper-free future - Seeking understanding of project focus to determine data modelling opportunities Alla: UNECE Secretariat and Admin to UN/CEFACT Steve: Enterprise Architect Canberra, 20 years with UN/CEFACT, Project Lead DiD & VC's also on UNECE traceability projects. Interested in alignment between Industry and Govt re verifiable claims Peter ; Working with GS1, Agri economist by training with interest in forensic analysis - part of the team that drafted the discussion paper - ref CUE , Good networker - see this project as about fusion of bodies of knowledge. Ian: known to all members, VC role for project Brett: Scientist by training, 34 years working in various conformity assessment roles |
05 | 10 min | What else of relevance is happening inside and outside of CEFACT (IW) | All | Ian: Referenced related project activity. Have project leads make presentations on existing end-to-end projects Steve: Emphasised vocab and prioritising the link physical to data. Get real world practitioners onto the team Brett's laboratory mgmt experience has relevance. Also ref the current GS1 Australia pilot project on lab/certificate process. Peter: Ref digital product passports |
06 | 10 min | Who else should be involved? Need for webinar? | All | Brett: Do we need a webinar/forum to foster interest from external experts? Birgit: Keep moving the the project forward with what we have, while still looking for ways to engage externally. Ian: What processes (public forum?) might be used to engage with the content of our work with experts who are not part of UNCEFACT and may not be motivated to join? ref ACTIONS |
07 | 10 min | Next steps | BH | Review and agree action list |
08 | 15 min | Use of CUE for this project | @Kevin | Demo by Kevin re CUE Preference for Google Docs so as to enable editing by experts and review by non registered 'experts Webinar is an opportunity to share knowledge and gather knowledge from external experts |
09 | 2 min | Summary and close | Next meeting 16th. August 10:00 CET |