Transport and Logistics Domain

Domain Coordinator(s)

News items

Minutes from the meeting on eManifest to which UNECE were invited by DGMOVE and EMSA last month. We are requested to map the data elements in the attached spreadsheet to the CCL via the MMT data model and we should also map them to the FAL form EDIFACT messages. Check the Knowledge Repository for the spreadsheet and more documents in this context.

Experts interested to join this effort are kindly requested to approach either the domain coordinator or the vice chair.

The purpose of this white paper is to serve as a guide for the air cargo industry towards efficiently connecting and exchanging digital information with business partners across the supply chain.


This paper reviews various digital connectivity methodologies and outlines challenges associated with each method. Finally, this paper emphasizes the need for standardized business processes for the air cargo digital framework. It also establishes the guidelines that are instrumental in addressing existing challenges as well as facilitating the adoption of modern technology.
Document provided by SYED Tahir,

International Air Transport Association

Route de l’Aeroport 33, P.O. Box 416, 1215 Geneva 15 Aeroport, Switzerland


Revised agenda for Interim T&L domain meeting in Paris - Monday Nov 14, to Friday Nov18. The first three days will be hosted by TLF in  8 rue Bernard Buffet PARIS 17e ; CONEX will provide a venue for the group on Thursday and Friday at 19 rue d'Orléans in Neuilly-Sur-Seine, PARIS 17e 





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