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property.key = value
|ABIE| | | |See Aggregate Business Information Entity|
|abstract class| | | |A class that cannot be directly instantiated. (Contrast: concrete class.) (OMG)|
|abstract syntax| |syntaxe abstraite| |OMG class diagrams are used to present the OMG metamodel, its concepts (metaclasses), relationships, and constraints. Definitions of the concepts are included. (OMG)|
|abstraction| |abstraction| |(1) The essential characteristics of an entity that distinguish it from all other kinds of entities. (2) An abstraction defines a boundary relative to the perspective of the viewer. ((OMG))|
|active class| | | |A class whose instances are active objects. (OMG)|
|activity| |activité| |A unit of work a worker may be asked to perform (RUP)|
|activity diagram| |diagramme d'activité| |Shows behavior with control structure. Can show many objects over many uses, many objects in single use case, or implementation of method. Encourages parallel behavior. (UML Distilled)|
|actor| | | |Someone or something, outside the system or business that interacts with the system or business. (RUP)|
|administered item| | | |registry item for which administrative information is recorded in an Administration Record. (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.1)|
|Administration Manager| | | |Recommended collection of methods that should be defined for managing registry properties such as permissions of Registry Users. (ebRIM Spec)|
|administrative status| | | |designation of the status in the administrative process of a Registration Authority for handling registration requests (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.7)|
|agent|agent| | |An agent is a network component that must implement protocols up to the agent layer of the e-business network application, communications model. (IBM Glossary) (1) In systems management, a user that, for a particular interaction, has assumed an agent role. (2) An entity that represents one or more managed objects by (a) emitting notifications regarding the objects and (b) handling requests from managers for management operations to modify or query the objects. (3) A system that assumes an agent role. (4) Software that acts on behalf of a user as it performs tasks within an application program. An agent may run on both the client and the server.|
|agent layer| | | |An layer of the e-business network application, communications model in which an agent must implement protocols.|
|aggregate (class)| | | |A class that represents the "whole" in an aggregation (whole-part) relationship. (OMG) |
|Aggregate Business Information Entity|ABIE|Les Composants Transversaux Agrégés|Агрегированные объекты бизнес-информации|A collection of related pieces of business information that together convey a distinct business meaning in a specified business context. Expressed in modeling terms, it is the representation of an object class, in a specific business context. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Aggregate Core Component|ACC|les composants communs agrégés|агрегированные ключевые компоненты|(1) A Collection of Core Components that convey a distinct business meaning, independent of any specific business context. Expressed in modeling terms, it is the representation of an object class, independant of any specific business context. (CCTS 2.01) (2) An Aggregate Core Component will consist of two or more Basic Core Components, or at least one Basic Core Component plus one or more Aggregate Core Components.|
|aggregation| | | |A special form of association that specifies a whole-part relationship between the aggregate (whole) and a component part. (OMG) |
|agreement| | | |An arrangement between two partner types that specifies in advance the conditions under which they will trade (terms of shipment, terms of payment, collaboration protocols, etc.) An agreement does not imply specific economic commitments. (BPSS 1.05)|
|analysis| | | |The part of the software development process whose primary purpose is to formulate a model of the problem area. Analysis focuses on what to do, design focuses on how to do it. See design. (RUP)|
|analysis class| | | |An abstraction of a role played by a design element in the system, typically within the context of a use-case realization. Analysis classes may provide an abstraction for several roles, representing the common behavior of those roles. Analysis classes typically evolve into one or more design elements (e.g. design classes and/or capsules, or design subsystems). (RUP)|
|API|API| | |See Application Programming Interface.|
|application | | | |Software above the level of the MSH that implements a Service by processing one or more of the Messages in the Document Exchanges associated with the Service. |
|Application Prgramming Interface|API| | |A software internface that enables application to communicate with each other. An API is a set of programming language constricts or statements that can be coded in application program to obtain the specific functions on services provide by an underlying operating system of service program. (RUP)|
|Application Specification|AppSpec| | |document specifying -- ((to be amended)) (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)|
|Applied Technologies Group|ATG|Groupe des technologies
appliquées|Группе по прикладным технологиям|One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. Work in ATG encompassed four specific technologies, viz. UN/EDIFACT, UN Locode, UNeDocs and ebXML. The reference model used was the basic reference published by the ICG. (UN/CEFACT)|
|architectural view| | | |A view of the system architecture from a given perspective. It focuses primarily on structure, modularity, essential components, and the main control flows. (RUP)|
|architecture| | | |The organizational structure of a system. Architecture can be recursively decomposed into parts that interact through interfaces, relationships that connect parts, and constraints for assembling parts. Parts that interact through interfaces include classes, components and subsystems. (RUP)|
|artefact| | | |See "artifact".|
|artifact| | | |A piece of information that (1) is produced, modified, or used by a process, (2) defines an area of responsibility, and (3) is subject to version control. An artifact can be a model, a model element, or a document. A document can enclose other documents. (RUP)|
|Assembly Document|ASDOC| | |A mechanism for declaring which Core Components will be used to build a Business Message (Core Component Assembly Document) (CCTS 2.01)|
|Assembly Rules| | | |Assembly Rules group sets of unrefined Business Information Entities into larger structures. Assembly Rules are more fully defined and explained in the Assembly Rules Supplemental Document. (CCTS 2.01)|
|association| | | |(1) The semantic relationship between two or more classifiers that specifies connections among their instances. (OMG) (2)a semantic relationship between two classes NOTE An association is a type of relationship. (Adapted from ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|association class| | | |an association that is also a class. NOTE: It not only connects a set of classes, but also defines a set of features that belong to the relationship itself. (Adapted from ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|Association Business Information Entity |ASBIE|les composants transversaux associatifs|ассоциативные объекты бизнесинформации|A Business Information Entity that represents a complex business characteristic of a specific Object Class in a specific Business Context. It has a unique business semantic definition. An Association Business Information Entity represents an Association Business Information Entity Property and is therefore associated to an Aggregate Business Information Entity, which describes its structure. An Association Business Information Entity is derived from an Association Core Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Association Business Information Entity Property |ASBIE Property| | |A Business Information Entity Property for which the permissible values are expressed as a complex structure, represented by an Aggregate Business Information Entity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Association Core Component |ASCC|les composants communs associatifs|ассоциативные ключевые компоненты|A Core Component which constitutes a complex business characteristic of a specific Aggregate Core Component that represents an Object Class. It has a unique business semantic definition. An Association Core Component represents an Association Core Component Property and is associated to an Aggregate Core Component, which describes its structure. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Association Core Component Property |ASCC Property| | |A Core Component Property for which the permissible values are expressed as a complex structure, represented by an Aggregate Core Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|ATG|ATG| | |See Applied Technologies Group (UN/CEFACT)|
|Atomic Transaction| | | |A complete Transaction that follows the atomic rules for every party in the Transaction Tree over space and time, so that all the participants in the transaction will receive instructions that will result in a homogeneous outcome. That is they will be issued instructions to all Confirm (success) or all Cancel (failure / error signal). (Transitively, a set of operations whose effect is capable of counter effect.) (Tony Frecher)|
|attribute| | | |(1) An attribute defined by a class represents a named property of the class or its objects. An attribute has a type that defines the type of its instances. (RUP) (2) A named value or relationship that exists for some or all instances of some entity and is directly associated with that instance. (CCTS 2.01) (3)a characteristic of an object or entity (ISO/IEC 11179-3).|
|attribute instance| | | |a specific instance of an attribute. NOTE: Amended from ISO 2382-17:1993 (17.02.13) to distinguish an instance of an attribute from its value. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|attribute value| | | |the value associated with an attribute instance. NOTE: Amended from ISO 2382-17:1993 (17.02.13) to distinguish an instance of an attribute from its value. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|authorisation process| | | |A procedure for granting authorization. (IFTF RFC 2828)|
|authorization | | | |A right or a permission that is granted to a system entity to access a system resource. (IFTF RFC 2828)|
|basic attribute| | | |attribute of a metadata item commonly needed in its specification (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|Basic Business Information Entity|BBIE|les composants transversaux élémentaires|базовые объекты бизнес-информации |(1) A Core Component used in a specific business context. (2) A Business Information Entity that represents a singular business characteristic of a specific Object Class in a specific Business Context. It has a unique business semantic definition. A Basic Business Information Entity represents a Basic Business Information Entity Property and is therefore linked to a Data Type, which describes it values. A Basic Business Information Entity is derived from a Basic Core Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Basic Business Information Entity Property | | | |A Business Information Entity Property for which the permissible values are expressed by simple values, represented by a Data Type (CCTS 2.01)|
|Basic Core Component |BCC|les composants communs élémentaires | базовые ключевые компоненты|(1) A Core Component that represents a singular business concept with a unique business semantic definition. (2) A Core Component which constitutes a singular business characteristic of a specific Aggregate Core Component that represents an Object Class. It has a unique business semantic definition. A Basic Core Component represents a Basic Core Component Property and is therefore of a Data Type, which defines its set of values. Basic Core Components function as the properties of Aggregate Core Components. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Basic Core Component Property | | | |A Core Component Property for which the permissible values are expressed by simple values, represented by a Data Type. (CCTS 2.01)|
|BCSS| | | |See Business Collaboration Specification Schema|
|BDV| | | |See Business Domain View (N093/UMMUG)|
|behaviour| | | |The observable effects of an operation or event, including its results. (OMG) |
|binding| | | |a mapping from one framework or specification to another (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|boundary class| | | |A Boundary is a class that lies on the periphery of a system, but within it. It interacts with actors outside the system as well as objects of all three kinds of analysis classes within the system. (OMG) |
|Box Completion Guideline| | | |document specifying -- ((to be amended)) (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)|
|BPAWG| | | |See Business Process Analysis Working Group (UN/CEFACT)|
|BRS| | | |See Business Requirement Specification|
|BRV| | | |See Business Requirement View (N093/UMMUG)|
|BSV| | | |See Business Service View (N093/UMMUG)|
|BTV| | | |See Business Transaction View (N093/UMMUG)|
|business | | | |A series of processes, each having a clearly understood purpose, involving more than one organization, realized through the exchange of information and directed towards some mutually agreed upon goal, extending over a period of time. (ISO/IEC 14662)|
|business activity | | | |(1) A business activity is used to represent the state of the business process of one of the partners. (BPSS 1.05) (2) For instance the requester is either in the state of sending the request, in the state of waiting for the response, or in the state of receiving. (CPP 2.0)|
|business area| | | |An area of knowledge or activity characterized by a family of related systems. (RUP) An area of knowledge or activity characterized by a set of concepts and terminology understood by practitioners in that area. |
|business collaboration| | | |An activity conducted between two or more parties for the purpose of achieving a specified outcome. (UEBA 0.59)|
|business collaboration activity| | | |See "business collaboration". (N093/UMMUG)|
|business collaboration domain| | | |A domain conducted between two or more parties for the purpose of achieving a specified outcome. (N093/UMMUG)|
|Business Collaboration Framework|BCF| | |Business Collaboration Framework. A collection of specifications defining electronic business exchange for two or more business partners. (Established experts on process modeling and B2B e-commerce standards development and implementation.) (Edifecs)|
|Business Collaboration Knowledge| | | |The knowledge involved in a collaboration. (UEBA 0.59)|
|Business Collaboration Model| | | |A Business Collaboration Model describes in detail how Trading Partners take on roles, relationships and responsibilities to facilitate interaction with other Trading Partners. (CPPA 2.0)|
|business collaboration pattern| | | |(1) An pattern descrives the way to use of the business collaboration model to be achieved between trading partners. (N093/UMMUG) (2) The Collaboration business pattern, which is also known as the User toUser or U2U pattern, enables interaction and collaboration between users. This pattern can be observed in solutions that support small or extended teams who need to work together in order to achieve a joint goal. (IBM)|
|Business Collaboration Protocol |BCP| | |A business collaboration protocol choreographs one or more business transaction activities. (UMM)|
|Business Collaboration Rules | | | |Rules of Collaboration between Trading Partners. (CPPA 2.0)|
|Business Collaboration Specification Schema|BCSS|schéma de spécification pour la collaboration commerciale|"Схема спецификации делового сотрудничества|"BCSS is a technical specification (1.) to make CCTS compliant information modelling accessible to a broad user base through standard UML tool support (2.) to support easy interchange of information models between different UML tools and (3.) to support validation of the structure and semantics of information models against the CCTS. These goals are achieved through the development of a formal UML profile for CCTS that includes stereotypes, tagged values and OCL constraints. (BCSS V1.0)"|
|business commitments| | | |The making or accepting of a right, liability or responsibility by a Person that is capable of enforcement in the jurisdiction in which the commitment is made. (ISO/IEC 15944-1)|
|business context| | | |(1) Defines a context in which a business has chosen to employ an information entity. (2) The formal description of a specific business circumstance as identified by the values of a set of Context Categories, allowing different business circumstances to be uniquely distinguished. (CCTS 2.01) |
|business document| | | |The set of information components that are interchanged as part of a business activity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business document flow| | | |A business transaction is realized as Business Document flows between the requesting and responding roles. There is always a requesting Business Document, and optionally a responding Business Document, depending on the desired transaction semantics, e.g. one-way notification vs. two-way conversation. (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Domain| | | |An business area of knowledge or activity characterized by a family of related systems. (RUP)|
|Business Domain View|BDV| | |The partitioning of business domain into business areas, process areas, and business processes. This view establishes the business context of the process which is a precursor to evaluating the likelihood of finding reusable, previously defined, process descriptions or terminology in the UMM libraries. View aligned with UMM. (UMM, N093/UMMUG)|
|business entity | | | |Something that is accessed, inspected, manipulated, produced, and worked on in the business. (UMM)|
|business entity class| | | |Group of Items which are structured in the same way that serves the fundamental missions of the company, that has legal and/or business basis, which may participate in exchanges with partners, which will be implemented into objects (object technology) through a modeling process. For example order is a business entity class. (UMM)|
|business expert| | | |A person who is knowledgeable about the business area being modeled. (UMM)|
|business information| | | |Information that two or more Trading Partners agree to use in their exchange of information (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Information Entity |BIE| | |(1) A context specific instantiation of a Core Component that constitutes a piece of business data or a group of pieces of business data with a unique business semantic definition. (2) A Business Information Entity can be a Basic Business Information Entity (BBIE), an Association Business Information Entity (ASBIE), or an Aggregate Business Information Entity (ABIE). (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business Information Entity Property| | | |A business characteristic belonging to the Object Class in its specific Business Context that is represented by an Aggregate Business Information Entity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|business information group| | | |A set of basic and/or aggregate information entities that convey a single business function. (CCTS 2.01)|
|business information model| | | |A model that references all meta-information associated with a specific Business Process. The Business Information Model references Business Entities, Business Information Entities, and Business Information Objects to accomplish that task. (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Information Object|BIO| | |Business Documents are composed from re-useable Business Information Objects. At a lower level, Business Processes can be composed of re-useable Common Business Processes, and Business Information Objects can be composed of re-useable Core Components. (Common Business Processes and Business Information Objects should be stored in a UMM Business Library.) (BPSS 1.05)|
|business intent| | | |The underlying Business Intent of the Trading Partners (BPSS 1.05)|
|business interaction| | | |CCMA 0.6a|
|Business interaction activity| | | |An activity which a specification of how stimuli are sent between instances to perform a specific business. The interaction is defined in the context of a collaboration. (N093/UMMUG)|
|business library | | | |A collection of approved process models specific to a line of business (e.g., shipping, insurance). (CCTS 2.01)|
|business message| | | |Any message exchanged between Trading Partners. The Business Process Schema will govern the choreography of business messages and signals.|
|Business Message Payload| | | |The Assembly Document describes how to construct a Business Message Payload during the Design Phase. (At the time a Trading Partner Agreement is finalized, the Business Message Payloads must also be agreed upon and not subject to change.)|
|Business Message Type| | | |A Business Message Type is a container of artifacts that describes the information exchanged in a Business Interaction. A Business Interaction synchronizes the knowledge on states of Business Entities at both sides of the interaction, in order to enable the participating Business Partners to continue an intra- and inter-organizational Business Process. A Business Message is not a Business Information Entity (BIE), and does not require a corresponding Aggregate Core Component (ACC). Business Message Types may however be based on more generic Business Message Types, much like Aggregate Business Information Entities are based on Aggregate Core Components. (CCMA 0.6)|
|Business Modeling Artifact| | | |Modeling artifact from the Business Operational View. Business Modeling Artifacts SHALL be capable of being discovered and shared by other Actors within the infrastructure to facilitate reusability.|
|Business Object| | | |An unambiguously identified, specified, referenceable, registerable and re-useable scenario or scenario component of a business transaction. The term business object is used in two distinct but related ways, with slightly different meanings for each usage: In a business model, business objects describe a business itself, and its business context. The business objects capture business concepts and express an abstract view of the business's "real world". The term "modeling business object" is used to designate this usage. In a design for a software system or in program code, business objects reflects how business concepts are represented in software. The abstraction here reflects the transformation of business ideas into a software realization. The term "systems business objects" is used to designate this usage. (ISO/IEC 15944-2)|
|Business Object Type |BOT| | |Modeling artifact from the Business Operational View (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Operational View |BOV| | |A perspective of business transactions limited to those aspects regarding the making of business decisions and commitments among organizations, which are needed for the description of a business transaction. (ISO/IEC 14662)|
|Business Operations Map |BOM| | |"The partitioning of business processes into business areas and business categories first part of Requirements Workflow (UMM)"|
|business partner| | | |An entity that engages in business transactions with another business partner(s). (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Process|BP| | |(1) The means by which one or more activities are accomplished in operating business practices. (UMM) (2) The Business Process as described using the UN/CEFACT Catalogue of Common Business Processes. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business Process activity| | | |See "Business Process". (N093/UMMUG)|
|Business Process Model| |Modélisation de procédure d'entreprise| |The standard is a model of the business process, not a model of the data, and allows business partners an opportunity to have a dialogue on common ground about business processes that currently are embedded in the applications that perform them. BPML (Business Process Modeling Language) allows these processes to be managed outside the applications, which potentially will foster increased collaboration and innovation between enterprises. In addition, BPML is designed to bridge the gap between legacy IT infrastructures and emerging business-to-business collaboration protocols such as RosettaNet, BizTalk, and ebXML. While those protocols are concerned with the interfact between two companies, BPML deals with the higher-level objectives that move the business forward. (Howard Smith, CSC's) (N093/UMMUG)|
|Business Process Analysis Working Group|BPAWG| | |UN/CEFACT Business Process Analysis Working Group. Responsible for analysing and understanding the key elements of international transactions and working for the elimination of constraints. (UN/CEFACT)|
|Business Process and Information Model| | | |Standard methodology and mechanism for modeling a Business Process and its' associated information models. (UMM)|
|Business Process Context | | | |The Business Process name(s) as described using the UN/CEFACT Catalogue of Common Business Processes as extended by the user. (CCTS 2.01)|
|business process interface | | | |The definition of how to interact with one partner role in order to make partner perform a desired service. (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Process Role Context | | | |The actors conducting a particular Business Process, as identified in the UN/CEFACT Catalogue of Common Business Processes. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business Process Runtime Expression |BPRE| | |An abstract architectural principle of a runtime expression of a Business Process that is semantic and syntax specific. (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Process Specification Schema|BPSS| | |Defines the necessary set of elements to specify run-time aspects and configuration parameters to drive the partners' systems used in the collaboration. (BPSS 1.05) The goal of the BP Specification Schema is to provide the bridge between the eBusiness process modeling and specification of eBusiness software components. (CPP 2.0)|
|business profile| | | |Describes a company's ebXML capabilities and constraints, as well as its supported business scenarios.|
|Business Requirement Specification|BRS|Prescriptions commerciales| |A document that specifies the business requirements for the definition of a specific business process. The business requirements are defined using exclusively business specific terminology with the information requirements expressed in appropriate text, schematics and models that are not influenced by specific harmonised sector neutral terminology. (ICG)|
|Business Requirements View |BRV| | |The view of a business process model that captures the business scenarios, inputs, outputs, constraints and boundaries for business processes and their interrelationships within business process collaborations. This view is how the business domain expert sees and describes the process to be modelled. The BRV is expressed in the language and concepts of the business domain expert. (N093/UMMUG)|
|business role| | | |The Role(s) of Business Partners used in a Business Collaboration and described in the Business Process Model. (BPSS 1.05)|
|business rule| | | |Rules, regulations and practices for business. (UMM)|
|business semantic| | | |A precise meaning of words from a business perspective. (CCTS 2.01)|
|business service| | | |A business service is a network component that responds to business transaction requests initiated by other services.|
|Business Service Interface| | | |(1) An ebXML collaboration that is conducted by two or more parties each using a human or automated business service that interprets the documents and document envelopes transmitted and decides how to (or whether to) respond. (BPSS 1.05) (2) The Business Service Interface is an abstract architectural component that references the business and technical details of hox to invoke a business service, wheter using a manual or automated interface. (UEBA 0.59)|
|Business Service View |BSV| | |"The view of a business process model that specifies the component services and agents and their message (information) exchange as interactions necessary to execute and validate a business collaboration. The BSV is expressed in the language and technical concepts of the software developer. The view of a business process model that specifies the electronic formation of business contracts using an electronic medium Design Workflow. (N093/UMMUG)"|
|Business stakeholder| | | |An individual who is materially affected by the outcome of the system in a business domain. (N093/UMMUG)|
|Business Term | | | |This is a synonym under which the Core Component or Business Information Entity is commonly known and used in the business. A Core Component or Business Information Entity may have several business terms or synonyms. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business Transaction|BT| | |(1) A business transaction is a set of business information and business signal exchanges amongst two business partners that must occur in an agreed format, sequence and time period. (UMM) (2) A business transaction is a logical unit of business conducted by two or more parties that generates a computable success or failure state. The community, the partners, and the process, are all in a definable, and self-reliant state prior to the business transaction, and in a new definable, and self-reliant state after the business transaction. In other words if you are still 'waiting' for your business partner's response or reaction, the business transaction has not completed. (CPP 2.0) (3) A Business Transaction is the atomic unit of work in a trading arrangement between two business partners. A Business Transaction is conducted between two parties playing opposite roles in the transaction. (BPSS 1.05) (4) An economic interaction, which may, or may not, be atomic in nature. A set of state changes that occur, or are desired, in computer systems controlled by some set of parties, and these changes are related in some business application defined manner. A Business Transaction is subject to, and a part of, a business relationship. (It is assumed that the parties involved in a Business Transaction have distinct and autonomous Business (Application) Systems, which do not require knowledge of each others' implementation or internal state representations in volatile or persistent storage. Access to such loosely coupled systems is assumed to occur only through service interfaces.) Note: In the UMM the general term 'Business Transaction' is applied very specifically to a single request or single request / response pair with specified optional signals between exactly two parties.(Tony Frecher)|
|Business Transaction View |BTV| | |"The view of a business process model that captures the semantics of business information entities and their flow of exchange between roles as they perform business activities. This view is an elaboration on the business requirements view by the business analyst and is how the business analyst sees the process to be modelled. This view uses the language and concepts of the business analyst to convey requirements to the software designer and the business domain expert. The view in a business process model that specifies the contract formation process for various types of business contracts Analysis Workflow (N093/UMMUG)"|
|Cancel / Roll back| | | |Process a counter effect for the current effect of a set of messages / procedures. There are a number of different ways that this may be achieved in practice.(Tony Frecher)|
|capsule| | |A specific design pattern which represents an encapsulated thread of control in the system. A capsule is a stereotyped class with a specific set of required and restricted associations and properties. (RUP)|
|cardinality | | |An indication whether a characteristic is optional, mandatory and/or repetitive. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Catalogue of Business Information Entity| | |This represents the approved set of Business Information Entities from which to choose when applying the Core Component discovery process. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Catalogue of Core Component| | |See Core Component Catalogue. (CCTS 2.01)|
|CCL | | |See Core Component Library. (CCTS 2.01)|
|charasteristic| | |abstraction of a property of an object or of a set of objects NOTE: Characteristics are used for describing concepts. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.4).|
|Child Core Component | | |A Core Component used as part of a larger aggregate construct. (CCTS 2.01)|
|choreography| | |(1) A declaration of the activities within collaboration and the sequencing rules and dependencies between these activities. (2) The Business Transaction Choreography describes the ordering and transitions between business transactions or sub collaborations within a binary collaboration. For example, in a UML tool this could be done using a UML activity diagram. The choreography is described in the ebXML Business Process Specification Schema using activity diagram concepts such as start state, completion state, activities, synchronizations, transitions between activities, and guards on the transitions. (BPSS 1.05)|
|class| | |(1) A description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships, and semantics. A class may use a set of interfaces to specify collections of operations it provides to its environment. See interface. (RUP) (2)a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships, and semantics (ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|class diagram| | |"Shows static structure of concepts, types, and classes. Concepts show how users think about the world types show interfaces of software components classes show implementation of software components. (OMG Distilled) A diagram that shows a collection of declarative (static) model elements, such as classes, types, and their contents and relationships. (RUP)"|
|classification scheme | | |(1) This is an officially supported scheme to describe a given Context Category. (CCTS 2.01) (2) arrangement or division of objects into groups based on characteristics that the objects have in common, e.g.,origin, composition, structure, application, and function. (ISO 11179-2, First edition)|
|classification scheme item| | |component of content in a classification scheme. NOTE This may be a node in a taxonomy or ontology, a term in a thesaurus, etc. (ISO 11179-2, First edition)|
|classified component| | |any component of a data element that may be classified in one or more classification schemes. NOTE The components include the object class, property, representation class, data element concept, value domain, and data element. (ISO 11179-2, First edition)|
|client| | |Software that initiates a connection with a Server. |
|code| | |A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity and/or language independency may be used to represent or replace a definitive value or text of an attribute. Codes usually are maintained in code lists per attribute type (e.g. colour). (ebXML CC Dictionary Naming Conventions)|
|collaboration| | |"(1) Describes a pattern of interaction among objects it shows the objects participating in the interaction by their links to each other and the messages they send to each other. (RUP) (2) Two or more parties working together under a defined set of rules. (CPP 2.0)"|
|collaboration diagram| | |"A collaboration diagram describes a pattern of interaction among objects it shows the objects participating in the interaction by their links to each other and the messages they send to each other. Unlike a sequence diagram, a collaboration diagram shows the relationships among the instances. Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams express similar information, but show it in different ways. See sequence diagram. (RUP)"|
|Collaboration Protocol| | |The protocol that defines for a Collaborative Process: 1. The sequence, dependencies and semantics of the Documents that are exchanged between Parties in order to carry out that Collaborative Process, and 2. The Messaging Capabilities used when sending documents between those Parties. Note that a Collaborative Process can have more than one Collaboration Protocol by which it can be implemented. (CPPA 2.0)|
|Collaboration Protocol Agreement|CPA| |(1) Information agreed between two (or more) Parties that identifies or describes the specific Collaboration Protocol that they have agreed to use. (CPPA 2.0) (2) A CPA indicates what the involved Parties "will" do when carrying out a Collaborative Process. A CPA is representable by a Document|
|Collaboration Protocol Profile|CPP| |(1) Information about a Party that can be used to describe one or more Collaborative Processes and associated Collaborative Protocols that the Party supports. (CPPA 2.0) (2) A CPP indicates what a Party "can" do in order to carry out a Collaborative Process. A CPP is representable by a Document. While logically, a CPP is a single document, in practice, the CPP might be a set of linked documents that express various aspects of the capabilities. A CPP is not an agreement. It represents the capabilities of a Party. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Collaborative Process | | |A shared process by which two Parties work together in order to carry out a process. The Collaborative Process can be defined by an ebXML Collaboration Model. |
|commitment| | |An obligation to perform an economic event (that is, transfer ownership of a specified quantity of a specified economic resource type) at some future point in time. Order line items are examples of commitment. (BPSS 1.05)|
|common attribute| | |a basic attribute that is applicable to all types of metadata item (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|Common Business Process | | |"(1) A business process that is used with reasonable frequency in a business community. (BPSS 1.05) (2) For electronic business-to-business commerce, we are interested in business processes that manifest themselves in an exchange (one way, two way, or n-way) of information in electronic format between parties. Typically, Common Business Processes are defined by standards bodies or business communities that are generally perceived as defining de facto standards for business processes within their domain of specialization. A business process that is not defined as common by a standards body or is only used by a small business community is not a Common Business Process. The phrase ""exchange of information in electronic format"" includes XML messaging, EDI messaging, file transfers, and other forms of electronic data exchange. This could include facsimile, email, and phone conversations. However, it is probably important that any business process that contains a facsimile or phone conversation component also include at least one electronic message, file transfer, or the like."|
|common facility| | |common facility (of Metadata Registry) a facility provided by a Metadata Registry that is applicable to all types of Administered Item within the registry. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|Communication Protocol Envelope| | |The outermost envelope of an ebXML Message. For example: HTTP or SMTP. (ebMS Spec)|
|component| | |A physical, replaceable part of a system that packages implementation and conforms to and provides the realization of a set of interfaces. A component represents a physical piece of implementation of a system, including software code (source, binary or executable) or equivalents such as scripts or command files. (RUP)|
|component diagram| | |A diagram that shows the organizations and dependencies among components. (RUP)|
|component interface| | |A named set of operations that characterize the behavior of a component. (OMG) |
|composite attribute| | |an attribute whose datatype is non-atomic (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|composite datatype| | |a datatype that is also a class. NOTE: A composite datatype is used as a datatype for a composite attribute. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|concept| | |"(1) An abstract idea a general notion:
* a plan of intention a conception
* an idea or invention to help sell or publicize a commodity
* an idea or thought which corresponds to some distinct entity or class of entities, or to its essential features, or determines the application of a term (especially a predicate), and thus plays a part in the use of reason or language. (NOD) (2) unit of knowledge created by a unique combination of characteristics (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.1)."|
|concept system| | |set of concepts structured according to the relations among them (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.11)|
|conceptual domain| | |set of valid value meanings. NOTE: The value meanings may either be enumerated or expressed via a description. (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, 3.3.21)|
|conceptual model| | |conceptual model that represents an abstract view of the real world. NOTE: A conceptual model represents the human understanding of a system. (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|concrete class| | |A class that can be directly instantiated. (OMG) |
|conditional| | |"required under certain specified conditions. NOTE 1: One of three obligation statuses applied to the attributes of metadata items, indicating the conditions under which the attribute is required. See also mandatory (3.2.17) and optional (3.2.28). NOTE 2: Obligation statuses apply to metadata items with a Registration Status of ""recorded"" or higher. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)"|
|Confirm| | |Ensure that the effect of a set of messages / procedures is completed. There are a number of different ways that this may be achieved in practice(Tony Frecher)|
|conformance | | |"Fulfilment of a product, process or service of all requirements specified adherence of an implementation to the requirements of one or more specific standards or technical specifications. "|
|constraint| | |A semantic condition or restriction. Certain constraints are predefined in the OMG, others may be user defined. Constraints are one of three extensibility mechanisms in OMG. See tagged value, stereotype. (RUP)|
|constraint language | | |A formal expression of actions occurring in specific Contexts to assemble, structurally refine, and semantically qualify Core Components. The result of applying the Constraint Language to a set of Core Components in a specific Context is a set of Business Information Entities. (CCTS 2.01)|
|content component | | |Defines the primitive type used to express the content of a Core Component Type. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Content Component Restrictions | | |The formal definition of a format restriction that applies to the possible values of a Content Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|context| | |(1) Defines the circumstances in which a Business Process may be used. This is specified by a set of Context Categories known as Business Context. (CCTS 2.01) (See Business Context.) (2) A designation or description of the application environment or discipline in which a name is applied or from which it originates (ISO/IEC 11179-3).|
|context category | | |A group of one or more related values used to express a characteristic of a business circumstance. (CCTS 2.01)|
|context driver| | |Driver information that may be discovered from the Trading Partner Profiles or the Registry Information Model data at the Trading Partner Agreement design time. Eight context categories defined: Business Process, Product Classification, Industry Classification, Geopolitical, Official Constraints, Business Process Role, Supporting Role, System Capabilities. (UABA 0.59)|
|Context Rules Construct | | |The overall expression of a single set of rules used to apply Context to Core Components. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Context Rules Message |CRM| |A Context Rules Message can be derived from the context by accessing Context Rules Lookup Tables from the Registry. (UEBA 0.59)|
|Contract| | |Any rule, agreement or promise which constrains an Party's behaviour and is known to any other Party, and upon which any other knowing Party may rely.(Tony Frecher)|
|control class| | |A class used to model behavior specific to one, or a several use cases. (RUP)|
|controlled vocabulary.| | |A supplemental vocabulary used to uniquely define potentially ambiguous words or business terms. This ensures that every word within any of the Core Component names and definitions is used consistently, unambiguously and accurately. (CCTS 2.01)|
|controlling agency| | |Agency responsible for controlling the content of a basic information entity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component|CC| |A building block for the creation of a semantically correct and meaningful information exchange package. It contains only the information pieces necessary to describe a specific concept.(CCTS 2.01) A semantic building block for creating clear and meaningful data models, vocabularies, and information exchange packages. Core Components are used as the basis for creating Business Information Entities. (CCTS 2.x)|
|Core Component Catalog| | |The temporary collection of all metadata about each Core Component that has been discovered during the development and initial testing of this Core Component Technical Specification, pending the establishment of a permanent Registry/Repository. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component Dictionary | | |An extract from the Core Component Catalogue that provides a ready reference of the Core Component through its Dictionary Entry Name, component parts, and definition. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component Library|CCL|Bibliothèque des éléments de base|The Core Component Library is the part of the registry/repository in which Core Components shall be stored as Registry Classes. The Core Component Library will contain all the Core Component Types, Basic Core Components, Aggregate Core Components, Basic Business Information Entities and Aggregate Business Information Entities. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component Message Library| | |TBD (CCMA 0.6)|
|Core Component Property | | |A business characteristic belonging to the Object Class represented by an Aggregate Core Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component Type |CCT| |A Core Component which consists of one and only one Content Component that carries the actual content plus one or more Supplementary Components giving an essential extra definition to the Content Component. Core Component Types do not have business semantics. (CCTS 2.01) (This definition was deleted in CCTS 2.x & move to Example.)|
|core data type| | |A Core Component, which consists of one and only one Content Component, that carries the actual content plus one or more Supplementary Components giving an essential extra definition to the Content Component. Core Data Types do not have Business Semantics. Core Data Types define the set of valid values that can be used for a particular Basic Core Component Property or Basic Business Information Entity Property. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Counter-effect| | |An appropriate effect intended to counteract a Provisional Effect. (Tony Frecher)|
|CPA|CPA| |See Collaboration Protocol Agreement|
|CPP|CPP| |See Collaboration Protocol Profile|
|CPP-A| | |See Collaboration Protocol Profile and Collaboration Protocol Agreement|
|data| |donnée |(1) re-interpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing. NOTE: Data can be processed by humans or by automatic means. (ISO 2382-1:1993, 01.01.02). (2) representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automatic means (ISO 2382-4)|
|data element| | |(1) A unit of data for which the identification, meaning, representation and permissible values are specified by means of a set of attributes (ISO/IEC 11179-3). (2) unit of data for which the definition, identification, representation and permissible values are specified by means of a set of attributes (ISO 11179-2, First edition)|
|data element concept| | |A concept which can be represented in the form of a data element, described independently of any particular representation (ISO/IEC 11179-3).|
|data identifier| | |An identifier of a data element (a string of characters or other graphic symbols) assigned by a Registration Authority. (ISO/IEC 11179-3)|
|data model| |modèle de données |graphical and/or lexical representation of data, specifying their properties, structure and inter-relationships. (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|data type| |type de donnée |(1) A descriptor of a set of values that lack identity and whose operations do not have side effects. Data types include primitive pre-defined types and user-definable types. Pre-defined types include numbers, string and time. User-definable types include enumerations. (RUP) (2) Defines the set of valid values that can be used for a particular Basic Core Component Property or Basic Business Information Entity Property. It is defined by specifying restrictions on the Core Component Type that forms the basis of the Data Type. (CCTS 2.01) (3) In the CCTS 2.x, "data type" was changed to "core data type).|
|deliverable| |livrable |An output from a process that has a value, material or otherwise, to a customer or other stakeholder. (RUP)|
|deployment diagram| |diagramme de déploiement |A diagram that shows the configuration of run-time processing nodes and the components, processes, and objects that live on them. Components represent run-time manifestations of code units. See component diagram. (RUP)|
|design| |design |The part of the software development process whose primary purpose is to decide how the system will be implemented. During design, strategic and tactical decisions are made to meet the required functional and quality requirements of a system. See analysis. (RUP)|
|design pattern| |patron de conception |A specific solution to a particular problem in software design. Design patterns capture solutions that have developed and evolved over time, expressed in a succinct and easily applied form. (RUP)|
|Design Phase| | |The design phase SHALL be accomplished by applying object-oriented principles based on the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology. (UEBA 0.83)|
|diagram| |diagramme |A graphical depiction of all or part of a model. (RUP) OMG supports the following diagrams: class diagram, object diagram, use-case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, statechart diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, and deployment diagram.|
|Dictionary Entry Name| | |This is the unique official name of a Core Component, Business Information Entity, Business Context or Data Type in the dictionary. (CCTS 2.01). |
|definition| |définition |representation of a concept by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.3.1).|
|digital signature | |signature numérique |A digital code that can be attached to an electronically transmitted message that uniquely identifies the sender |
|Discovery Phase | | |The Discovery Phase covers all aspects of the discovery of ebXML related resources. A Trading Partner who has implemented an ebXML Business Service Interface can begin the process of discovery. One possible discovery method may be to request the Collaboration Protocol Profile of another Trading Partner. (UEBA 0.83)|
|distributed registry| | |Federation of multiple registries that behaves logically as one registry. (UEBA 0.83)|
|document| | |A Document is any data that can be represented in a digital form. |
|document exchange | | |An exchange of documents between two parties. |
|Document Type Definition|DTD|Définition de Type de Document |DTD is to define the legal building blocks of any SGML-based (SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language) document. It defines the document structure with a list of legal elements. (W3C)|
|domain| |domaine |An area of knowledge or activity characterized by a family of related systems. (RUP)|
|DTD|DTD| |See Document Type Definition|
|ebXML SOAP Extention| | |A specification of the structure and composition of the information necessary for an ebXML Message Service to successfully generate or process an ebXML Message (ebMS 1.0)|
|economic contract| | |A subtype of agreement between partner types that some actual economic exchanges will occur in the future. Contracts can have recursive relationships with other contracts, for example, yearly contracts with monthly releases and weekly or daily shipping schedules. Contracts are containers for collections of commitments. For example, a purchase order is a contract wherein the line items are commitments. (BPSS 1.05)|
|economic event| | |The transfer of control of an economic resource from one party to another party. (BPSS 1.05)|
|economic resource| | |A quantity of something of value that is under the control of an enterprise. (BPSS 1.05)|
|economic resource type| | |An economic resource type is the abstract classification or definition of an economic resource. For example, in an ERP system, ItemMaster or ProductMaster would represent the Economic Resource Type that abstractly defines an Inventory item or product. Forms of payment are also defined by economic resource types, e.g. currency. (BPSS 1.05)|
|EDI| | |See Electronic Data Interchange|
|EDI message| | |An approved, published, and maintained formal description of how to structure the data required to perform a specific business function, in such a way as to allow for the transfer and handling of this data by electronic means. (MoU) |
|EDIFACT messages| | |A electronic message formats based on UN/EDIFACT standard set developed and maintained by the UN/EDIFACT Working Group which are in UN/TDID directories. (UN/CEFACT)|
|EDIFACT Working Group|EWG| |UN/EDIFACT Working Group. To develop and maintain UN/EDIFACT, the support of harmonised implementations and the use of multi-lingual terminology. (UN/CEFACT)|
|elaboration| | |The second phase of the process where the product vision and its architecture are defined. (RUP)|
|elaboration phase| | |The second phase of the process where the product vision and its architecture are defined. (RUP)|
|electronic business|eBusiness| affaires électroniques |A generic term covering information definition and exchange requirements within and between enterprises, including customers by electronic means. (MoU) |
|electronic business XML|ebXML|Transactions électroniques avec le langage de balisage extensible |An eBusiness concept based on EDI experience in business processes, XML interchange formats and the Internet technology. ebXML Initiative Project jointly launched by UN/CEFACT and OASIS for 15-18 months work in Nov. 1999 and finished in May 2001. Further work is being made by UN/CEFACT and OASIS separately. (UN/CEFACT)|
|electronic commerce| |commerce électronique  |Electronic Commerce is doing business electronically. This includes the sharing of standardized unstructured or structured business information by any electronic means (such as electronic mail or messaging, World Wide Web technology, electronic bulletin boards, smart cards, electronic funds transfers, electronic data interchange, and automatic data capture technology) among suppliers, customers, governmental bodies and other partners in order to conduct and execute transactions in business, administrative and consumer activities. (UN/CEFACT- SIMAC)|
|Electronic Data Interchange |EDI|Échange de données informatisé |The automated exchange of any predefined and structured data for business among information systems of two or more organizations.|
|element| |élément |An atomic constituent of a model. (OMG) |
|encryption | |chiffrement|"Cryptographic transformation of data (called ""plaintext"") into a form (called ""ciphertext"") that conceals the data's original meaning to prevent it from being known or used. If the transformation is reversible, the corresponding reversal process is called ""decryption"", which is a transformation that restores encrypted to its original state. "|
|entity| |entité |any concrete or abstract thing that exists, did exist, or might exist, including associations among these things. Example: A person, object, event, idea, process, etc. NOTE: An entity exists whether data about it are available or not. (ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999, 17.02.05).|
|entity class| | |A class used to model information that has been stored by the system, and the associated behavior. A generic class reused in many use cases, often with persistent characteristics. An entity class defines a set of entity objects, which participate in several use cases and typically survive those use cases. (RUP)|
|enumeration| | |A list of named values used as the range of a particular attribute type. For example, RGBColor = (red, green, blue). Boolean is a predefined enumeration with values from the set (false, true). (RUP)|
|Error handling| |système de gestion d'exceptions  |This component handles the reporting of errors encountered during MSH or Application processing of a message. (ebMS 1.0)|
|essential charactericstic| | |characteristic which is indispensable to understanding a concept (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.6).|
|event| | |The specification of a significant occurrence that has a location in time and space. In the context of state diagrams, an event is an occurrence that can trigger a transition. (RUP)|
|EWG|EWG| |See EDIFACT Working Group (UN/CEFACT)|
|eXtensible Markup Language |XML|Langage de balisage extensible |XML is designed to enable the exchange of information (data) between different applications and data sources on the World Wide Web and has been standardized by the W3C. XML is a simplified subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). XML allows construction of structured data (trees), which rely on composition relationships. XML schemas are used to define data models. (W3C)|
|extension| | |totality of objects to which a concept corresponds. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.8).|
|Final Effect| | |An appropriate effect intended to complete and finalise a Provisional Effect. (Tony Frecher)|
|Functional Service View |FSV| |A perspective of business transactions limited to those information technology interoperability aspects of IT systems needed to support the execution of open-edi transactions. (ISO/IEC 14662)|
|functional set| | |A set of alternative representations for the same semantic concept. (CCTS 2.01)|
|general concept| | |concept which corresponds to two or more objects, which form a group by reason of common properties. NOTE: Examples of general concepts are 'planet', 'tower'. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.3)|
|generalization| | |(1) A taxonomic relationship between a more general element and a more specific element. The more specific element is fully consistent with the more general element and contains additional information. An instance of the more specific element may be used where the more general element is allowed. See inheritance. (RUP) (2) that is fully consistent with the first class (i.e. it has all of its attributes and relationships) and that adds additional information. NOTE: A generalization is a type of relationship. (Adapted from ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|Geopolitical Context | | |A specific instance of a context driver covering all aspects of geography and political influences on a business. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Globally Unique Identifier |GUID| |A unique string of characters used to identify a common object. For example, the unique identifier may be computed by adding the time and date to the network adapter's internal serial number.|
|Header parsing| | |To extract or transform information from a received SOAP Header or Body element into a form that is suitable for processing by the MSH implementation. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Header processing| | |One ebXML Message Service does how report errors it detects to another ebXML Message Service Handler the creation of the SOAP Header elements for the ebXML Message uses input from the application, passed through the Message Service Interface, information from the Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA defined in (ebCPP)) that governs the message, and generated information such as digital signature, timestamps and unique identifiers. (ebMS 1.0)|
|ICG|ICG| |See Information Content Management Group (UN/CEFACT)|
|identifier| | |(1) See data identifier. (2) (in Metadata Registry) sequence of characters, capable of uniquely identifying that with which it is associated, within a specified context. NOTE: A name should be used as an identifier because it is not linguistically neutral. (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|IEC|IEC| |See International Electrotechnic Commission.|
|implementation| | |(1) An implementation is the realization of a specification. (NIST) (2) It can be a software product, system or program. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Implementation Functional View|IFV| |View aligned with UMM. (UMM)|
|Implementation Phase| | |The implementation phase deals specifically with the procedures for creating an application of the ebXML infrastructure. (UEBA 0.59)|
|Inception Phase| | |The first phase of the Unified Process, in which the seed idea, request for proposal, for the previous generation is brought to the point of being (at least internally) funded to enter the elaboration phase. (RUP)|
|individual concept| | |concept which corresponds to only one object. NOTE: Examples of individual concepts are: 'Saturn', 'the Eiffel Tower'. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.2).|
|industry classification context | | |Semantic influences related to the industry or industries of the trading partners (e.g., product identification schemes used in different industries). See Geographical Context. (CCTS 2.01)|
|industry expert| | |A person who is knowledgeable about the industry area being modeled.(N093/UMMUG)|
|information bundle| | |The formal description of the semantics of the information to be exchanged by Open-edi Parties playing roles in an Open-edi scenario. (ISO 14662)|
|Information Content Management Group|ICG| |One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. Work in ICG covers UN/CEFACT's libraries, code lists and recommendations. (UN/CEFACT)|
|information entity | | |A reusable semantic building block for the exchange of business-related information. (CCTS 2.01)|
|information interchange| | |process of sending and receiving data in such a manner that the information content, or meaning assigned to the data, is not altered during the transmission. (ISO 11179-6, Second edition)|
|information model| | |The information model does not deal with the actual content of the repository. All Elements of the information model represent metadata about the content and not the content itself. The Registry Information Model provides a blueprint or high-level schema for the ebXML Registry. Its primary value is for implementers of ebXML Registries. It provides these implementers with information on the type of metadata that is stored in the Registry as well as the relationships among metadata Classes. (N093/UMMUG, OASIS/ebXML Registry Information Model V2.0)|
|inheritance| | |(1) The mechanism by which more specific elements incorporate structure and behavior of more general elements related by behavior. See generalization. (RUP) (2) In object-oriented programming, the ability of a superclass to pass its characteristics (methods and instance variables) on to its subclasses. (|
|instance| | |An individual entity satisfying the description of a class or type. (RUP)|
|intention| | |set of characteristics which makes up the concept. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.9).|
|interaction diagram| | |Shows how several objects collaborate in single use case. (UMM Distilled)|
|interface| | |A collection of operations that are used to specify a service of a class or a component. (RUP) A named set of operations that characterize the behavior of an element. |
|International Code Designator|ICD| |identifier of an organization identification scheme. NOTE Based on ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.8. (ISO 11179-6, Second edition)|
|International Code Designator value|ICD value| |identifier allocated to a particular organization identification scheme (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.9)|
|International Electrotechnical Commission (The)|IEC| |"IEC is the worldwide authority for developing, publishing and promoting voluntary consensus International Standards in the field of electrotechnology that this activity facilitates international exchange of goods and services, and develops cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity and that the IEC currently comprises 58 participating countries representing the full spectrum of electrotechnical interests therein, including suppliers, users, governmental, professional and scientific bodies. (MoU) "|
|International Organization for Standardization (The)|ISO|Organisation internationale de normalisation |"ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies, at present comprising some 120 members (one per country) that the object of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity that the results of ISO work are published in the form of International Standards that international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, participate in the development of ISO International Standards. (MoU) "|
|international registration data identifier|IRDI| |internationally unique identifier for an Administered Item as defined in the framework of ISO/IEC 11179. (ISO 11179-6, Second edition)|
|International Telecommunication Union (The)|ITU|Union internationale des télécommunications |"ITU is a specialized agency of the United Nations within which governments and the private sector coordinate global telecommunication networks and services that within the ITU, the ITU-T sector mission is efficient, on time production of high quality global standards for telecommunications (except radiocommunications) that, at the time of signature, ITU comprises 189 Member States and ITU-T Sector Members include 160 recognized operating agencies, 189 manufacturers and industrial organizations, 38 international and regional organizations and 3 other entities dealing with telecommunication matters. (MoU) "|
|International Trade and Business Processes Group|TBG|Groupe des procédures commerciales internationales |One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. ICG's works cover business and governmental process analysis, best practices, and international trade procedures using the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology to support the development of appropriate trade facilitation and electronic business solutions. (UN/CEFACT)|
|invariant| | |"Each Business Message Type may have constraints associated with it. A constraint may be -- an Invariant -- a Precondition -- a Postcondition and -- a Transition Condition. Invariants are constraints defined on the information in the Business Message itself. Invariants may affect repetition and cardinality, element values, or a mix (e.g. ""if the Delivery Term=""FOB"", a Delivery Term Location must be present""). Whenever a constraint is totally within the scope of an ABIE, the constraint should be defined on ABIE level as a CCTS Usage Rule. Contraints on the level of the Business Message should have a scope wider thant an ABIE. (CCMA 0.6a)"|
|ISO|ISO| |See International Organization for Standardization. (The)|
|item identifier| | |identifier for an item (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.76)|
|item registration authority identifier| | |identifier of the Registration Authority registering the item (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.77)|
|ITU|ITU| |See International Telecommunication Union. (The)|
|language| | |system of signs for communication, usually consisting of a vocabulary and rules (ISO 5127:2001,|
|layer| | |(1) A specific way of grouping packages in a model at the same level of abstraction. (2) The organization of classifiers or packages at the same level of abstraction. A layer represents a horizontal slice through an architecture, whereas a partition represents a vertical slice. Contrast: partition. (RUP)|
|Legal Group|LG| |One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. LG works on legal issued related to ebXML with a particular view to maintaining repositories and contract formation. (UN/CEFACT)|
|lexicon| | |The word lexicon used in UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology express the bridge between the specific business or industry language and the knowledge expressed by the models in a more generalized industry neutral language. The lexicon contains data and process definitions including relationships and cross-references as expressed in business terminology. (UMM)|
|Life cycle| | |series of changes in the life of an organism, including reproduction. (POD) (N093/UMMUG)|
|LG|LG| |See Legal Group. (UN/CEFACT)|
|Managed Object | | |Metadata referred to in the Registry. Trading Partner Profiles and Trading Partner Agreements SHALL be capable of pointing at other artifacts via a reference to a Registry Managed Object. (UEBA 0.83)|
|mandatory| | |"always required. NOTE 1: One of three obligation statuses applied to the attributes of metadata items, indicating the conditions under which the attribute is required. See also conditional (3.2.9) and optional (3.2.28). NOTE 2: Obligation statuses apply to metadata items with a Registration Status of ""recorded"" or higher. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)"|
|Memorandum of Understanding|MoU| |Memorandum of Understanding between IEC, ISO, ITU and UN/ECE concerning standardization in the field of eBusiness|
|message| | |(1) A specification of the conveyance of information from one instance to another, with the expectation that activity will ensue. A message may specify the raising of a signal or the call of an operation. (RUP) (2) The movement of a document from one party to another. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Message Assembly| | |Business message assembly is a piece of business information that supports a business transaction, which has also been called as business document, electronic document, message type, business object document, etc. in other similar purpose standards. (CCMA 0.6)|
|Message Envelope| | |A communication independent envelope, specifically MIME multipart/related, which contains the two main parts of an ebXML compliant message (the Header and Payload containers). (ebMS 1.0)|
|Message Header| | |A specification of the structure and composition of the information necessary for an ebXML Messaging Service to successfully generate or process and ebXML compliant message. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Message Packaging| | |The final enveloping of an ebXML Message (SOAP Header or Body elements and payload) into its SOAP Messages with Attachments (SOAPATTACH) container. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Message Service Handler Services| | |A description of two services that enable one service to discover the status of another Message Service Handler (MSH) or an individual message (ebMS 1.0)|
|Message Service Interface| | |an abstract service interface that applications use to interact with the MSH to send and receive messages and which the MSH uses to interface with applications that handle received messages. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Messaging Capabilities | | |The set of capabilities that support exchange of Documents between Parties. Examples are the communication protocol and its parameters, security definitions, and general properties of sending and receiving messages. |
|messaging protocol| | |See Messages and Protocol.|
|Messaging Service| | |A framework that enables interoperable, secure and reliable exchange of Messages between Trading Partners. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Messaging Service Layer| | |The Messaging Service Layer is an architectural view of a messaging software stack component that provides a collection of methods or functionality to the stack and maps it to an underlying transport. (ebMS 1.0)|
|meta model| | |(1) A model that defines the language for expressing a model. (RUP) (2) metamodel - data model that specifies one or more other data models (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|Meta Object Facility|MOF| |"A semantically closed abstraction of a system. In the Unified Process, a complete description of a system from a particular perspective ('complete' meaning you don't need any additional information to understand the system from that perspective) a set of model elements. Two models cannot overlap. (RUP)"|
|metaclass| | |A class whose instances are classes. Metaclasses are typically used to construct metamodels.|
|metadata| | |data that defines and describes other data (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|metadata item| | |instance of a metadata object (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|metadata object| | |object type defined by a metamodel (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|metadata register| | |the information store or database maintained by a Metadata Registry (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|metadata registry|MDR| |information system for registering metadata (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|metadata set| | |any collection of metadata. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|metamodel| | |a data model that specifies one or more other data models (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|metamodel construct| | |a unit of notation for modeling. NOTE: The metamodel constructs used in ISO/IEC 11179-3 are defined in 3.1. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|metaobject| | |A generic term for all metaentities in a metamodeling language. For example, metatypes, metaclasses, metaattributes, and metaassociations. (RUP)|
|method| | |"(1) A regular and systematic way of accomplishing something the detailed, logically ordered plans or procedures followed to accomplish a task or attain a goal. (RUP) (2) OMG 1.1 The implementation of an operation, the algorithm or procedure that effects the results of an operation. The implementation of an operation. It specifies the algorithm or procedure associated with an operation. "|
|methodology| | |The science of method. A body of methods used in a particular branch of activity. (COD)|
|MIME|MIME| |See Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. |
|model| | |"A semantically closed abstraction of a system. In the Unified Process, a complete description of a system from a particular perspective ('complete' meaning you don't need any additional information to understand the system from that perspective) a set of model elements. Two models cannot overlap. (RUP) A semantically closed abstraction of a subject system. See system. Usage note In the context of the MOF specification, which describes a meta-metamodel, for brevity the meta-metamodel is frequently referred to as simply the model."|
|modeling tool| | |Any device or implement used to carry out modeling whether manually or by a machine. (COD)|
|MOF|MOF| |See Meta Object Facility|
|Monitored Commitment | | |"Monitored Commitments are composed of related common business processes (business collaborations) and Business Entity Types. The concept of monitored commitments facilitates the management of: collaboration patterns the states of a commitment, and auditable logs of the transactions.For example, in an ERP system, ItemMaster or ProductMaster would represent the Economic Resource Type that abstractly defines an Inventory item or product. Forms of payment are also defined by economic resource types, e.g. currency. (BPSS 1.05)"|
|Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions|MIME| |"MIME is an extension of the original Internet e-mail protocol that lets people use the protocol to exchange different kinds of data files on the Internet: audio, video, images, application programs, and other kinds, as well as the ASCII text handled in the original protocol, the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). In 1991, Nathan Borenstein of Bellcore proposed to the IETF that SMTP be extended so that Internet (but mainly Web) clients and servers could recognize and handle other kinds of data than ASCII text. As a result, new file types were added to ""mail"" as a supported Internet Protocol file type. ("|
|name| | |(1) The primary means of identification of objects and concepts for humans (ISO/IEC 11179-4) (2) designation of an object by a linguistic expression. (ISO/IEC 11179-1, Second edition)|
|naming| | |To give a string used to identify a model element. (RUP)|
|Naming Convention | | |The set of rules that together comprise how the dictionary entry name for Core Components and Business Information Entities are constructed. (CCTS 2.01)|
|note| | |One of model elements that is a figure symbol to express an element in a diagram. (UML Toolkit)|
|OASIS|OASIS| |See Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards.|
|object| | |"(1) An entity with a well-defined boundary and identity that encapsulates state and behaviour. State is represented by attributes and relationships behaviour is represented by operations, methods, and state machines. An object is an instance of a class. (RUP) (2) anything perceivable or conceivable. NOTE: Objects may also be material (e.g. an engine, a sheet of paper, a diamond), immaterial (e.g. a conversion ratio, a project plan), or imagined (e.g. a unicorn). (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.1.1). "|
|Object Class | | |The logical data grouping (in a logical data model) to which a data element belongs (ISO11179). The Object Class is the part of a Core Component's Dictionary Entry Name that represents an activity or object in a specific Context. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Object Class Term | | |"(1) A component of the name of a Core Component or Business Information Entity which represents the Object Class to which it belongs. (CCTS 2.01) (2) A component of the name of a data element which represents the logical data grouping (in a logical data model) to which it belongs e.g., "employee." (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)"|
|Object Constraints Language|OCL| |OCL is a specification language that uses logic for specifying invariant properties of systems comprising sets and relationships between sets. (OMG) |
|object diagram| | |A diagram that encompasses objects and their relationships at a point in time. An object diagram may be considered a special case of a class diagram or a collaboration diagram. See class diagram, collaboration diagram. (RUP)|
|Object Manager| | |The Object life cycle management functionality of the Registry. (ebRS 1.0)|
|Object Oriented Approach| | |The development of classes of business objects may support and have an impact on the developments in the area of simplification of EDI and its standards. A business object is a true representation of a tangible concept stemming from real business usage.|
|Object Oriented edi|OO-edi| |Object Oriented edi. See Object Oriented Approach.|
|Object Query Manager| | |(1) The Object Query management service of the Registry. (ebRS 1.0) For example, the client may use this interface to perform browse and drill down queries or ad hoc queries on registry content. |
|OCL|OCL| |See Object Constraints Language|
|Official Constraints Context | | |Legal and governmental influences on semantics (e.g. hazardous materials information required by law when shipping goods). (CCTS 2.01)|
|ontology| | |(1) Branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. (POD: Greek ont- being) (2) the structure of "concept". Ontology is the science from the management of human knowledge. |
|OO-edi|OO-edi| |Object Oriented edi. See Object Oriented Approach.|
|Open-edi| | |Electronic data interchange among multiple autonomous organizations to accomplish an explicit shared business goal according to Open-edi standards (i.e. that complies with the Open-edi Reference Model Standard - ISO/IEC 14662). (MoU) |
|operation| | |A service that can be requested from an object to effect behavior. An operation has a signature, which may restrict the actual parameters that are possible. (RUP)|
|operation signature| | |See Operation and Signature.|
|OPI source indicator|OPIS| |data element used to specify the source for the organization part identifier (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.12)|
|OPIS value| | |particular value (digit or capital letter) taken by the OPIS to designate the source of an organization part identifier (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.13)|
|optional| | |"permitted but not required. NOTE 1: One of three obligation statuses applied to the attributes of metadata items, indicating the conditions under which the attribute is required. See also conditional (3.2.9) and mandatory (3.2.17). NOTE 2: Obligation statuses apply to metadata items with a Registration Status of ""recorded"" or higher. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)"|
|order | | |In the Constraint Language, the Property on the ContextRules Construct that applies a sequence to the application of a set of rules. Two Rule constructs cannot have the same value for the Property Order. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards|OASIS| |OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, is an XML industry consortium whose purpose is to promote the use of XML and related structured information standards through the creation of interoperability specifications. Its 500 members include vendors, service providers, governmental agencies and end-user organizations as well as many individuals. OASIS was formed in 1993 as SGML Open for the purpose of promoting the use of SGML technologies, and was renamed in 1998 to recognize the consortium's expanded mission of promoting the use of XML and other related structured information standards. Further information about OASIS may be found at (MoU) |
|organization identifier| | |identifier assigned to an organization within an organization identification scheme, and unique within that scheme (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.10)|
|organization part identifier|OPI| |identifier allocated to a particular organization part (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.11)|
|package| | |A general-purpose mechanism for organizing elements into groups. Packages may be nested within other packages. (RUP)|
|package diagram| | |Shows groups of classes and dependencies among them. (UML Distilled) |
|Packaging Specification| | |A description of how to package an ebXML Message and its associated parts into a form that can sent using a communications protocol such as HTTP or SMTP. (ebMS 1.0)|
|party | | |A Party is an entity such as a company, department, organisation or individual that can generate, send, receive or relay Documents. |
|Party Discovery Process | | |A Collaborative Process by which one Party can discover CPP information about other Parties. |
|pattern| | |"(1) A scheme for describing design fragments or collections of class templates so that they can be configured and reused. (RUP) (2) Offers useful bits of analysis, design, and coding techniques. Good examples to learn from starting point for designs. (UML Distilled) (3) The ebXML Business Process Specification Schema provides a set of unambiguous semantics within which to specify transactions and collaborations.For example, in an ERP system, ItemMaster or ProductMaster would represent the Economic Resource Type that abstractly defines an Inventory item or product. Forms of payment are also defined by economic resource types, e.g. currency. (BPSS 1.05)"|
|payload| | |A section of data/information that is not part of the ebXML wrapping. (ebMS 1.0)|
|payload container | | |A container used to envelope the real payload of an ebXML message. If a payload is present, the payload container consists of a MIME header portion (the ebXML Payload Envelope) and a content portion (the payload itself). |
|payload envelope | | |The specific MIME headers that is associated with a MIME part. |
|phase| | |The time between two major project milestones, during which a well-defined set of objectives is met, artifacts are completed, and decisions are made to move or not move into the next phase. (RUP)|
|postcondition| | |"(1) condition that must be fulfilled later. (POD) (2) Each Business Message Type may have constraints associated with it. A constraint may be
* an Invariant
* a Precondition
* a Postcondition, and
* a Transition Condition. Invariants are constraints defined on the information in the Business Message itself. Postconditions define the state of the Business Information after the Business Message has been processed, e.g. after processing of the final Delivery Advice all ordered products must have a Committed Delivery Date. Whenever a constraint is totally within the scope of an ABIE, the constraint should be defined on ABIE level as a CCTS Usage Rule. Contraints on the level of the Business Message should have a scope wider thant an ABIE.. (CCMA 0.6a)"|
|precondition| | |"(1) condition that must be fulfilled in advance. (POD) (2) Each Business Message Type may have constraints associated with it. A constraint may be
* an Invariant
* a Precondition
* a Postcondition and
* a Transition Condition. Invariants are constraints defined on the information in the Business Message itself. Preconditions define the state the (previously exchanged) Business Information must be in to be able to process the message meaningfully. E.g. an Order Confirmation is only meaningful if an Order with the same Order Number was exchanged previously. Whenever a constraint is totally within the scope of an ABIE, the constraint should be defined on ABIE level as a CCTS Usage Rule. Contraints on the level of the Business Message should have a scope wider thant an ABIE. (CCMA 0.6a)"|
|primitive type | | |Used for the representation of a value. Possible values are String, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, Date and Binary. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Product Classification Context | | |Factors influencing semantics that are the result of the goods or services being exchanged, handled, or paid for, etc. (e.g. the buying of consulting services as opposed to materials). (CCTS 2.01)|
|project| | |"A plan a scheme. a planned undertaking. a long-term task undertaken by a student to be submitted for assessment. (COD)"|
|property | | |A peculiarity common to all members of an Object Class. (CCTS 2.01)|
|property term | | |(1) A semantically meaningful name for the characteristic of the Object Class that is represented by the Core Component Property. It shall serve as basis for the Dictionary Entry Name of the Basic and Association Core Components that represents this Core Component Property. (CCTS 2.01) (2) A component of the name of a data element which expresses the category to which the data element belongs. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|protocol| | |A specification of a compatible set of messages used to communicate between capsules. The protocol defines a set of incoming and outgoing messages types (e.g. operations, signals), and optionally a set of sequence diagrams which define the required ordering of messages and a state machine which specifies the abstract behavior that the participants in a protocol must provide. (RUP)|
|prototype| | |A release that is not necessarily subject to change management and configuration control. (RUP)|
|Provisional Effect| | |The changes induced by the incomplete or complete processing of a set of procedures (messages) by a Party, which are subject to later completion or Counter-effecting. The Provisional Effect may or may not be observable by other Parties.(Tony Frecher)|
|qualifier term | | |(1) A word or group of words that help define and differentiate an item (e.g. a Business Information Entity or a Data Type) from its associated items (e.g. from a Core Component, a Core Component Type, another Business Information Entity or another Data Type). (CCTS 2.01) (2) A word or words which help define and differentiate a name within the database. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|Rational Unified Process|RUP| |The Rational Unified Process is a software engineering process. It provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization. Its goal is to ensure the production of high-quality software that meets the needs of its end users within a predictable schedule and budget. (RUP)|
|REA|REA| |See Resource Event Agent. (N093/UMMUG)|
|receiver| | |Recipient of a Message. |
|register| | |An official list in which items are recorded for reference (list of elementary data in which the meaning -i.e. semantics- of these data is defined).|
|registry | | |A mechanism where relevant repository items and metadata about them can be stored such that a pointer to their location, and all their metadata, can be retrieved as a result of a query. (UEBA 0.83)|
|registry item| | |metadata item recorded in a metadata registry, (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|registry metamodel| | |metamodel specifying a metadata registry. (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|registration| | |assignment of an unambiguous identifier to an Administered Item in a way that makes the assignment available to interested parties. NOTE Adapted from definition in Annex E of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives. (ISO/IEC 11179-6, Second edition)|
|registration action body|RAB| |type of organizations participating in the registration process of Administered Items. NOTE Currently, there are three RABs: Registration Authorities (RA), Responsible Organizations (RO) and Submitting Organizations (SO). (ISO/IEC 11179-6, Second edition)|
|registration authority| | |An organization authorized to register a data element. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|registration authority identifier| | |"The identifier of any organization authorized to register a data element the attribute which stores this. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)"|
|registration status| | |designation of the status in the registration life-cycle of an Administered Item (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.125)|
|Registry Authority|RA| |A super user who maintains registry. (Registry Administrator) (ISO 11179)|
|registry class | | |The formal definition of all the information necessary to be recorded in the Registry about a Core Component, a Business Information Entity, a Data Type or a Business Context. (CCTS 2.01)|
|registry client | | |An ebXML application that makes use of services offered by a Registry using the messaging services. (UEBA 0.83)|
|Registry Client Interface| | |A set of Registry Services that provide access to Registry content to clients of the Registry is defined in the ebXML Registry Services Specification. (UEBA 0.83)|
|registry entry| | |Metadata that catalogs registry item. |
|Registry Information Model|RIM| |Specifies the information model for the ebXML Registry. (ebRIM Spec)|
|registry infrastructure provider| | |An entity which provides a registry/repository to store profiles, CPPs etc.|
|registry interface | | |A set of Registry Services that provide access to Registry content to clients of the Registry is defined in the ebXML Registry Services Specification. (UEBA 0.83)|
|registry item| | |a metadata item recorded in a Metadata Registry (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|registry metamodel| | |a metamodel specifying a Metadata Registry (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|Registry Object| | |Object contained in the Registry and can be referenced from the Registry. (RIM/ebRSS V2.3)|
|Registry Service | | |A way of providing access to Registry content to clients of the Registry. (ebRSS 2.3)|
|Registry Services Specification|RSS| |Defines the interface to the ebXML Registry Services as well as interaction protocols, message definitions and XML schema. (ebRSS 2.3) |
|registry user| | |Authorized user of a Registry. (ebRIM Spec)|
|related metadata reference| | |a reference from one metadata item to another. NOTE: A Registration Authority could choose to use a Reference Document, an administrative note or an explanatory comment to record a related metadata reference.|
|relationship| | |(1) A semantic connection among model elements. Examples of relationships include associations and generalizations. (RUP) (2) connection among model elements (ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|Reliable Messaging| | |The Reliable Messaging function defines an interoperable protocol such that any two Message Service implementations can "reliably" exchange messages that are sent using "reliable messaging" once-and-only-once delivery semantics. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Reliable Messaging Service| | |To handle the delivery and acknowledgment of ebXML Messages sent with deliverySemantics of OnceAndOnlyOnce. The service includes handling for persistence, retry, error notification and acknowledgment of messages requiring reliable delivery. (ebMS 1.0)|
|repository| | |Electronic store of structured information (such as EDIFACT messages, X12 messages, XML messages, Core Components, --).|
|representation term | | |(1) The type of valid values for a Basic Core Component or Business Information Entity. (CCTS 2.01) (2) The form of the set of valid values for a data element, e.g., "amount," "name". (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|representation type| | |Type of data to be used to represent the content of an information entity (ISO 11179/CCTS 1.90)|
|requester | | |Initiator of a Business Transaction. |
|Requitement Specification Mapping|RSM|Système de cartographie de spécification des exigences|A document generally associated with a BRS, that specifies the transformation of the business requirements into a UN/CEFACT compliant document or business process specifications that can be used in the development of a syntax dependent solution. It may be used independently of a BRS to provide Aggregate Core Component (ACC) specifications for integration into the Core Component Library. (ICG)|
|Resource Event Agent|REA|Ressource-événement-agent|The REA is a theory from the accounting world that explains how we buy and sell things. In the UMM, we express the theory of the REA in UML Syntax. REA is an accounting ontology. (N093/UMMUG)|
|responder | | |A counterpart to the initiator in a Business Transaction. |
|responsible organization|RO| |organization or unit within an organization that is the authoritative source for attributes of the Administered Item (ISO/IEC 11179-6, Second edition)|
|re-use| | |Further use or repeated use of an artifact. (RUP)|
|role| | |The named specific behavior of an entity participating in a particular context. A role may be static (e.g., an association end) or dynamic (e.g., a collaboration role). (OMG) |
|Root Segment Module| | |TBD|
|RSM| | |See Requirement Specification Mapping|
|RSM| | |See Root Segment Module|
|runtime| | |The period of time during which a computer program executes. (RUP)|
|Runtime Phase| | |The run time phase covers the execution of an ebXML scenario with the actual associated ebXML transactions. In the Run Time Phase, ebXML Messages are being exchanged between Trading Partners utilizing the ebXML Messaging Service. (UEBA 0.83)|
|scenario| | |A formal specification of a class of business activities having the same business goal. (ISO 9735 Part 1)|
|schema| | |"Schema is ""A diagrammatic representation an outline or model."" Something that formally describes the abstract structure of a set of data can therefore be called schema. (W3C)"|
|scope| | |"The extent to which it is possible to range the opportunity for action etc. (COD)"|
|Secrutiry services| | |Digital signature creation and verification, authentication and authorization. These services MAY be used by other components of the MSH including the Header Processing and Header Parsing components. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Secure MIME|S/MIME, S-MIME|A public-key encryption protocol for MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) attachments to electronic mail messages. (|
|Secure Socket Layer|SSL| |SSL is a protocol developed by Netscape to secure all internet communications. SSL intervene between TCP/IP and applications protocols (http, FTP, Telnet, etc.) to secure them. SSL is standardized by IETF under acronym TLS (Transport Layer Protocol), RFC 2246. It use RSA and MD5 algorithms. To encrypt data, it use RC2, RC4, DES or 3DES. SSL is compliant with X509 certificates. SSL is used with HTTP-S. (ChamberSign, Fr)|
|security model| | |A schematic description of a set of entities and relationships by which a specified set of security services are provided by or within a system. (IETF RFC 2828)|
|security policy | | |A set of rules and practices that specify or regulate how a system or organization provides security services to protect sensitive and critical system resources. (IETF RFC 2828)|
|semantic| | |"(1) Relating to meaning in language relating to the connotations of words. (COD) (2) The branch of linguistic science which deals with the meanings of words (Webster)."|
|sender | | |Originator of a Message. |
|separator| | |"A symbol or space enclosing or separating a component within a name a delimiter. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)"|
|sequence diagram| | |A diagram that shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. In particular, it shows the objects participating in the interaction and the sequence of messages exchanged. Unlike a collaboration diagram, a sequence diagram includes time sequences but does not include object relationships. A sequence diagram can exist in a generic form (describes all possible scenarios) and in an instance form (describes one actual scenario). Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams express similar information, but show it in different ways. See collaboration diagram. (RUP)|
|server | | |Software that accepts a connection initiated by a Client. |
|Server Unique Identifier| | |The abstract concept of utilizing a standard mechanism and process for assigning a sequence of alphanumeric codes to ebXML Registry items, including: Core Components, Aggregate Information Entities, and Business Processes. (CPP 2.0)|
|Service Oriented Architecture|SOA| |"In computing, the term service-oriented architecture (SOA (pronounced ""es-?-?"")) expresses a perspective of software architecture that defines the use of loosely coupled software services to support the requirements of the business processes and software users. In an SOA environment, resources on a network are made available as independent services that can be accessed without knowledge of their underlying platform implementation. A service-oriented architecture is not tied to a specific technology and may be implemented using a wide range of interoperability standards including RPC, DCOM, ORB or WSDL.. SOA can also be regarded as a style of information systems architecture that enables the creation of applications that are built by combining loosely coupled and interoperable services(citation needed). These services inter-operate based on a formal definition (or contract, e.g., WSDL) which is independent of the underlying platform and programming language. The interface definition hides the implementation of the language-specific service. SOA-compliant systems can therefore be independent of development technologies and platforms (such as Java, .NET etc). For example, services written in C# running on .Net platforms and services written in Java running on Java EE platforms can both be consumed by a common composite application. In addition, applications running on either platform can consume services running on the other as Web services, which facilitates reuse. SOA can support integration and consolidation activities within complex enterprise systems, but SOA does not specify or provide a methodology or framework for documenting capabilities or services. (Wikipedia)"|
|signature| | |The name and parameters of a behavioral feature. A signature may include an optional returned parameter. (RUP)|
|Simple Electronic Business|SEB| |Simple Electronic Business is the application of simplified business processes, using core application data, and new and existing standardized techniques that support paperless and efficient operations. (UN/CEFACT- SIMAC)|
|Simple Object Application Protocol|SOAP| |SOAP, the Simple Object Access Protocol, is an XML syntax for exchanging messages. Because it is XML, it is both language and platform independent. (|
|Simpl-EDI| | |Subsets of UN/EDIFACT messages especially designed for SMEs. Simpl-EDI (Simple Electronic Business) defines simplest processes and their required core data allowing the exchange of the minimum data to effect a business transaction electronically (UN/CEFACT - SIMAC)|
|SOA| | |See Service Oriented Architecture.|
|SOAP|SOAP| |See Simple Object Application Protocol|
|software developer| | |A person responsible for developing software in accordance with project-adopted standards and procedures. This can include performing activities in any of the requirements, analysis & design, implementation, and test workflows. (RUP)|
|software solution| | |The act or a means of solving a problem or difficulty using a software. (COD)|
|specification| | |A declarative description of what something is or does. Contrast implementation. (RUP)|
|Specification Schema| | |An additional view of a meta model.|
|SSL|SSL| |See Secure Socket Layer|
|stakeholder| | |An individual who is materially affected by the outcome of the system. (RUP)|
|Standard Business Document| | |documents are used in supply chain, financila, and other processes to record and share data such as purchase order, invoices, or item snchronizations. These business documents are typically created in one application and processed by one or more receiving applications, either within a single organization or an external organization (Trading Partner). A number of different proprietary approaches have been developed to route and process these documents. (UN/CEFACT SBDH TS V1.3)|
|Standard Business Document Header|SBDH| | |"a Header contained in a Business Message and is associated with one or more top-level Aggregate Business Information Entities. Each of these associations may optionally include a Verb. A Business Message Header MUST contain the attributes as defined by the UN/CEFACT Standard Business Document Header (SBDH). The SBDH contains administrative information on the Business Message, like:
* Message Identification
* Sender
* Receiver
* Date/time
* Message Type
* and Process identification. (CCMA 0.6)"|
|state| | |A condition or situation during the life of an object during which it satisfies some condition, performs some activity, or waits for some event. Contrast state (OMA). (RUP)|
|state diagram| | |Shows how single object behaves across many use cases. (UML Distilled)|
|state machine| | |A state machine specifies the behavior of a model element, defining its response to events and the life cycle of the object. (RUP) A behavior that specifies the sequences of states that an object or an interaction goes through during its life in response to events, together with its responses and actions. |
|state transition| | |(1) The fourth phase of the process in which the software is turned over to the user community. (N093/UMMUG) (2) A relationship between two states indicating that an object in the first state will perform certain specified actions and enter the second state when a specified event occurs and specified conditions are satisfied. On such a change of state, the transition is said to fire. (RUP)|
|statechart (state machine) diagram| |A diagram that shows a state machine. See state machine. (RUP) Not used in N090|
|stereotype| | |A new type of modeling element that extends the semantics of the metamodel. Stereotypes must be based on certain existing types or classes in the metamodel. Stereotypes may extend the semantics, but not the structure of pre-existing types and classes. Certain stereotypes are predefined in the OMG, others may be user defined. Stereotypes are one of three extensibility mechanisms in OMG. (OMG) See constraint, tagged value.|
|stewardship (of metamodel)| | |the responsibility for the maintenance of Administration Records applicable to one or more Administered Items NOTE 1: The responsibility for the registration of metadata may be different from the responsibility for stewardship of metadata. NOTE 2: See also Stewardship (of Administered Item) (3.3.129). (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|structure set| | |A method of placing objects in context, revealing relationships to other objects. Examples include Entity-Relationship Models, taxonomies, and ontologies. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|sub-area| | |A lower area of knowledge or activity characterized by a family of related systems contained by a business area.|
|submitting organisation|SO| |(1) Any organisation that submits a repository item to be registered in a repository. (OASIS) (2) organization or unit within an organization that has submitted requests for registry action. (ISO/IEC 11179-6, Second edition)|
|Supplementary Component | | |Gives additional meaning to the Content Component in the Core Component Type. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Supplementary Component Restrictions | | |The formal definition of a format restriction that applies to the possible values of a Supplementary Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|supply chain| | |A sequence of events, which may include conversion, movement or placement, which adds value to goods, products, or services. (UN/CEFACT- SIMAC)|
|Supporting Role Context | | |Semantic influences related to non-partner roles (e.g., data required by a third-party shipper in an order response going from seller to buyer.) (CCTS 2.01)|
|syntax| | |The relationships among characters or groups of characters, independent of their meanings or the manner of their interpretation and use. The structure of expressions in a language, and the rules governing the structure of a language. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|syntax binding | | |The process of expressing a Business Information Entity in a specific syntax. (CCTS 2.01)|
|syntax rule| | |Rules governing the structure of an interchange and its functional groups, messages, segments and data elements. (ISO 9735)|
|system| | |"As an instance, an executable configuration of a software application or software application family the execution is done on a hardware platform. As a class, a particular software application or software application family that can be configured and installed on a hardware platform. In a general sense, an arbitrary system instance. (RUP) A collection of connected units that are organized to accomplish a specific purpose. A system can be described by one or more models, possibly from different viewpoints. Synonym physical system. 2. A top-level subsystem. "|
|System Capabilities Context | | |This Context category exists to capture the limitations of systems (e.g. an existing back office can only support an address in a certain form). (CCTS 2.01)|
|tagged value| | |"The explicit definition of a property as a name-value pair. In a tagged value, the name is referred as the tag. Certain tags are predefined in the OMG others may be user defined. Tagged values are one of three extensibility mechanisms in OMG. See constraint, stereotype. (OMG)"|
|TBG|TBG| |See International Trade and Business Processes Group.|
|Technical Architecture|TA| |ebXML Technical Specification for the eBusiness community. See also architecture.|
|Techniques and Methodologies Group|TMG| |One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. TMG's works cover the TMWG work as currently mandated by UN/CEFACT, such as the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology. It would provide support for all UN/CEFACT groups by providing base (meta) ICT specifications, and education. (UN/CEFACT)|
|template| | |A pre-defined structure for an artifact. Synonym parameterized element. (RUP)|
|terminological system| | |concept system with designations for each concept (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|test| | |A core process workflow in the software-engineering process whose purpose is to integrate and test the system. (RUP)|
|thesaurus| | |A controlled vocabulary arranged in a given order in which relationships among terms are displayed and identified. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|TMG|TMG| |See Techniques and Mehodologies Group|
|TMWG|TMWG| |See UN/CEFACT Techniques and Methodologies Working Group. |
|traceability| | |The ability to trace a project element to other related project elements, especially those related to requirements. (RUP)|
|trading partner | | |Business partners engaged in eBusiness.|
|Trading Partner Agreement|TPA| |A mutually agreed upon technical business arrangement (CPPA V1.9)|
|Trading Partner Profile|TPP| |Technical configuration of the supported transport, security and encoding protocols. (CPPA V1.9)|
|Transaction| | |A complete unit of work as defined by a business application. A transaction starts when a part of the distributed transaction first initiates some work that is to be a part of a new transaction. The Transaction Tree may grow and shrink over time and (logical) space. A transaction completes when all the participants in a transaction have completed (that is have replied to their Confirm or Cancel instruction).(Tony Frecher)|
|Transaction Tree| | |A pattern of Parties that provides the coordination of a distributed business (application) transaction. There is single top Party that has the initiating business application (which is a part of a distributed business process). The top Party has one, or more, relationships with other Parties. Any intermediate Parties have exactly one relationship up the tree in which they act as Responder, and one, or more, relationships down the tree in which they act as Requester. Leaves of the tree have exactly one relationship up the tree in which they act as Responder and no down tree relationships.(Tony Frecher)|
|Transition Condition| | |"Each Business Message Type may have constraints associated with it. A constraint may be
* an Invariant
* a Precondition
* a Postcondition, and
* a Transition Condition. Invariants are constraints defined on the information in the Business Message itself. Transition Conditions relate the Business Information State after the Business Message has been processed to the State before it was processed. For example, the Order Item Numbers in an Order Confirmation Business Message may not be changed. Whenever a constraint is totally within the scope of an ABIE, the constraint should be defined on ABIE level as a CCTS Usage Rule. Contraints on the level of the Business Message should have a scope wider thant an ABIE.. (CCMA 0.6)"|
|transition phase| | |The fourth phase of the process in which the software is turned over to the user community. (RUP)|
|type| | |Description of a set of entities that share common characteristics, relations, attributes, and semantics. (RUP) A stereotype of class that is used to specify an area of instances (objects) together with the operations applicable to the objects. A type may not contain any methods. See class, instance. Contrast interface. |
|UDDI|UDDI| |See Universal Description, Discovery and Integration|
|UEB Architecture| | |UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture|
|UML|UML| |See Unified Modeling Language.|
|UMM|UMM| |See Unified Modeling Methodology|
|UMM Information Entity| | |A UMM Information Entity realizes structured business information that is exchanged by partner roles performing activities in a business transaction. Information entities include or reference other information entities through associations." (CCTS 2.01)|
|UN/CEFACT| |Centre des Nations Unies pour la facilitation du commerce et les
transactions électroniques |United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business |
|UN/CEFACT Business Process Analysis Working Group|BPAWG| |UN/CEFACT Business Process Analysis Working Group. Responsible for analyzing and understanding the key elements of international transactions and working for the elimination of constraints.|
|UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology|UMM| |(1) Most activities can be decomposed into business processes that are more generic to a specific type of business (UN/CEFACT) (2) The UMM Meta Model is a mechanism that allows Trading Partners to capture the details for a specific business scenario using a consistent modeling methodology (UMM)|
|UN/CEFACT Techniques and Methodologies Working Group| | |UN/CEFACT Techniques and Methodologies Group. To research and identify techniques and methodologies which could be utilized by CEFACT and its working groups to enhance the process by which its deliverables are produced and integrated. (UN/CEFACT)|
|UN/EDIFACT| | |"United Nations Rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport. ""User application protocol, for use within user application systems for data to be interchanged, compatible with the OSI model."" (UN/EDIFACT)"|
|UN/EDIFACT Working Group|EWG| |UN/EDIFACT Working Group. To develop and maintain UN/EDIFACT, the support of harmonized implementations and the use of multi-lingual terminology. (UN/CEFACT)|
|UNeDocs| |Documents commerciaux électroniques de l'ONU |See United Nations electronic Documents (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)
|UNeDocs Core Document| | |is a subset of an UNeDocs Document and describes those semantic data elements of each UNeDocs document type which are almost used in all exchanged (payload) documents of that document type (i.e. they are globally accepted) and might exclude all those semantic data elements which are for sure not used in the Global Cross Border Trade. (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)|
|UNeDocs Document| | |TBD NOTE: For each UNeDocs Document there will be: a class diagram, based on any existing related TBG class diagram, the layout of the document based on the UN Layout Key, Box Completion Guidelines, XML specifications (i.e. UN/CEFACT schema, stylesheet), and UN/EDIFACT message implementation guide. (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)|
|UNeDocs Document Type| | |TBD |
|UNeDocs Implementation Project| | |"is an implementation of one, several or all parts of the UNeDocs Standards and deliverables in a specific region, nation or industry. NOTE: This follows the concepts of regional, national or industry applications as of the UN Rec. No 1 ""UN Layout Key"". (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)"|
|UNeDocs Project| | |"activity of UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 ""Digital paper/UNeDocs"" approved by the UN/CEFACT plenary in June 2005 (see TRADE/CEFACT/2005/27) (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)"|
|UNeDocs Project User Implementation Guide| | |document to make the users of UNeDocs familiar with the series of steps required for an UNeDocs implementation|
|UNeDocs Standards and Deliverables| | |any kind of document prepared and published within the framework of the UNeDocs project (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2 - definition by Boesler, to be checked)|
|United Nations electronic Documents|UNeDocs| |"a set of deliverables for the production of paper and electronic specifications comprising: a Business Process Model illustrating where the UNeDocs documents fit into the operation of the International Supply Chain a compliant Common Data Model based on UN/CEFACT Core Components that are linked to the UNTDED/ISO 7372 showing the relationships between key Business Entities referred to across the UNeDocs documents and any BRS and RSM submitted from the stakeholders. In the absence of an existing BRS or RSM the processes will be modelled against existing best practices and the forms used in international trade. (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)"|
|Unified Modeling Language|UML| |(1) UML is a standard notation for the modeling of real-world objects as a first step in developing an object-oriented design methodology. Its notation is derived from and unifies the notations of three object-oriented design and analysis methodologies. ( (2) A set of diagrams that communicate requirements regarding a business process. (OMG)|
|Uniform Resource Identifier |URI| |The addressing technology from which URLs are created. Technically, URLs such as HTTP:// and FTP:// are specific subsets of URIs.|
|Unique Identifier|UID| |The abstract concept of utilizing a standard mechanism and process for assigning a sequence of alphanumeric codes to ebXML Registry items, including: Core Components, Aggregate Information Entities, and Business Processes. The identifier that references a Registry Class instance in a universally unique and unambiguous way. (CCTS 2.01)|
|United Nations Economic Commission for Europe|UN/ECE| |"UN/ECE is the worldwide focal point within the United Nations system for the development, maintenance and promotion of trade facilitation measures and standards
* that international non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations actively participate and support these efforts
* that trade facilitation reduces transaction costs in national and international economies and strengthens trade relations through the simplification, rationalization and whenever possible elimination of procedures, such procedures being the collection, presentation, communication and processing of data in paper or electronic format
* that modern trade facilitation techniques such as EDI are prerequisites for the management and administration of efficient organizations
* that the development and implementation of approved international standards are seen as fundamental to effective trade facilitation. (MoU) "|
|Universal Description, Discovery and Integration|UDDI| |UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) is an XML-based registry for businesses worldwide to list themselves on the Internet. Its ultimate goal is to streamline online transactions by enabling companies to find one another on the Web and make their systems interoperable for e-commerce. UDDI is often compared to a telephone book's white, yellow, and green pages. The project allows businesses to list themselves by name, product, location, or the Web services they offer. Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba spearheaded UDDI. The project now includes 130 companies, including some of the biggest names in the corporate world. Compaq, American Express, SAP AG, and Ford Motor Company are all committed to UDDI, as is Hewlett-Packard, whose own XML-based directory approach, called e-speak, is now being integrated with UDDI. While the group does not refer to itself as a standards body, it does offer a framework for Web services integration. The UDDI specification utilizes World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards such as XML, HTTP, and Domain Name System (DNS) protocols. It has also adopted early versions of the proposed Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messaging guidelines for cross platform programming. (|
|Universally Unique Identifier|UUID| |An identifier that is unique across both space and time, with respect to the space of all UUIDs. A UUID can be used for multiple purposes, from tagging objects with an extremely short lifetime, to reliably identifying very persistent objects across a network. (CPP 2.0)|
|usage rules | | |Usage Rules describe how and/or when to use the Registry Class. (CCTS 2.01)|
|use case| | |The specification of a sequence of actions, including variants, that a system (or other entity) can perform, interacting with actors of the system. See use-case instances. A use-case class contains all main, alternate flows of events related to producing the 'observable result of value'. Technically, a use-case is a class whose instances are scenarios. (RUP)|
|use-case analysis| | |The part of the software development process using use case methodology whose primary purpose is to formulate a model of the problem area. Analysis focuses on what to do, design focuses on how to do it. |
|use-case diagram| | |A diagram that shows the relationships among actors and use cases within a system. (RUP)|
|use-case instance| | |A sequence of actions performed by a system that yields an observable result of value to a particular actor. (RUP)|
|use-case model| | |A model that describes a system's functional requirements in terms of use cases.|
|use-case realization| | |A use-case realization describes how a particular use case is realized within the design model, in terms of collaborating objects. (RUP)|
|use-case view| | |An architectural view that describes how critical use cases are performed in the system, focusing mostly on architecturally significant components (objects, tasks, nodes). In the Unified Process, it is a view of the use-case model. (RUP)|
|user community | | |A user community is a group of practitioners, with a publicised contact address, who may define Context profiles relevant to their area of business. Users within the community do not create, define or manage their individual Context needs but conform to the community's standard. Such a community should liase closely with other communities and with general standards-making bodies to avoid overlapping work. A community may be as small as two consenting organisations. (CCTS 2.01)|
|value domain| | |A set of permissible values. NOTE 1: The value domain provides representation, but has no implication as to what data element concept the values may be associated with nor what the values mean. NOTE 2: The permissible values may either be enumerated or expressed via a description. (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, 3.3.140)|
|verb| | |(1) word used to indicate a action, a state, or an occurrence (POD) (2) A Verb may indicate the action to be performed on the information (e.g. add/change/delete), the intention of the sender (e.g. propose/accept/decline), a service indication (e.g. get/query/response/list) or the activity the receiver is supposed to perform (e.g. produce/pick up/pay). (CCMA 0.6)|
|version| | |An indication of the evolution over time of an instance of a Core Component, Data Type, Business Context, or Business Information Entity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|version identifier| | |The identification of an issue of a data element specification in a series of evolving data element specifications within a Registration Authority. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|view| | |(1) A simplified description (an abstraction) of a model, which is seen from a given perspective or vantage point and omits entities that are not relevant to this perspective. See also architectural view. (RUP) (2) A projection of a model, which is seen from a given perspective or vantage point and omits entities that are not relevant to this perspective. (OMG)|
|vulnerability| | |A flaw or weakness in a system's design, implementation, or operation and management that could be exploited to violate the system's security policy. (IETF RFC 2828)|
|Web service| | |A set of standards for how systems connect to each other and communicate information. Using open standards such as XML, SOAP and UDDI. Commercial services that provide software/hardware/personnel to companies for data integration purposes. (|
|Web Service Description Language|WSDL|The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based language used to describe the services a business offers and to provide a way for individuals and other businesses to access those services electronically. WSDL is the cornerstone of the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) initiative spearheaded by Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba. UDDI is an XML-based registry for businesses worldwide, which enables businesses to list themselves and their services on the Internet. WSDL is the language used to do this. ( WSDL is derived from Microsoft's Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and IBM's Network Accessible Service Specification Language (NASSL). WSDL replaces both NASSL and SOAP as the means of expressing business services in the UDDI registry. |
|well-formedness rule| | |The rules and constraints on valid models are defined. The rules are expressed in English prose and in a precise Object Constraint Language (OCL). (OMG)|
|workflow| | |A sequence of activities in the Rational Unified Modeling Methodology.|
|WSDL|WSDL| |See Web Service Description Language|
|XMI| | |a model driven XML Integration framework for defining, interchanging, manipulating and integrating XML data and objects. XMI-based standards are in use for integrating tools, repositories, applications and data warehouses. Provides rules by which a schema can be generated for any valid XMI-transmissible MOF-based metamodel. (OMG)|
|XML |XML| |See eXtensible Markup Language.|
|XML schema| | |"(1) An XML schema is a document that describes the valid format of an XML data-set. This definition include what elements are (and are not) allowed at any point what the attibutes for any element may be the number of occurances of elements. (W3C) (2) A generic term used to identify the family of grammar based XML document structure validation languages to include the more formal W3C XML Schema Technical Specification, Document Type Definition, Schematron, Regular Language Description for XML (RELAX), and the OASIS RELAX NG. (CCTS 2.01)"|

property.key = value
|ABIE| | | |See Aggregate Business Information Entity|
|abstract class| | | |A class that cannot be directly instantiated. (Contrast: concrete class.) (OMG)|
|abstract syntax| |syntaxe abstraite| |OMG class diagrams are used to present the OMG metamodel, its concepts (metaclasses), relationships, and constraints. Definitions of the concepts are included. (OMG)|
|abstraction| |abstraction| |(1) The essential characteristics of an entity that distinguish it from all other kinds of entities. (2) An abstraction defines a boundary relative to the perspective of the viewer. ((OMG))|
|active class| | | |A class whose instances are active objects. (OMG)|
|activity| |activité| |A unit of work a worker may be asked to perform (RUP)|
|activity diagram| |diagramme d'activité| |Shows behavior with control structure. Can show many objects over many uses, many objects in single use case, or implementation of method. Encourages parallel behavior. (UML Distilled)|
|actor| | | |Someone or something, outside the system or business that interacts with the system or business. (RUP)|
|administered item| | | |registry item for which administrative information is recorded in an Administration Record. (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.1)|
|Administration Manager| | | |Recommended collection of methods that should be defined for managing registry properties such as permissions of Registry Users. (ebRIM Spec)|
|administrative status| | | |designation of the status in the administrative process of a Registration Authority for handling registration requests (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.7)|
|agent|agent| | |An agent is a network component that must implement protocols up to the agent layer of the e-business network application, communications model. (IBM Glossary) (1) In systems management, a user that, for a particular interaction, has assumed an agent role. (2) An entity that represents one or more managed objects by (a) emitting notifications regarding the objects and (b) handling requests from managers for management operations to modify or query the objects. (3) A system that assumes an agent role. (4) Software that acts on behalf of a user as it performs tasks within an application program. An agent may run on both the client and the server.|
|agent layer| | | |An layer of the e-business network application, communications model in which an agent must implement protocols.|
|aggregate (class)| | | |A class that represents the "whole" in an aggregation (whole-part) relationship. (OMG) |
|Aggregate Business Information Entity|ABIE|Les Composants Transversaux Agrégés|Агрегированные объекты бизнес-информации|A collection of related pieces of business information that together convey a distinct business meaning in a specified business context. Expressed in modeling terms, it is the representation of an object class, in a specific business context. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Aggregate Core Component|ACC|les composants communs agrégés|агрегированные ключевые компоненты|(1) A Collection of Core Components that convey a distinct business meaning, independent of any specific business context. Expressed in modeling terms, it is the representation of an object class, independant of any specific business context. (CCTS 2.01) (2) An Aggregate Core Component will consist of two or more Basic Core Components, or at least one Basic Core Component plus one or more Aggregate Core Components.|
|aggregation| | | |A special form of association that specifies a whole-part relationship between the aggregate (whole) and a component part. (OMG) |
|agreement| | | |An arrangement between two partner types that specifies in advance the conditions under which they will trade (terms of shipment, terms of payment, collaboration protocols, etc.) An agreement does not imply specific economic commitments. (BPSS 1.05)|
|analysis| | | |The part of the software development process whose primary purpose is to formulate a model of the problem area. Analysis focuses on what to do, design focuses on how to do it. See design. (RUP)|
|analysis class| | | |An abstraction of a role played by a design element in the system, typically within the context of a use-case realization. Analysis classes may provide an abstraction for several roles, representing the common behavior of those roles. Analysis classes typically evolve into one or more design elements (e.g. design classes and/or capsules, or design subsystems). (RUP)|
|API|API| | |See Application Programming Interface.|
|application | | | |Software above the level of the MSH that implements a Service by processing one or more of the Messages in the Document Exchanges associated with the Service. |
|Application Prgramming Interface|API| | |A software internface that enables application to communicate with each other. An API is a set of programming language constricts or statements that can be coded in application program to obtain the specific functions on services provide by an underlying operating system of service program. (RUP)|
|Application Specification|AppSpec| | |document specifying -- ((to be amended)) (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)|
|Applied Technologies Group|ATG|Groupe des technologies
appliquées|Группе по прикладным технологиям|One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. Work in ATG encompassed four specific technologies, viz. UN/EDIFACT, UN Locode, UNeDocs and ebXML. The reference model used was the basic reference published by the ICG. (UN/CEFACT)|
|architectural view| | | |A view of the system architecture from a given perspective. It focuses primarily on structure, modularity, essential components, and the main control flows. (RUP)|
|architecture| | | |The organizational structure of a system. Architecture can be recursively decomposed into parts that interact through interfaces, relationships that connect parts, and constraints for assembling parts. Parts that interact through interfaces include classes, components and subsystems. (RUP)|
|artefact| | | |See "artifact".|
|artifact| | | |A piece of information that (1) is produced, modified, or used by a process, (2) defines an area of responsibility, and (3) is subject to version control. An artifact can be a model, a model element, or a document. A document can enclose other documents. (RUP)|
|Assembly Document|ASDOC| | |A mechanism for declaring which Core Components will be used to build a Business Message (Core Component Assembly Document) (CCTS 2.01)|
|Assembly Rules| | | |Assembly Rules group sets of unrefined Business Information Entities into larger structures. Assembly Rules are more fully defined and explained in the Assembly Rules Supplemental Document. (CCTS 2.01)|
|association| | | |(1) The semantic relationship between two or more classifiers that specifies connections among their instances. (OMG) (2)a semantic relationship between two classes NOTE An association is a type of relationship. (Adapted from ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|association class| | | |an association that is also a class. NOTE: It not only connects a set of classes, but also defines a set of features that belong to the relationship itself. (Adapted from ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|Association Business Information Entity |ASBIE|les composants transversaux associatifs|ассоциативные объекты бизнесинформации|A Business Information Entity that represents a complex business characteristic of a specific Object Class in a specific Business Context. It has a unique business semantic definition. An Association Business Information Entity represents an Association Business Information Entity Property and is therefore associated to an Aggregate Business Information Entity, which describes its structure. An Association Business Information Entity is derived from an Association Core Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Association Business Information Entity Property |ASBIE Property| | |A Business Information Entity Property for which the permissible values are expressed as a complex structure, represented by an Aggregate Business Information Entity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Association Core Component |ASCC|les composants communs associatifs|ассоциативные ключевые компоненты|A Core Component which constitutes a complex business characteristic of a specific Aggregate Core Component that represents an Object Class. It has a unique business semantic definition. An Association Core Component represents an Association Core Component Property and is associated to an Aggregate Core Component, which describes its structure. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Association Core Component Property |ASCC Property| | |A Core Component Property for which the permissible values are expressed as a complex structure, represented by an Aggregate Core Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|ATG|ATG| | |See Applied Technologies Group (UN/CEFACT)|
|Atomic Transaction| | | |A complete Transaction that follows the atomic rules for every party in the Transaction Tree over space and time, so that all the participants in the transaction will receive instructions that will result in a homogeneous outcome. That is they will be issued instructions to all Confirm (success) or all Cancel (failure / error signal). (Transitively, a set of operations whose effect is capable of counter effect.) (Tony Frecher)|
|attribute| | | |(1) An attribute defined by a class represents a named property of the class or its objects. An attribute has a type that defines the type of its instances. (RUP) (2) A named value or relationship that exists for some or all instances of some entity and is directly associated with that instance. (CCTS 2.01) (3)a characteristic of an object or entity (ISO/IEC 11179-3).|
|attribute instance| | | |a specific instance of an attribute. NOTE: Amended from ISO 2382-17:1993 (17.02.13) to distinguish an instance of an attribute from its value. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|attribute value| | | |the value associated with an attribute instance. NOTE: Amended from ISO 2382-17:1993 (17.02.13) to distinguish an instance of an attribute from its value. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|authorisation process| | | |A procedure for granting authorization. (IFTF RFC 2828)|
|authorization | | | |A right or a permission that is granted to a system entity to access a system resource. (IFTF RFC 2828)|
|basic attribute| | | |attribute of a metadata item commonly needed in its specification (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|Basic Business Information Entity|BBIE|les composants transversaux élémentaires|базовые объекты бизнес-информации |(1) A Core Component used in a specific business context. (2) A Business Information Entity that represents a singular business characteristic of a specific Object Class in a specific Business Context. It has a unique business semantic definition. A Basic Business Information Entity represents a Basic Business Information Entity Property and is therefore linked to a Data Type, which describes it values. A Basic Business Information Entity is derived from a Basic Core Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Basic Business Information Entity Property | | | |A Business Information Entity Property for which the permissible values are expressed by simple values, represented by a Data Type (CCTS 2.01)|
|Basic Core Component |BCC|les composants communs élémentaires | базовые ключевые компоненты|(1) A Core Component that represents a singular business concept with a unique business semantic definition. (2) A Core Component which constitutes a singular business characteristic of a specific Aggregate Core Component that represents an Object Class. It has a unique business semantic definition. A Basic Core Component represents a Basic Core Component Property and is therefore of a Data Type, which defines its set of values. Basic Core Components function as the properties of Aggregate Core Components. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Basic Core Component Property | | | |A Core Component Property for which the permissible values are expressed by simple values, represented by a Data Type. (CCTS 2.01)|
|BCSS| | | |See Business Collaboration Specification Schema|
|BDV| | | |See Business Domain View (N093/UMMUG)|
|behaviour| | | |The observable effects of an operation or event, including its results. (OMG) |
|binding| | | |a mapping from one framework or specification to another (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|boundary class| | | |A Boundary is a class that lies on the periphery of a system, but within it. It interacts with actors outside the system as well as objects of all three kinds of analysis classes within the system. (OMG) |
|Box Completion Guideline| | | |document specifying -- ((to be amended)) (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)|
|BPAWG| | | |See Business Process Analysis Working Group (UN/CEFACT)|
|BRS| | | |See Business Requirement Specification|
|BRV| | | |See Business Requirement View (N093/UMMUG)|
|BSV| | | |See Business Service View (N093/UMMUG)|
|BTV| | | |See Business Transaction View (N093/UMMUG)|
|business | | | |A series of processes, each having a clearly understood purpose, involving more than one organization, realized through the exchange of information and directed towards some mutually agreed upon goal, extending over a period of time. (ISO/IEC 14662)|
|business activity | | | |(1) A business activity is used to represent the state of the business process of one of the partners. (BPSS 1.05) (2) For instance the requester is either in the state of sending the request, in the state of waiting for the response, or in the state of receiving. (CPP 2.0)|
|business area| | | |An area of knowledge or activity characterized by a family of related systems. (RUP) An area of knowledge or activity characterized by a set of concepts and terminology understood by practitioners in that area. |
|business collaboration| | | |An activity conducted between two or more parties for the purpose of achieving a specified outcome. (UEBA 0.59)|
|business collaboration activity| | | |See "business collaboration". (N093/UMMUG)|
|business collaboration domain| | | |A domain conducted between two or more parties for the purpose of achieving a specified outcome. (N093/UMMUG)|
|Business Collaboration Framework|BCF| | |Business Collaboration Framework. A collection of specifications defining electronic business exchange for two or more business partners. (Established experts on process modeling and B2B e-commerce standards development and implementation.) (Edifecs)|
|Business Collaboration Knowledge| | | |The knowledge involved in a collaboration. (UEBA 0.59)|
|Business Collaboration Model| | | |A Business Collaboration Model describes in detail how Trading Partners take on roles, relationships and responsibilities to facilitate interaction with other Trading Partners. (CPPA 2.0)|
|business collaboration pattern| | | |(1) An pattern descrives the way to use of the business collaboration model to be achieved between trading partners. (N093/UMMUG) (2) The Collaboration business pattern, which is also known as the User toUser or U2U pattern, enables interaction and collaboration between users. This pattern can be observed in solutions that support small or extended teams who need to work together in order to achieve a joint goal. (IBM)|
|Business Collaboration Protocol |BCP| | |A business collaboration protocol choreographs one or more business transaction activities. (UMM)|
|Business Collaboration Rules | | | |Rules of Collaboration between Trading Partners. (CPPA 2.0)|
|Business Collaboration Specification Schema|BCSS|schéma de spécification pour la collaboration commerciale|"Схема спецификации делового сотрудничества|"BCSS is a technical specification (1.) to make CCTS compliant information modelling accessible to a broad user base through standard UML tool support (2.) to support easy interchange of information models between different UML tools and (3.) to support validation of the structure and semantics of information models against the CCTS. These goals are achieved through the development of a formal UML profile for CCTS that includes stereotypes, tagged values and OCL constraints. (BCSS V1.0)"|
|business commitments| | | |The making or accepting of a right, liability or responsibility by a Person that is capable of enforcement in the jurisdiction in which the commitment is made. (ISO/IEC 15944-1)|
|business context| | | |(1) Defines a context in which a business has chosen to employ an information entity. (2) The formal description of a specific business circumstance as identified by the values of a set of Context Categories, allowing different business circumstances to be uniquely distinguished. (CCTS 2.01) |
|business document| | | |The set of information components that are interchanged as part of a business activity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business document flow| | | |A business transaction is realized as Business Document flows between the requesting and responding roles. There is always a requesting Business Document, and optionally a responding Business Document, depending on the desired transaction semantics, e.g. one-way notification vs. two-way conversation. (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Domain| | | |An business area of knowledge or activity characterized by a family of related systems. (RUP)|
|Business Domain View|BDV| | |The partitioning of business domain into business areas, process areas, and business processes. This view establishes the business context of the process which is a precursor to evaluating the likelihood of finding reusable, previously defined, process descriptions or terminology in the UMM libraries. View aligned with UMM. (UMM, N093/UMMUG)|
|business entity | | | |Something that is accessed, inspected, manipulated, produced, and worked on in the business. (UMM)|
|business entity class| | | |Group of Items which are structured in the same way that serves the fundamental missions of the company, that has legal and/or business basis, which may participate in exchanges with partners, which will be implemented into objects (object technology) through a modeling process. For example order is a business entity class. (UMM)|
|business expert| | | |A person who is knowledgeable about the business area being modeled. (UMM)|
|business information| | | |Information that two or more Trading Partners agree to use in their exchange of information (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Information Entity |BIE| | |(1) A context specific instantiation of a Core Component that constitutes a piece of business data or a group of pieces of business data with a unique business semantic definition. (2) A Business Information Entity can be a Basic Business Information Entity (BBIE), an Association Business Information Entity (ASBIE), or an Aggregate Business Information Entity (ABIE). (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business Information Entity Property| | | |A business characteristic belonging to the Object Class in its specific Business Context that is represented by an Aggregate Business Information Entity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|business information group| | | |A set of basic and/or aggregate information entities that convey a single business function. (CCTS 2.01)|
|business information model| | | |A model that references all meta-information associated with a specific Business Process. The Business Information Model references Business Entities, Business Information Entities, and Business Information Objects to accomplish that task. (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Information Object|BIO| | |Business Documents are composed from re-useable Business Information Objects. At a lower level, Business Processes can be composed of re-useable Common Business Processes, and Business Information Objects can be composed of re-useable Core Components. (Common Business Processes and Business Information Objects should be stored in a UMM Business Library.) (BPSS 1.05)|
|business intent| | | |The underlying Business Intent of the Trading Partners (BPSS 1.05)|
|business interaction| | | |CCMA 0.6a|
|Business interaction activity| | | |An activity which a specification of how stimuli are sent between instances to perform a specific business. The interaction is defined in the context of a collaboration. (N093/UMMUG)|
|business library | | | |A collection of approved process models specific to a line of business (e.g., shipping, insurance). (CCTS 2.01)|
|business message| | | |Any message exchanged between Trading Partners. The Business Process Schema will govern the choreography of business messages and signals.|
|Business Message Payload| | | |The Assembly Document describes how to construct a Business Message Payload during the Design Phase. (At the time a Trading Partner Agreement is finalized, the Business Message Payloads must also be agreed upon and not subject to change.)|
|Business Message Type| | | |A Business Message Type is a container of artifacts that describes the information exchanged in a Business Interaction. A Business Interaction synchronizes the knowledge on states of Business Entities at both sides of the interaction, in order to enable the participating Business Partners to continue an intra- and inter-organizational Business Process. A Business Message is not a Business Information Entity (BIE), and does not require a corresponding Aggregate Core Component (ACC). Business Message Types may however be based on more generic Business Message Types, much like Aggregate Business Information Entities are based on Aggregate Core Components. (CCMA 0.6)|
|Business Modeling Artifact| | | |Modeling artifact from the Business Operational View. Business Modeling Artifacts SHALL be capable of being discovered and shared by other Actors within the infrastructure to facilitate reusability.|
|Business Object| | | |An unambiguously identified, specified, referenceable, registerable and re-useable scenario or scenario component of a business transaction. The term business object is used in two distinct but related ways, with slightly different meanings for each usage: In a business model, business objects describe a business itself, and its business context. The business objects capture business concepts and express an abstract view of the business's "real world". The term "modeling business object" is used to designate this usage. In a design for a software system or in program code, business objects reflects how business concepts are represented in software. The abstraction here reflects the transformation of business ideas into a software realization. The term "systems business objects" is used to designate this usage. (ISO/IEC 15944-2)|
|Business Object Type |BOT| | |Modeling artifact from the Business Operational View (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Operational View |BOV| | |A perspective of business transactions limited to those aspects regarding the making of business decisions and commitments among organizations, which are needed for the description of a business transaction. (ISO/IEC 14662)|
|Business Operations Map |BOM| | |"The partitioning of business processes into business areas and business categories first part of Requirements Workflow (UMM)"|
|business partner| | | |An entity that engages in business transactions with another business partner(s). (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Process|BP| | |(1) The means by which one or more activities are accomplished in operating business practices. (UMM) (2) The Business Process as described using the UN/CEFACT Catalogue of Common Business Processes. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business Process activity| | | |See "Business Process". (N093/UMMUG)|
|Business Process Model| |Modélisation de procédure d'entreprise| |The standard is a model of the business process, not a model of the data, and allows business partners an opportunity to have a dialogue on common ground about business processes that currently are embedded in the applications that perform them. BPML (Business Process Modeling Language) allows these processes to be managed outside the applications, which potentially will foster increased collaboration and innovation between enterprises. In addition, BPML is designed to bridge the gap between legacy IT infrastructures and emerging business-to-business collaboration protocols such as RosettaNet, BizTalk, and ebXML. While those protocols are concerned with the interfact between two companies, BPML deals with the higher-level objectives that move the business forward. (Howard Smith, CSC's) (N093/UMMUG)|
|Business Process Analysis Working Group|BPAWG| | |UN/CEFACT Business Process Analysis Working Group. Responsible for analysing and understanding the key elements of international transactions and working for the elimination of constraints. (UN/CEFACT)|
|Business Process and Information Model| | | |Standard methodology and mechanism for modeling a Business Process and its' associated information models. (UMM)|
|Business Process Context | | | |The Business Process name(s) as described using the UN/CEFACT Catalogue of Common Business Processes as extended by the user. (CCTS 2.01)|
|business process interface | | | |The definition of how to interact with one partner role in order to make partner perform a desired service. (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Process Role Context | | | |The actors conducting a particular Business Process, as identified in the UN/CEFACT Catalogue of Common Business Processes. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business Process Runtime Expression |BPRE| | |An abstract architectural principle of a runtime expression of a Business Process that is semantic and syntax specific. (BPSS 1.05)|
|Business Process Specification Schema|BPSS| | |Defines the necessary set of elements to specify run-time aspects and configuration parameters to drive the partners' systems used in the collaboration. (BPSS 1.05) The goal of the BP Specification Schema is to provide the bridge between the eBusiness process modeling and specification of eBusiness software components. (CPP 2.0)|
|business profile| | | |Describes a company's ebXML capabilities and constraints, as well as its supported business scenarios.|
|Business Requirement Specification|BRS|Prescriptions commerciales| |A document that specifies the business requirements for the definition of a specific business process. The business requirements are defined using exclusively business specific terminology with the information requirements expressed in appropriate text, schematics and models that are not influenced by specific harmonised sector neutral terminology. (ICG)|
|Business Requirements View |BRV| | |The view of a business process model that captures the business scenarios, inputs, outputs, constraints and boundaries for business processes and their interrelationships within business process collaborations. This view is how the business domain expert sees and describes the process to be modelled. The BRV is expressed in the language and concepts of the business domain expert. (N093/UMMUG)|
|business role| | | |The Role(s) of Business Partners used in a Business Collaboration and described in the Business Process Model. (BPSS 1.05)|
|business rule| | | |Rules, regulations and practices for business. (UMM)|
|business semantic| | | |A precise meaning of words from a business perspective. (CCTS 2.01)|
|business service| | | |A business service is a network component that responds to business transaction requests initiated by other services.|
|Business Service Interface| | | |(1) An ebXML collaboration that is conducted by two or more parties each using a human or automated business service that interprets the documents and document envelopes transmitted and decides how to (or whether to) respond. (BPSS 1.05) (2) The Business Service Interface is an abstract architectural component that references the business and technical details of hox to invoke a business service, wheter using a manual or automated interface. (UEBA 0.59)|
|Business Service View |BSV| | |"The view of a business process model that specifies the component services and agents and their message (information) exchange as interactions necessary to execute and validate a business collaboration. The BSV is expressed in the language and technical concepts of the software developer. The view of a business process model that specifies the electronic formation of business contracts using an electronic medium Design Workflow. (N093/UMMUG)"|
|Business stakeholder| | | |An individual who is materially affected by the outcome of the system in a business domain. (N093/UMMUG)|
|Business Term | | | |This is a synonym under which the Core Component or Business Information Entity is commonly known and used in the business. A Core Component or Business Information Entity may have several business terms or synonyms. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Business Transaction|BT| | |(1) A business transaction is a set of business information and business signal exchanges amongst two business partners that must occur in an agreed format, sequence and time period. (UMM) (2) A business transaction is a logical unit of business conducted by two or more parties that generates a computable success or failure state. The community, the partners, and the process, are all in a definable, and self-reliant state prior to the business transaction, and in a new definable, and self-reliant state after the business transaction. In other words if you are still 'waiting' for your business partner's response or reaction, the business transaction has not completed. (CPP 2.0) (3) A Business Transaction is the atomic unit of work in a trading arrangement between two business partners. A Business Transaction is conducted between two parties playing opposite roles in the transaction. (BPSS 1.05) (4) An economic interaction, which may, or may not, be atomic in nature. A set of state changes that occur, or are desired, in computer systems controlled by some set of parties, and these changes are related in some business application defined manner. A Business Transaction is subject to, and a part of, a business relationship. (It is assumed that the parties involved in a Business Transaction have distinct and autonomous Business (Application) Systems, which do not require knowledge of each others' implementation or internal state representations in volatile or persistent storage. Access to such loosely coupled systems is assumed to occur only through service interfaces.) Note: In the UMM the general term 'Business Transaction' is applied very specifically to a single request or single request / response pair with specified optional signals between exactly two parties.(Tony Frecher)|
|Business Transaction View |BTV| | |"The view of a business process model that captures the semantics of business information entities and their flow of exchange between roles as they perform business activities. This view is an elaboration on the business requirements view by the business analyst and is how the business analyst sees the process to be modelled. This view uses the language and concepts of the business analyst to convey requirements to the software designer and the business domain expert. The view in a business process model that specifies the contract formation process for various types of business contracts Analysis Workflow (N093/UMMUG)"|
|Cancel / Roll back| | | |Process a counter effect for the current effect of a set of messages / procedures. There are a number of different ways that this may be achieved in practice.(Tony Frecher)|
|capsule| | |A specific design pattern which represents an encapsulated thread of control in the system. A capsule is a stereotyped class with a specific set of required and restricted associations and properties. (RUP)|
|cardinality | | |An indication whether a characteristic is optional, mandatory and/or repetitive. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Catalogue of Business Information Entity| | |This represents the approved set of Business Information Entities from which to choose when applying the Core Component discovery process. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Catalogue of Core Component| | |See Core Component Catalogue. (CCTS 2.01)|
|CCL | | |See Core Component Library. (CCTS 2.01)|
|charasteristic| | |abstraction of a property of an object or of a set of objects NOTE: Characteristics are used for describing concepts. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.4).|
|Child Core Component | | |A Core Component used as part of a larger aggregate construct. (CCTS 2.01)|
|choreography| | |(1) A declaration of the activities within collaboration and the sequencing rules and dependencies between these activities. (2) The Business Transaction Choreography describes the ordering and transitions between business transactions or sub collaborations within a binary collaboration. For example, in a UML tool this could be done using a UML activity diagram. The choreography is described in the ebXML Business Process Specification Schema using activity diagram concepts such as start state, completion state, activities, synchronizations, transitions between activities, and guards on the transitions. (BPSS 1.05)|
|class| | |(1) A description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships, and semantics. A class may use a set of interfaces to specify collections of operations it provides to its environment. See interface. (RUP) (2)a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships, and semantics (ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|class diagram| | |"Shows static structure of concepts, types, and classes. Concepts show how users think about the world types show interfaces of software components classes show implementation of software components. (OMG Distilled) A diagram that shows a collection of declarative (static) model elements, such as classes, types, and their contents and relationships. (RUP)"|
|classification scheme | | |(1) This is an officially supported scheme to describe a given Context Category. (CCTS 2.01) (2) arrangement or division of objects into groups based on characteristics that the objects have in common, e.g.,origin, composition, structure, application, and function. (ISO 11179-2, First edition)|
|classification scheme item| | |component of content in a classification scheme. NOTE This may be a node in a taxonomy or ontology, a term in a thesaurus, etc. (ISO 11179-2, First edition)|
|classified component| | |any component of a data element that may be classified in one or more classification schemes. NOTE The components include the object class, property, representation class, data element concept, value domain, and data element. (ISO 11179-2, First edition)|
|client| | |Software that initiates a connection with a Server. |
|code| | |A character string (letters, figures or symbols) that for brevity and/or language independency may be used to represent or replace a definitive value or text of an attribute. Codes usually are maintained in code lists per attribute type (e.g. colour). (ebXML CC Dictionary Naming Conventions)|
|collaboration| | |"(1) Describes a pattern of interaction among objects it shows the objects participating in the interaction by their links to each other and the messages they send to each other. (RUP) (2) Two or more parties working together under a defined set of rules. (CPP 2.0)"|
|collaboration diagram| | |"A collaboration diagram describes a pattern of interaction among objects it shows the objects participating in the interaction by their links to each other and the messages they send to each other. Unlike a sequence diagram, a collaboration diagram shows the relationships among the instances. Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams express similar information, but show it in different ways. See sequence diagram. (RUP)"|
|Collaboration Protocol| | |The protocol that defines for a Collaborative Process: 1. The sequence, dependencies and semantics of the Documents that are exchanged between Parties in order to carry out that Collaborative Process, and 2. The Messaging Capabilities used when sending documents between those Parties. Note that a Collaborative Process can have more than one Collaboration Protocol by which it can be implemented. (CPPA 2.0)|
|Collaboration Protocol Agreement|CPA| |(1) Information agreed between two (or more) Parties that identifies or describes the specific Collaboration Protocol that they have agreed to use. (CPPA 2.0) (2) A CPA indicates what the involved Parties "will" do when carrying out a Collaborative Process. A CPA is representable by a Document|
|Collaboration Protocol Profile|CPP| |(1) Information about a Party that can be used to describe one or more Collaborative Processes and associated Collaborative Protocols that the Party supports. (CPPA 2.0) (2) A CPP indicates what a Party "can" do in order to carry out a Collaborative Process. A CPP is representable by a Document. While logically, a CPP is a single document, in practice, the CPP might be a set of linked documents that express various aspects of the capabilities. A CPP is not an agreement. It represents the capabilities of a Party. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Collaborative Process | | |A shared process by which two Parties work together in order to carry out a process. The Collaborative Process can be defined by an ebXML Collaboration Model. |
|commitment| | |An obligation to perform an economic event (that is, transfer ownership of a specified quantity of a specified economic resource type) at some future point in time. Order line items are examples of commitment. (BPSS 1.05)|
|common attribute| | |a basic attribute that is applicable to all types of metadata item (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|Common Business Process | | |"(1) A business process that is used with reasonable frequency in a business community. (BPSS 1.05) (2) For electronic business-to-business commerce, we are interested in business processes that manifest themselves in an exchange (one way, two way, or n-way) of information in electronic format between parties. Typically, Common Business Processes are defined by standards bodies or business communities that are generally perceived as defining de facto standards for business processes within their domain of specialization. A business process that is not defined as common by a standards body or is only used by a small business community is not a Common Business Process. The phrase ""exchange of information in electronic format"" includes XML messaging, EDI messaging, file transfers, and other forms of electronic data exchange. This could include facsimile, email, and phone conversations. However, it is probably important that any business process that contains a facsimile or phone conversation component also include at least one electronic message, file transfer, or the like."|
|common facility| | |common facility (of Metadata Registry) a facility provided by a Metadata Registry that is applicable to all types of Administered Item within the registry. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|Communication Protocol Envelope| | |The outermost envelope of an ebXML Message. For example: HTTP or SMTP. (ebMS Spec)|
|component| | |A physical, replaceable part of a system that packages implementation and conforms to and provides the realization of a set of interfaces. A component represents a physical piece of implementation of a system, including software code (source, binary or executable) or equivalents such as scripts or command files. (RUP)|
|component diagram| | |A diagram that shows the organizations and dependencies among components. (RUP)|
|component interface| | |A named set of operations that characterize the behavior of a component. (OMG) |
|composite attribute| | |an attribute whose datatype is non-atomic (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|composite datatype| | |a datatype that is also a class. NOTE: A composite datatype is used as a datatype for a composite attribute. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|concept| | |"(1) An abstract idea a general notion:
* a plan of intention a conception
* an idea or invention to help sell or publicize a commodity
* an idea or thought which corresponds to some distinct entity or class of entities, or to its essential features, or determines the application of a term (especially a predicate), and thus plays a part in the use of reason or language. (NOD) (2) unit of knowledge created by a unique combination of characteristics (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.1)."|
|concept system| | |set of concepts structured according to the relations among them (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.11)|
|conceptual domain| | |set of valid value meanings. NOTE: The value meanings may either be enumerated or expressed via a description. (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, 3.3.21)|
|conceptual model| | |conceptual model that represents an abstract view of the real world. NOTE: A conceptual model represents the human understanding of a system. (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|concrete class| | |A class that can be directly instantiated. (OMG) |
|conditional| | |"required under certain specified conditions. NOTE 1: One of three obligation statuses applied to the attributes of metadata items, indicating the conditions under which the attribute is required. See also mandatory (3.2.17) and optional (3.2.28). NOTE 2: Obligation statuses apply to metadata items with a Registration Status of ""recorded"" or higher. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)"|
|Confirm| | |Ensure that the effect of a set of messages / procedures is completed. There are a number of different ways that this may be achieved in practice(Tony Frecher)|
|conformance | | |"Fulfilment of a product, process or service of all requirements specified adherence of an implementation to the requirements of one or more specific standards or technical specifications. "|
|constraint| | |A semantic condition or restriction. Certain constraints are predefined in the OMG, others may be user defined. Constraints are one of three extensibility mechanisms in OMG. See tagged value, stereotype. (RUP)|
|constraint language | | |A formal expression of actions occurring in specific Contexts to assemble, structurally refine, and semantically qualify Core Components. The result of applying the Constraint Language to a set of Core Components in a specific Context is a set of Business Information Entities. (CCTS 2.01)|
|content component | | |Defines the primitive type used to express the content of a Core Component Type. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Content Component Restrictions | | |The formal definition of a format restriction that applies to the possible values of a Content Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|context| | |(1) Defines the circumstances in which a Business Process may be used. This is specified by a set of Context Categories known as Business Context. (CCTS 2.01) (See Business Context.) (2) A designation or description of the application environment or discipline in which a name is applied or from which it originates (ISO/IEC 11179-3).|
|context category | | |A group of one or more related values used to express a characteristic of a business circumstance. (CCTS 2.01)|
|context driver| | |Driver information that may be discovered from the Trading Partner Profiles or the Registry Information Model data at the Trading Partner Agreement design time. Eight context categories defined: Business Process, Product Classification, Industry Classification, Geopolitical, Official Constraints, Business Process Role, Supporting Role, System Capabilities. (UABA 0.59)|
|Context Rules Construct | | |The overall expression of a single set of rules used to apply Context to Core Components. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Context Rules Message |CRM| |A Context Rules Message can be derived from the context by accessing Context Rules Lookup Tables from the Registry. (UEBA 0.59)|
|Contract| | |Any rule, agreement or promise which constrains an Party's behaviour and is known to any other Party, and upon which any other knowing Party may rely.(Tony Frecher)|
|control class| | |A class used to model behavior specific to one, or a several use cases. (RUP)|
|controlled vocabulary.| | |A supplemental vocabulary used to uniquely define potentially ambiguous words or business terms. This ensures that every word within any of the Core Component names and definitions is used consistently, unambiguously and accurately. (CCTS 2.01)|
|controlling agency| | |Agency responsible for controlling the content of a basic information entity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component|CC| |A building block for the creation of a semantically correct and meaningful information exchange package. It contains only the information pieces necessary to describe a specific concept.(CCTS 2.01) A semantic building block for creating clear and meaningful data models, vocabularies, and information exchange packages. Core Components are used as the basis for creating Business Information Entities. (CCTS 2.x)|
|Core Component Catalog| | |The temporary collection of all metadata about each Core Component that has been discovered during the development and initial testing of this Core Component Technical Specification, pending the establishment of a permanent Registry/Repository. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component Dictionary | | |An extract from the Core Component Catalogue that provides a ready reference of the Core Component through its Dictionary Entry Name, component parts, and definition. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component Library|CCL|Bibliothèque des éléments de base|The Core Component Library is the part of the registry/repository in which Core Components shall be stored as Registry Classes. The Core Component Library will contain all the Core Component Types, Basic Core Components, Aggregate Core Components, Basic Business Information Entities and Aggregate Business Information Entities. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component Message Library| | |TBD (CCMA 0.6)|
|Core Component Property | | |A business characteristic belonging to the Object Class represented by an Aggregate Core Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Core Component Type |CCT| |A Core Component which consists of one and only one Content Component that carries the actual content plus one or more Supplementary Components giving an essential extra definition to the Content Component. Core Component Types do not have business semantics. (CCTS 2.01) (This definition was deleted in CCTS 2.x & move to Example.)|
|core data type| | |A Core Component, which consists of one and only one Content Component, that carries the actual content plus one or more Supplementary Components giving an essential extra definition to the Content Component. Core Data Types do not have Business Semantics. Core Data Types define the set of valid values that can be used for a particular Basic Core Component Property or Basic Business Information Entity Property. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Counter-effect| | |An appropriate effect intended to counteract a Provisional Effect. (Tony Frecher)|
|CPA|CPA| |See Collaboration Protocol Agreement|
|CPP|CPP| |See Collaboration Protocol Profile|
|CPP-A| | |See Collaboration Protocol Profile and Collaboration Protocol Agreement|
|data| |donnée |(1) re-interpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing. NOTE: Data can be processed by humans or by automatic means. (ISO 2382-1:1993, 01.01.02). (2) representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automatic means (ISO 2382-4)|
|data element| | |(1) A unit of data for which the identification, meaning, representation and permissible values are specified by means of a set of attributes (ISO/IEC 11179-3). (2) unit of data for which the definition, identification, representation and permissible values are specified by means of a set of attributes (ISO 11179-2, First edition)|
|data element concept| | |A concept which can be represented in the form of a data element, described independently of any particular representation (ISO/IEC 11179-3).|
|data identifier| | |An identifier of a data element (a string of characters or other graphic symbols) assigned by a Registration Authority. (ISO/IEC 11179-3)|
|data model| |modèle de données |graphical and/or lexical representation of data, specifying their properties, structure and inter-relationships. (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|data type| |type de donnée |(1) A descriptor of a set of values that lack identity and whose operations do not have side effects. Data types include primitive pre-defined types and user-definable types. Pre-defined types include numbers, string and time. User-definable types include enumerations. (RUP) (2) Defines the set of valid values that can be used for a particular Basic Core Component Property or Basic Business Information Entity Property. It is defined by specifying restrictions on the Core Component Type that forms the basis of the Data Type. (CCTS 2.01) (3) In the CCTS 2.x, "data type" was changed to "core data type).|
|deliverable| |livrable |An output from a process that has a value, material or otherwise, to a customer or other stakeholder. (RUP)|
|deployment diagram| |diagramme de déploiement |A diagram that shows the configuration of run-time processing nodes and the components, processes, and objects that live on them. Components represent run-time manifestations of code units. See component diagram. (RUP)|
|design| |design |The part of the software development process whose primary purpose is to decide how the system will be implemented. During design, strategic and tactical decisions are made to meet the required functional and quality requirements of a system. See analysis. (RUP)|
|design pattern| |patron de conception |A specific solution to a particular problem in software design. Design patterns capture solutions that have developed and evolved over time, expressed in a succinct and easily applied form. (RUP)|
|Design Phase| | |The design phase SHALL be accomplished by applying object-oriented principles based on the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology. (UEBA 0.83)|
|diagram| |diagramme |A graphical depiction of all or part of a model. (RUP) OMG supports the following diagrams: class diagram, object diagram, use-case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, statechart diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, and deployment diagram.|
|Dictionary Entry Name| | |This is the unique official name of a Core Component, Business Information Entity, Business Context or Data Type in the dictionary. (CCTS 2.01). |
|definition| |définition |representation of a concept by a descriptive statement which serves to differentiate it from related concepts. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.3.1).|
|digital signature | |signature numérique |A digital code that can be attached to an electronically transmitted message that uniquely identifies the sender |
|Discovery Phase | | |The Discovery Phase covers all aspects of the discovery of ebXML related resources. A Trading Partner who has implemented an ebXML Business Service Interface can begin the process of discovery. One possible discovery method may be to request the Collaboration Protocol Profile of another Trading Partner. (UEBA 0.83)|
|distributed registry| | |Federation of multiple registries that behaves logically as one registry. (UEBA 0.83)|
|document| | |A Document is any data that can be represented in a digital form. |
|document exchange | | |An exchange of documents between two parties. |
|Document Type Definition|DTD|Définition de Type de Document |DTD is to define the legal building blocks of any SGML-based (SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language) document. It defines the document structure with a list of legal elements. (W3C)|
|domain| |domaine |An area of knowledge or activity characterized by a family of related systems. (RUP)|
|DTD|DTD| |See Document Type Definition|
|ebXML SOAP Extention| | |A specification of the structure and composition of the information necessary for an ebXML Message Service to successfully generate or process an ebXML Message (ebMS 1.0)|
|economic contract| | |A subtype of agreement between partner types that some actual economic exchanges will occur in the future. Contracts can have recursive relationships with other contracts, for example, yearly contracts with monthly releases and weekly or daily shipping schedules. Contracts are containers for collections of commitments. For example, a purchase order is a contract wherein the line items are commitments. (BPSS 1.05)|
|economic event| | |The transfer of control of an economic resource from one party to another party. (BPSS 1.05)|
|economic resource| | |A quantity of something of value that is under the control of an enterprise. (BPSS 1.05)|
|economic resource type| | |An economic resource type is the abstract classification or definition of an economic resource. For example, in an ERP system, ItemMaster or ProductMaster would represent the Economic Resource Type that abstractly defines an Inventory item or product. Forms of payment are also defined by economic resource types, e.g. currency. (BPSS 1.05)|
|EDI| | |See Electronic Data Interchange|
|EDI message| | |An approved, published, and maintained formal description of how to structure the data required to perform a specific business function, in such a way as to allow for the transfer and handling of this data by electronic means. (MoU) |
|EDIFACT messages| | |A electronic message formats based on UN/EDIFACT standard set developed and maintained by the UN/EDIFACT Working Group which are in UN/TDID directories. (UN/CEFACT)|
|EDIFACT Working Group|EWG| |UN/EDIFACT Working Group. To develop and maintain UN/EDIFACT, the support of harmonised implementations and the use of multi-lingual terminology. (UN/CEFACT)|
|elaboration| | |The second phase of the process where the product vision and its architecture are defined. (RUP)|
|elaboration phase| | |The second phase of the process where the product vision and its architecture are defined. (RUP)|
|electronic business|eBusiness| affaires électroniques |A generic term covering information definition and exchange requirements within and between enterprises, including customers by electronic means. (MoU) |
|electronic business XML|ebXML|Transactions électroniques avec le langage de balisage extensible |An eBusiness concept based on EDI experience in business processes, XML interchange formats and the Internet technology. ebXML Initiative Project jointly launched by UN/CEFACT and OASIS for 15-18 months work in Nov. 1999 and finished in May 2001. Further work is being made by UN/CEFACT and OASIS separately. (UN/CEFACT)|
|electronic commerce| |commerce électronique  |Electronic Commerce is doing business electronically. This includes the sharing of standardized unstructured or structured business information by any electronic means (such as electronic mail or messaging, World Wide Web technology, electronic bulletin boards, smart cards, electronic funds transfers, electronic data interchange, and automatic data capture technology) among suppliers, customers, governmental bodies and other partners in order to conduct and execute transactions in business, administrative and consumer activities. (UN/CEFACT- SIMAC)|
|Electronic Data Interchange |EDI|Échange de données informatisé |The automated exchange of any predefined and structured data for business among information systems of two or more organizations.|
|element| |élément |An atomic constituent of a model. (OMG) |
|encryption | |chiffrement|"Cryptographic transformation of data (called ""plaintext"") into a form (called ""ciphertext"") that conceals the data's original meaning to prevent it from being known or used. If the transformation is reversible, the corresponding reversal process is called ""decryption"", which is a transformation that restores encrypted to its original state. "|
|entity| |entité |any concrete or abstract thing that exists, did exist, or might exist, including associations among these things. Example: A person, object, event, idea, process, etc. NOTE: An entity exists whether data about it are available or not. (ISO/IEC 2382-17:1999, 17.02.05).|
|entity class| | |A class used to model information that has been stored by the system, and the associated behavior. A generic class reused in many use cases, often with persistent characteristics. An entity class defines a set of entity objects, which participate in several use cases and typically survive those use cases. (RUP)|
|enumeration| | |A list of named values used as the range of a particular attribute type. For example, RGBColor = (red, green, blue). Boolean is a predefined enumeration with values from the set (false, true). (RUP)|
|Error handling| |système de gestion d'exceptions  |This component handles the reporting of errors encountered during MSH or Application processing of a message. (ebMS 1.0)|
|essential charactericstic| | |characteristic which is indispensable to understanding a concept (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.6).|
|event| | |The specification of a significant occurrence that has a location in time and space. In the context of state diagrams, an event is an occurrence that can trigger a transition. (RUP)|
|EWG|EWG| |See EDIFACT Working Group (UN/CEFACT)|
|eXtensible Markup Language |XML|Langage de balisage extensible |XML is designed to enable the exchange of information (data) between different applications and data sources on the World Wide Web and has been standardized by the W3C. XML is a simplified subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). XML allows construction of structured data (trees), which rely on composition relationships. XML schemas are used to define data models. (W3C)|
|extension| | |totality of objects to which a concept corresponds. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.8).|
|Final Effect| | |An appropriate effect intended to complete and finalise a Provisional Effect. (Tony Frecher)|
|Functional Service View |FSV| |A perspective of business transactions limited to those information technology interoperability aspects of IT systems needed to support the execution of open-edi transactions. (ISO/IEC 14662)|
|functional set| | |A set of alternative representations for the same semantic concept. (CCTS 2.01)|
|general concept| | |concept which corresponds to two or more objects, which form a group by reason of common properties. NOTE: Examples of general concepts are 'planet', 'tower'. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.3)|
|generalization| | |(1) A taxonomic relationship between a more general element and a more specific element. The more specific element is fully consistent with the more general element and contains additional information. An instance of the more specific element may be used where the more general element is allowed. See inheritance. (RUP) (2) that is fully consistent with the first class (i.e. it has all of its attributes and relationships) and that adds additional information. NOTE: A generalization is a type of relationship. (Adapted from ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|Geopolitical Context | | |A specific instance of a context driver covering all aspects of geography and political influences on a business. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Globally Unique Identifier |GUID| |A unique string of characters used to identify a common object. For example, the unique identifier may be computed by adding the time and date to the network adapter's internal serial number.|
|Header parsing| | |To extract or transform information from a received SOAP Header or Body element into a form that is suitable for processing by the MSH implementation. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Header processing| | |One ebXML Message Service does how report errors it detects to another ebXML Message Service Handler the creation of the SOAP Header elements for the ebXML Message uses input from the application, passed through the Message Service Interface, information from the Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA defined in (ebCPP)) that governs the message, and generated information such as digital signature, timestamps and unique identifiers. (ebMS 1.0)|
|ICG|ICG| |See Information Content Management Group (UN/CEFACT)|
|identifier| | |(1) See data identifier. (2) (in Metadata Registry) sequence of characters, capable of uniquely identifying that with which it is associated, within a specified context. NOTE: A name should be used as an identifier because it is not linguistically neutral. (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|IEC|IEC| |See International Electrotechnic Commission.|
|implementation| | |(1) An implementation is the realization of a specification. (NIST) (2) It can be a software product, system or program. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Implementation Functional View|IFV| |View aligned with UMM. (UMM)|
|Implementation Phase| | |The implementation phase deals specifically with the procedures for creating an application of the ebXML infrastructure. (UEBA 0.59)|
|Inception Phase| | |The first phase of the Unified Process, in which the seed idea, request for proposal, for the previous generation is brought to the point of being (at least internally) funded to enter the elaboration phase. (RUP)|
|individual concept| | |concept which corresponds to only one object. NOTE: Examples of individual concepts are: 'Saturn', 'the Eiffel Tower'. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.2).|
|industry classification context | | |Semantic influences related to the industry or industries of the trading partners (e.g., product identification schemes used in different industries). See Geographical Context. (CCTS 2.01)|
|industry expert| | |A person who is knowledgeable about the industry area being modeled.(N093/UMMUG)|
|information bundle| | |The formal description of the semantics of the information to be exchanged by Open-edi Parties playing roles in an Open-edi scenario. (ISO 14662)|
|Information Content Management Group|ICG| |One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. Work in ICG covers UN/CEFACT's libraries, code lists and recommendations. (UN/CEFACT)|
|information entity | | |A reusable semantic building block for the exchange of business-related information. (CCTS 2.01)|
|information interchange| | |process of sending and receiving data in such a manner that the information content, or meaning assigned to the data, is not altered during the transmission. (ISO 11179-6, Second edition)|
|information model| | |The information model does not deal with the actual content of the repository. All Elements of the information model represent metadata about the content and not the content itself. The Registry Information Model provides a blueprint or high-level schema for the ebXML Registry. Its primary value is for implementers of ebXML Registries. It provides these implementers with information on the type of metadata that is stored in the Registry as well as the relationships among metadata Classes. (N093/UMMUG, OASIS/ebXML Registry Information Model V2.0)|
|inheritance| | |(1) The mechanism by which more specific elements incorporate structure and behavior of more general elements related by behavior. See generalization. (RUP) (2) In object-oriented programming, the ability of a superclass to pass its characteristics (methods and instance variables) on to its subclasses. (|
|instance| | |An individual entity satisfying the description of a class or type. (RUP)|
|intention| | |set of characteristics which makes up the concept. (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.2.9).|
|interaction diagram| | |Shows how several objects collaborate in single use case. (UMM Distilled)|
|interface| | |A collection of operations that are used to specify a service of a class or a component. (RUP) A named set of operations that characterize the behavior of an element. |
|International Code Designator|ICD| |identifier of an organization identification scheme. NOTE Based on ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.8. (ISO 11179-6, Second edition)|
|International Code Designator value|ICD value| |identifier allocated to a particular organization identification scheme (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.9)|
|International Electrotechnical Commission (The)|IEC| |"IEC is the worldwide authority for developing, publishing and promoting voluntary consensus International Standards in the field of electrotechnology that this activity facilitates international exchange of goods and services, and develops cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity and that the IEC currently comprises 58 participating countries representing the full spectrum of electrotechnical interests therein, including suppliers, users, governmental, professional and scientific bodies. (MoU) "|
|International Organization for Standardization (The)|ISO|Organisation internationale de normalisation |"ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies, at present comprising some 120 members (one per country) that the object of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating international exchange of goods and services, and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological and economic activity that the results of ISO work are published in the form of International Standards that international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, participate in the development of ISO International Standards. (MoU) "|
|international registration data identifier|IRDI| |internationally unique identifier for an Administered Item as defined in the framework of ISO/IEC 11179. (ISO 11179-6, Second edition)|
|International Telecommunication Union (The)|ITU|Union internationale des télécommunications |"ITU is a specialized agency of the United Nations within which governments and the private sector coordinate global telecommunication networks and services that within the ITU, the ITU-T sector mission is efficient, on time production of high quality global standards for telecommunications (except radiocommunications) that, at the time of signature, ITU comprises 189 Member States and ITU-T Sector Members include 160 recognized operating agencies, 189 manufacturers and industrial organizations, 38 international and regional organizations and 3 other entities dealing with telecommunication matters. (MoU) "|
|International Trade and Business Processes Group|TBG|Groupe des procédures commerciales internationales |One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. ICG's works cover business and governmental process analysis, best practices, and international trade procedures using the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology to support the development of appropriate trade facilitation and electronic business solutions. (UN/CEFACT)|
|invariant| | |"Each Business Message Type may have constraints associated with it. A constraint may be -- an Invariant -- a Precondition -- a Postcondition and -- a Transition Condition. Invariants are constraints defined on the information in the Business Message itself. Invariants may affect repetition and cardinality, element values, or a mix (e.g. ""if the Delivery Term=""FOB"", a Delivery Term Location must be present""). Whenever a constraint is totally within the scope of an ABIE, the constraint should be defined on ABIE level as a CCTS Usage Rule. Contraints on the level of the Business Message should have a scope wider thant an ABIE. (CCMA 0.6a)"|
|ISO|ISO| |See International Organization for Standardization. (The)|
|item identifier| | |identifier for an item (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.76)|
|item registration authority identifier| | |identifier of the Registration Authority registering the item (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.77)|
|ITU|ITU| |See International Telecommunication Union. (The)|
|language| | |system of signs for communication, usually consisting of a vocabulary and rules (ISO 5127:2001,|
|layer| | |(1) A specific way of grouping packages in a model at the same level of abstraction. (2) The organization of classifiers or packages at the same level of abstraction. A layer represents a horizontal slice through an architecture, whereas a partition represents a vertical slice. Contrast: partition. (RUP)|
|Legal Group|LG| |One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. LG works on legal issued related to ebXML with a particular view to maintaining repositories and contract formation. (UN/CEFACT)|
|lexicon| | |The word lexicon used in UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology express the bridge between the specific business or industry language and the knowledge expressed by the models in a more generalized industry neutral language. The lexicon contains data and process definitions including relationships and cross-references as expressed in business terminology. (UMM)|
|Life cycle| | |series of changes in the life of an organism, including reproduction. (POD) (N093/UMMUG)|
|LG|LG| |See Legal Group. (UN/CEFACT)|
|Managed Object | | |Metadata referred to in the Registry. Trading Partner Profiles and Trading Partner Agreements SHALL be capable of pointing at other artifacts via a reference to a Registry Managed Object. (UEBA 0.83)|
|mandatory| | |"always required. NOTE 1: One of three obligation statuses applied to the attributes of metadata items, indicating the conditions under which the attribute is required. See also conditional (3.2.9) and optional (3.2.28). NOTE 2: Obligation statuses apply to metadata items with a Registration Status of ""recorded"" or higher. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)"|
|Memorandum of Understanding|MoU| |Memorandum of Understanding between IEC, ISO, ITU and UN/ECE concerning standardization in the field of eBusiness|
|message| | |(1) A specification of the conveyance of information from one instance to another, with the expectation that activity will ensue. A message may specify the raising of a signal or the call of an operation. (RUP) (2) The movement of a document from one party to another. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Message Assembly| | |Business message assembly is a piece of business information that supports a business transaction, which has also been called as business document, electronic document, message type, business object document, etc. in other similar purpose standards. (CCMA 0.6)|
|Message Envelope| | |A communication independent envelope, specifically MIME multipart/related, which contains the two main parts of an ebXML compliant message (the Header and Payload containers). (ebMS 1.0)|
|Message Header| | |A specification of the structure and composition of the information necessary for an ebXML Messaging Service to successfully generate or process and ebXML compliant message. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Message Packaging| | |The final enveloping of an ebXML Message (SOAP Header or Body elements and payload) into its SOAP Messages with Attachments (SOAPATTACH) container. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Message Service Handler Services| | |A description of two services that enable one service to discover the status of another Message Service Handler (MSH) or an individual message (ebMS 1.0)|
|Message Service Interface| | |an abstract service interface that applications use to interact with the MSH to send and receive messages and which the MSH uses to interface with applications that handle received messages. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Messaging Capabilities | | |The set of capabilities that support exchange of Documents between Parties. Examples are the communication protocol and its parameters, security definitions, and general properties of sending and receiving messages. |
|messaging protocol| | |See Messages and Protocol.|
|Messaging Service| | |A framework that enables interoperable, secure and reliable exchange of Messages between Trading Partners. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Messaging Service Layer| | |The Messaging Service Layer is an architectural view of a messaging software stack component that provides a collection of methods or functionality to the stack and maps it to an underlying transport. (ebMS 1.0)|
|meta model| | |(1) A model that defines the language for expressing a model. (RUP) (2) metamodel - data model that specifies one or more other data models (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|Meta Object Facility|MOF| |"A semantically closed abstraction of a system. In the Unified Process, a complete description of a system from a particular perspective ('complete' meaning you don't need any additional information to understand the system from that perspective) a set of model elements. Two models cannot overlap. (RUP)"|
|metaclass| | |A class whose instances are classes. Metaclasses are typically used to construct metamodels.|
|metadata| | |data that defines and describes other data (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|metadata item| | |instance of a metadata object (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|metadata object| | |object type defined by a metamodel (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|metadata register| | |the information store or database maintained by a Metadata Registry (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|metadata registry|MDR| |information system for registering metadata (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|metadata set| | |any collection of metadata. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|metamodel| | |a data model that specifies one or more other data models (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|metamodel construct| | |a unit of notation for modeling. NOTE: The metamodel constructs used in ISO/IEC 11179-3 are defined in 3.1. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|metaobject| | |A generic term for all metaentities in a metamodeling language. For example, metatypes, metaclasses, metaattributes, and metaassociations. (RUP)|
|method| | |"(1) A regular and systematic way of accomplishing something the detailed, logically ordered plans or procedures followed to accomplish a task or attain a goal. (RUP) (2) OMG 1.1 The implementation of an operation, the algorithm or procedure that effects the results of an operation. The implementation of an operation. It specifies the algorithm or procedure associated with an operation. "|
|methodology| | |The science of method. A body of methods used in a particular branch of activity. (COD)|
|MIME|MIME| |See Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. |
|model| | |"A semantically closed abstraction of a system. In the Unified Process, a complete description of a system from a particular perspective ('complete' meaning you don't need any additional information to understand the system from that perspective) a set of model elements. Two models cannot overlap. (RUP) A semantically closed abstraction of a subject system. See system. Usage note In the context of the MOF specification, which describes a meta-metamodel, for brevity the meta-metamodel is frequently referred to as simply the model."|
|modeling tool| | |Any device or implement used to carry out modeling whether manually or by a machine. (COD)|
|MOF|MOF| |See Meta Object Facility|
|Monitored Commitment | | |"Monitored Commitments are composed of related common business processes (business collaborations) and Business Entity Types. The concept of monitored commitments facilitates the management of: collaboration patterns the states of a commitment, and auditable logs of the transactions.For example, in an ERP system, ItemMaster or ProductMaster would represent the Economic Resource Type that abstractly defines an Inventory item or product. Forms of payment are also defined by economic resource types, e.g. currency. (BPSS 1.05)"|
|Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions|MIME| |"MIME is an extension of the original Internet e-mail protocol that lets people use the protocol to exchange different kinds of data files on the Internet: audio, video, images, application programs, and other kinds, as well as the ASCII text handled in the original protocol, the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP). In 1991, Nathan Borenstein of Bellcore proposed to the IETF that SMTP be extended so that Internet (but mainly Web) clients and servers could recognize and handle other kinds of data than ASCII text. As a result, new file types were added to ""mail"" as a supported Internet Protocol file type. ("|
|name| | |(1) The primary means of identification of objects and concepts for humans (ISO/IEC 11179-4) (2) designation of an object by a linguistic expression. (ISO/IEC 11179-1, Second edition)|
|naming| | |To give a string used to identify a model element. (RUP)|
|Naming Convention | | |The set of rules that together comprise how the dictionary entry name for Core Components and Business Information Entities are constructed. (CCTS 2.01)|
|note| | |One of model elements that is a figure symbol to express an element in a diagram. (UML Toolkit)|
|OASIS|OASIS| |See Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards.|
|object| | |"(1) An entity with a well-defined boundary and identity that encapsulates state and behaviour. State is represented by attributes and relationships behaviour is represented by operations, methods, and state machines. An object is an instance of a class. (RUP) (2) anything perceivable or conceivable. NOTE: Objects may also be material (e.g. an engine, a sheet of paper, a diamond), immaterial (e.g. a conversion ratio, a project plan), or imagined (e.g. a unicorn). (ISO 1087-1:2000, 3.1.1). "|
|Object Class | | |The logical data grouping (in a logical data model) to which a data element belongs (ISO11179). The Object Class is the part of a Core Component's Dictionary Entry Name that represents an activity or object in a specific Context. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Object Class Term | | |"(1) A component of the name of a Core Component or Business Information Entity which represents the Object Class to which it belongs. (CCTS 2.01) (2) A component of the name of a data element which represents the logical data grouping (in a logical data model) to which it belongs e.g., "employee." (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)"|
|Object Constraints Language|OCL| |OCL is a specification language that uses logic for specifying invariant properties of systems comprising sets and relationships between sets. (OMG) |
|object diagram| | |A diagram that encompasses objects and their relationships at a point in time. An object diagram may be considered a special case of a class diagram or a collaboration diagram. See class diagram, collaboration diagram. (RUP)|
|Object Manager| | |The Object life cycle management functionality of the Registry. (ebRS 1.0)|
|Object Oriented Approach| | |The development of classes of business objects may support and have an impact on the developments in the area of simplification of EDI and its standards. A business object is a true representation of a tangible concept stemming from real business usage.|
|Object Oriented edi|OO-edi| |Object Oriented edi. See Object Oriented Approach.|
|Object Query Manager| | |(1) The Object Query management service of the Registry. (ebRS 1.0) For example, the client may use this interface to perform browse and drill down queries or ad hoc queries on registry content. |
|OCL|OCL| |See Object Constraints Language|
|Official Constraints Context | | |Legal and governmental influences on semantics (e.g. hazardous materials information required by law when shipping goods). (CCTS 2.01)|
|ontology| | |(1) Branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. (POD: Greek ont- being) (2) the structure of "concept". Ontology is the science from the management of human knowledge. |
|OO-edi|OO-edi| |Object Oriented edi. See Object Oriented Approach.|
|Open-edi| | |Electronic data interchange among multiple autonomous organizations to accomplish an explicit shared business goal according to Open-edi standards (i.e. that complies with the Open-edi Reference Model Standard - ISO/IEC 14662). (MoU) |
|operation| | |A service that can be requested from an object to effect behavior. An operation has a signature, which may restrict the actual parameters that are possible. (RUP)|
|operation signature| | |See Operation and Signature.|
|OPI source indicator|OPIS| |data element used to specify the source for the organization part identifier (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.12)|
|OPIS value| | |particular value (digit or capital letter) taken by the OPIS to designate the source of an organization part identifier (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.13)|
|optional| | |"permitted but not required. NOTE 1: One of three obligation statuses applied to the attributes of metadata items, indicating the conditions under which the attribute is required. See also conditional (3.2.9) and mandatory (3.2.17). NOTE 2: Obligation statuses apply to metadata items with a Registration Status of ""recorded"" or higher. (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)"|
|order | | |In the Constraint Language, the Property on the ContextRules Construct that applies a sequence to the application of a set of rules. Two Rule constructs cannot have the same value for the Property Order. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards|OASIS| |OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, is an XML industry consortium whose purpose is to promote the use of XML and related structured information standards through the creation of interoperability specifications. Its 500 members include vendors, service providers, governmental agencies and end-user organizations as well as many individuals. OASIS was formed in 1993 as SGML Open for the purpose of promoting the use of SGML technologies, and was renamed in 1998 to recognize the consortium's expanded mission of promoting the use of XML and other related structured information standards. Further information about OASIS may be found at (MoU) |
|organization identifier| | |identifier assigned to an organization within an organization identification scheme, and unique within that scheme (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.10)|
|organization part identifier|OPI| |identifier allocated to a particular organization part (ISO/IEC 6523-1:1998, definition 3.11)|
|package| | |A general-purpose mechanism for organizing elements into groups. Packages may be nested within other packages. (RUP)|
|package diagram| | |Shows groups of classes and dependencies among them. (UML Distilled) |
|Packaging Specification| | |A description of how to package an ebXML Message and its associated parts into a form that can sent using a communications protocol such as HTTP or SMTP. (ebMS 1.0)|
|party | | |A Party is an entity such as a company, department, organisation or individual that can generate, send, receive or relay Documents. |
|Party Discovery Process | | |A Collaborative Process by which one Party can discover CPP information about other Parties. |
|pattern| | |"(1) A scheme for describing design fragments or collections of class templates so that they can be configured and reused. (RUP) (2) Offers useful bits of analysis, design, and coding techniques. Good examples to learn from starting point for designs. (UML Distilled) (3) The ebXML Business Process Specification Schema provides a set of unambiguous semantics within which to specify transactions and collaborations.For example, in an ERP system, ItemMaster or ProductMaster would represent the Economic Resource Type that abstractly defines an Inventory item or product. Forms of payment are also defined by economic resource types, e.g. currency. (BPSS 1.05)"|
|payload| | |A section of data/information that is not part of the ebXML wrapping. (ebMS 1.0)|
|payload container | | |A container used to envelope the real payload of an ebXML message. If a payload is present, the payload container consists of a MIME header portion (the ebXML Payload Envelope) and a content portion (the payload itself). |
|payload envelope | | |The specific MIME headers that is associated with a MIME part. |
|phase| | |The time between two major project milestones, during which a well-defined set of objectives is met, artifacts are completed, and decisions are made to move or not move into the next phase. (RUP)|
|postcondition| | |"(1) condition that must be fulfilled later. (POD) (2) Each Business Message Type may have constraints associated with it. A constraint may be
* an Invariant
* a Precondition
* a Postcondition, and
* a Transition Condition. Invariants are constraints defined on the information in the Business Message itself. Postconditions define the state of the Business Information after the Business Message has been processed, e.g. after processing of the final Delivery Advice all ordered products must have a Committed Delivery Date. Whenever a constraint is totally within the scope of an ABIE, the constraint should be defined on ABIE level as a CCTS Usage Rule. Contraints on the level of the Business Message should have a scope wider thant an ABIE.. (CCMA 0.6a)"|
|precondition| | |"(1) condition that must be fulfilled in advance. (POD) (2) Each Business Message Type may have constraints associated with it. A constraint may be
* an Invariant
* a Precondition
* a Postcondition and
* a Transition Condition. Invariants are constraints defined on the information in the Business Message itself. Preconditions define the state the (previously exchanged) Business Information must be in to be able to process the message meaningfully. E.g. an Order Confirmation is only meaningful if an Order with the same Order Number was exchanged previously. Whenever a constraint is totally within the scope of an ABIE, the constraint should be defined on ABIE level as a CCTS Usage Rule. Contraints on the level of the Business Message should have a scope wider thant an ABIE. (CCMA 0.6a)"|
|primitive type | | |Used for the representation of a value. Possible values are String, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, Date and Binary. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Product Classification Context | | |Factors influencing semantics that are the result of the goods or services being exchanged, handled, or paid for, etc. (e.g. the buying of consulting services as opposed to materials). (CCTS 2.01)|
|project| | |"A plan a scheme. a planned undertaking. a long-term task undertaken by a student to be submitted for assessment. (COD)"|
|property | | |A peculiarity common to all members of an Object Class. (CCTS 2.01)|
|property term | | |(1) A semantically meaningful name for the characteristic of the Object Class that is represented by the Core Component Property. It shall serve as basis for the Dictionary Entry Name of the Basic and Association Core Components that represents this Core Component Property. (CCTS 2.01) (2) A component of the name of a data element which expresses the category to which the data element belongs. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|protocol| | |A specification of a compatible set of messages used to communicate between capsules. The protocol defines a set of incoming and outgoing messages types (e.g. operations, signals), and optionally a set of sequence diagrams which define the required ordering of messages and a state machine which specifies the abstract behavior that the participants in a protocol must provide. (RUP)|
|prototype| | |A release that is not necessarily subject to change management and configuration control. (RUP)|
|Provisional Effect| | |The changes induced by the incomplete or complete processing of a set of procedures (messages) by a Party, which are subject to later completion or Counter-effecting. The Provisional Effect may or may not be observable by other Parties.(Tony Frecher)|
|qualifier term | | |(1) A word or group of words that help define and differentiate an item (e.g. a Business Information Entity or a Data Type) from its associated items (e.g. from a Core Component, a Core Component Type, another Business Information Entity or another Data Type). (CCTS 2.01) (2) A word or words which help define and differentiate a name within the database. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|Rational Unified Process|RUP| |The Rational Unified Process is a software engineering process. It provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization. Its goal is to ensure the production of high-quality software that meets the needs of its end users within a predictable schedule and budget. (RUP)|
|REA|REA| |See Resource Event Agent. (N093/UMMUG)|
|receiver| | |Recipient of a Message. |
|register| | |An official list in which items are recorded for reference (list of elementary data in which the meaning -i.e. semantics- of these data is defined).|
|registry | | |A mechanism where relevant repository items and metadata about them can be stored such that a pointer to their location, and all their metadata, can be retrieved as a result of a query. (UEBA 0.83)|
|registry item| | |metadata item recorded in a metadata registry, (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|registry metamodel| | |metamodel specifying a metadata registry. (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|registration| | |assignment of an unambiguous identifier to an Administered Item in a way that makes the assignment available to interested parties. NOTE Adapted from definition in Annex E of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives. (ISO/IEC 11179-6, Second edition)|
|registration action body|RAB| |type of organizations participating in the registration process of Administered Items. NOTE Currently, there are three RABs: Registration Authorities (RA), Responsible Organizations (RO) and Submitting Organizations (SO). (ISO/IEC 11179-6, Second edition)|
|registration authority| | |An organization authorized to register a data element. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|registration authority identifier| | |"The identifier of any organization authorized to register a data element the attribute which stores this. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)"|
|registration status| | |designation of the status in the registration life-cycle of an Administered Item (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, definition 3.3.125)|
|Registry Authority|RA| |A super user who maintains registry. (Registry Administrator) (ISO 11179)|
|registry class | | |The formal definition of all the information necessary to be recorded in the Registry about a Core Component, a Business Information Entity, a Data Type or a Business Context. (CCTS 2.01)|
|registry client | | |An ebXML application that makes use of services offered by a Registry using the messaging services. (UEBA 0.83)|
|Registry Client Interface| | |A set of Registry Services that provide access to Registry content to clients of the Registry is defined in the ebXML Registry Services Specification. (UEBA 0.83)|
|registry entry| | |Metadata that catalogs registry item. |
|Registry Information Model|RIM| |Specifies the information model for the ebXML Registry. (ebRIM Spec)|
|registry infrastructure provider| | |An entity which provides a registry/repository to store profiles, CPPs etc.|
|registry interface | | |A set of Registry Services that provide access to Registry content to clients of the Registry is defined in the ebXML Registry Services Specification. (UEBA 0.83)|
|registry item| | |a metadata item recorded in a Metadata Registry (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|registry metamodel| | |a metamodel specifying a Metadata Registry (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|Registry Object| | |Object contained in the Registry and can be referenced from the Registry. (RIM/ebRSS V2.3)|
|Registry Service | | |A way of providing access to Registry content to clients of the Registry. (ebRSS 2.3)|
|Registry Services Specification|RSS| |Defines the interface to the ebXML Registry Services as well as interaction protocols, message definitions and XML schema. (ebRSS 2.3) |
|registry user| | |Authorized user of a Registry. (ebRIM Spec)|
|related metadata reference| | |a reference from one metadata item to another. NOTE: A Registration Authority could choose to use a Reference Document, an administrative note or an explanatory comment to record a related metadata reference.|
|relationship| | |(1) A semantic connection among model elements. Examples of relationships include associations and generalizations. (RUP) (2) connection among model elements (ISO/IEC 19501-1:2001,|
|Reliable Messaging| | |The Reliable Messaging function defines an interoperable protocol such that any two Message Service implementations can "reliably" exchange messages that are sent using "reliable messaging" once-and-only-once delivery semantics. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Reliable Messaging Service| | |To handle the delivery and acknowledgment of ebXML Messages sent with deliverySemantics of OnceAndOnlyOnce. The service includes handling for persistence, retry, error notification and acknowledgment of messages requiring reliable delivery. (ebMS 1.0)|
|repository| | |Electronic store of structured information (such as EDIFACT messages, X12 messages, XML messages, Core Components, --).|
|representation term | | |(1) The type of valid values for a Basic Core Component or Business Information Entity. (CCTS 2.01) (2) The form of the set of valid values for a data element, e.g., "amount," "name". (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|representation type| | |Type of data to be used to represent the content of an information entity (ISO 11179/CCTS 1.90)|
|requester | | |Initiator of a Business Transaction. |
|Requitement Specification Mapping|RSM|Système de cartographie de spécification des exigences|A document generally associated with a BRS, that specifies the transformation of the business requirements into a UN/CEFACT compliant document or business process specifications that can be used in the development of a syntax dependent solution. It may be used independently of a BRS to provide Aggregate Core Component (ACC) specifications for integration into the Core Component Library. (ICG)|
|Resource Event Agent|REA|Ressource-événement-agent|The REA is a theory from the accounting world that explains how we buy and sell things. In the UMM, we express the theory of the REA in UML Syntax. REA is an accounting ontology. (N093/UMMUG)|
|responder | | |A counterpart to the initiator in a Business Transaction. |
|responsible organization|RO| |organization or unit within an organization that is the authoritative source for attributes of the Administered Item (ISO/IEC 11179-6, Second edition)|
|re-use| | |Further use or repeated use of an artifact. (RUP)|
|role| | |The named specific behavior of an entity participating in a particular context. A role may be static (e.g., an association end) or dynamic (e.g., a collaboration role). (OMG) |
|Root Segment Module| | |TBD|
|RSM| | |See Requirement Specification Mapping|
|RSM| | |See Root Segment Module|
|runtime| | |The period of time during which a computer program executes. (RUP)|
|Runtime Phase| | |The run time phase covers the execution of an ebXML scenario with the actual associated ebXML transactions. In the Run Time Phase, ebXML Messages are being exchanged between Trading Partners utilizing the ebXML Messaging Service. (UEBA 0.83)|
|scenario| | |A formal specification of a class of business activities having the same business goal. (ISO 9735 Part 1)|
|schema| | |"Schema is ""A diagrammatic representation an outline or model."" Something that formally describes the abstract structure of a set of data can therefore be called schema. (W3C)"|
|scope| | |"The extent to which it is possible to range the opportunity for action etc. (COD)"|
|Secrutiry services| | |Digital signature creation and verification, authentication and authorization. These services MAY be used by other components of the MSH including the Header Processing and Header Parsing components. (ebMS 1.0)|
|Secure MIME|S/MIME, S-MIME|A public-key encryption protocol for MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) attachments to electronic mail messages. (|
|Secure Socket Layer|SSL| |SSL is a protocol developed by Netscape to secure all internet communications. SSL intervene between TCP/IP and applications protocols (http, FTP, Telnet, etc.) to secure them. SSL is standardized by IETF under acronym TLS (Transport Layer Protocol), RFC 2246. It use RSA and MD5 algorithms. To encrypt data, it use RC2, RC4, DES or 3DES. SSL is compliant with X509 certificates. SSL is used with HTTP-S. (ChamberSign, Fr)|
|security model| | |A schematic description of a set of entities and relationships by which a specified set of security services are provided by or within a system. (IETF RFC 2828)|
|security policy | | |A set of rules and practices that specify or regulate how a system or organization provides security services to protect sensitive and critical system resources. (IETF RFC 2828)|
|semantic| | |"(1) Relating to meaning in language relating to the connotations of words. (COD) (2) The branch of linguistic science which deals with the meanings of words (Webster)."|
|sender | | |Originator of a Message. |
|separator| | |"A symbol or space enclosing or separating a component within a name a delimiter. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)"|
|sequence diagram| | |A diagram that shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. In particular, it shows the objects participating in the interaction and the sequence of messages exchanged. Unlike a collaboration diagram, a sequence diagram includes time sequences but does not include object relationships. A sequence diagram can exist in a generic form (describes all possible scenarios) and in an instance form (describes one actual scenario). Sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams express similar information, but show it in different ways. See collaboration diagram. (RUP)|
|server | | |Software that accepts a connection initiated by a Client. |
|Server Unique Identifier| | |The abstract concept of utilizing a standard mechanism and process for assigning a sequence of alphanumeric codes to ebXML Registry items, including: Core Components, Aggregate Information Entities, and Business Processes. (CPP 2.0)|
|Service Oriented Architecture|SOA| |"In computing, the term service-oriented architecture (SOA (pronounced ""es-?-?"")) expresses a perspective of software architecture that defines the use of loosely coupled software services to support the requirements of the business processes and software users. In an SOA environment, resources on a network are made available as independent services that can be accessed without knowledge of their underlying platform implementation. A service-oriented architecture is not tied to a specific technology and may be implemented using a wide range of interoperability standards including RPC, DCOM, ORB or WSDL.. SOA can also be regarded as a style of information systems architecture that enables the creation of applications that are built by combining loosely coupled and interoperable services(citation needed). These services inter-operate based on a formal definition (or contract, e.g., WSDL) which is independent of the underlying platform and programming language. The interface definition hides the implementation of the language-specific service. SOA-compliant systems can therefore be independent of development technologies and platforms (such as Java, .NET etc). For example, services written in C# running on .Net platforms and services written in Java running on Java EE platforms can both be consumed by a common composite application. In addition, applications running on either platform can consume services running on the other as Web services, which facilitates reuse. SOA can support integration and consolidation activities within complex enterprise systems, but SOA does not specify or provide a methodology or framework for documenting capabilities or services. (Wikipedia)"|
|signature| | |The name and parameters of a behavioral feature. A signature may include an optional returned parameter. (RUP)|
|Simple Electronic Business|SEB| |Simple Electronic Business is the application of simplified business processes, using core application data, and new and existing standardized techniques that support paperless and efficient operations. (UN/CEFACT- SIMAC)|
|Simple Object Application Protocol|SOAP| |SOAP, the Simple Object Access Protocol, is an XML syntax for exchanging messages. Because it is XML, it is both language and platform independent. (|
|Simpl-EDI| | |Subsets of UN/EDIFACT messages especially designed for SMEs. Simpl-EDI (Simple Electronic Business) defines simplest processes and their required core data allowing the exchange of the minimum data to effect a business transaction electronically (UN/CEFACT - SIMAC)|
|SOA| | |See Service Oriented Architecture.|
|SOAP|SOAP| |See Simple Object Application Protocol|
|software developer| | |A person responsible for developing software in accordance with project-adopted standards and procedures. This can include performing activities in any of the requirements, analysis & design, implementation, and test workflows. (RUP)|
|software solution| | |The act or a means of solving a problem or difficulty using a software. (COD)|
|specification| | |A declarative description of what something is or does. Contrast implementation. (RUP)|
|Specification Schema| | |An additional view of a meta model.|
|SSL|SSL| |See Secure Socket Layer|
|stakeholder| | |An individual who is materially affected by the outcome of the system. (RUP)|
|Standard Business Document| | |documents are used in supply chain, financila, and other processes to record and share data such as purchase order, invoices, or item snchronizations. These business documents are typically created in one application and processed by one or more receiving applications, either within a single organization or an external organization (Trading Partner). A number of different proprietary approaches have been developed to route and process these documents. (UN/CEFACT SBDH TS V1.3)|
|Standard Business Document Header|SBDH| | |"a Header contained in a Business Message and is associated with one or more top-level Aggregate Business Information Entities. Each of these associations may optionally include a Verb. A Business Message Header MUST contain the attributes as defined by the UN/CEFACT Standard Business Document Header (SBDH). The SBDH contains administrative information on the Business Message, like:
* Message Identification
* Sender
* Receiver
* Date/time
* Message Type
* and Process identification. (CCMA 0.6)"|
|state| | |A condition or situation during the life of an object during which it satisfies some condition, performs some activity, or waits for some event. Contrast state (OMA). (RUP)|
|state diagram| | |Shows how single object behaves across many use cases. (UML Distilled)|
|state machine| | |A state machine specifies the behavior of a model element, defining its response to events and the life cycle of the object. (RUP) A behavior that specifies the sequences of states that an object or an interaction goes through during its life in response to events, together with its responses and actions. |
|state transition| | |(1) The fourth phase of the process in which the software is turned over to the user community. (N093/UMMUG) (2) A relationship between two states indicating that an object in the first state will perform certain specified actions and enter the second state when a specified event occurs and specified conditions are satisfied. On such a change of state, the transition is said to fire. (RUP)|
|statechart (state machine) diagram| |A diagram that shows a state machine. See state machine. (RUP) Not used in N090|
|stereotype| | |A new type of modeling element that extends the semantics of the metamodel. Stereotypes must be based on certain existing types or classes in the metamodel. Stereotypes may extend the semantics, but not the structure of pre-existing types and classes. Certain stereotypes are predefined in the OMG, others may be user defined. Stereotypes are one of three extensibility mechanisms in OMG. (OMG) See constraint, tagged value.|
|stewardship (of metamodel)| | |the responsibility for the maintenance of Administration Records applicable to one or more Administered Items NOTE 1: The responsibility for the registration of metadata may be different from the responsibility for stewardship of metadata. NOTE 2: See also Stewardship (of Administered Item) (3.3.129). (ISO 11179-3, Second edition)|
|structure set| | |A method of placing objects in context, revealing relationships to other objects. Examples include Entity-Relationship Models, taxonomies, and ontologies. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|sub-area| | |A lower area of knowledge or activity characterized by a family of related systems contained by a business area.|
|submitting organisation|SO| |(1) Any organisation that submits a repository item to be registered in a repository. (OASIS) (2) organization or unit within an organization that has submitted requests for registry action. (ISO/IEC 11179-6, Second edition)|
|Supplementary Component | | |Gives additional meaning to the Content Component in the Core Component Type. (CCTS 2.01)|
|Supplementary Component Restrictions | | |The formal definition of a format restriction that applies to the possible values of a Supplementary Component. (CCTS 2.01)|
|supply chain| | |A sequence of events, which may include conversion, movement or placement, which adds value to goods, products, or services. (UN/CEFACT- SIMAC)|
|Supporting Role Context | | |Semantic influences related to non-partner roles (e.g., data required by a third-party shipper in an order response going from seller to buyer.) (CCTS 2.01)|
|syntax| | |The relationships among characters or groups of characters, independent of their meanings or the manner of their interpretation and use. The structure of expressions in a language, and the rules governing the structure of a language. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|syntax binding | | |The process of expressing a Business Information Entity in a specific syntax. (CCTS 2.01)|
|syntax rule| | |Rules governing the structure of an interchange and its functional groups, messages, segments and data elements. (ISO 9735)|
|system| | |"As an instance, an executable configuration of a software application or software application family the execution is done on a hardware platform. As a class, a particular software application or software application family that can be configured and installed on a hardware platform. In a general sense, an arbitrary system instance. (RUP) A collection of connected units that are organized to accomplish a specific purpose. A system can be described by one or more models, possibly from different viewpoints. Synonym physical system. 2. A top-level subsystem. "|
|System Capabilities Context | | |This Context category exists to capture the limitations of systems (e.g. an existing back office can only support an address in a certain form). (CCTS 2.01)|
|tagged value| | |"The explicit definition of a property as a name-value pair. In a tagged value, the name is referred as the tag. Certain tags are predefined in the OMG others may be user defined. Tagged values are one of three extensibility mechanisms in OMG. See constraint, stereotype. (OMG)"|
|TBG|TBG| |See International Trade and Business Processes Group.|
|Technical Architecture|TA| |ebXML Technical Specification for the eBusiness community. See also architecture.|
|Techniques and Methodologies Group|TMG| |One of the newly established groups in the UN/CEFACT in May, 2002 Plenary. TMG's works cover the TMWG work as currently mandated by UN/CEFACT, such as the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology. It would provide support for all UN/CEFACT groups by providing base (meta) ICT specifications, and education. (UN/CEFACT)|
|template| | |A pre-defined structure for an artifact. Synonym parameterized element. (RUP)|
|terminological system| | |concept system with designations for each concept (ISO 11179-1, Second edition)|
|test| | |A core process workflow in the software-engineering process whose purpose is to integrate and test the system. (RUP)|
|thesaurus| | |A controlled vocabulary arranged in a given order in which relationships among terms are displayed and identified. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|TMG|TMG| |See Techniques and Mehodologies Group|
|TMWG|TMWG| |See UN/CEFACT Techniques and Methodologies Working Group. |
|traceability| | |The ability to trace a project element to other related project elements, especially those related to requirements. (RUP)|
|trading partner | | |Business partners engaged in eBusiness.|
|Trading Partner Agreement|TPA| |A mutually agreed upon technical business arrangement (CPPA V1.9)|
|Trading Partner Profile|TPP| |Technical configuration of the supported transport, security and encoding protocols. (CPPA V1.9)|
|Transaction| | |A complete unit of work as defined by a business application. A transaction starts when a part of the distributed transaction first initiates some work that is to be a part of a new transaction. The Transaction Tree may grow and shrink over time and (logical) space. A transaction completes when all the participants in a transaction have completed (that is have replied to their Confirm or Cancel instruction).(Tony Frecher)|
|Transaction Tree| | |A pattern of Parties that provides the coordination of a distributed business (application) transaction. There is single top Party that has the initiating business application (which is a part of a distributed business process). The top Party has one, or more, relationships with other Parties. Any intermediate Parties have exactly one relationship up the tree in which they act as Responder, and one, or more, relationships down the tree in which they act as Requester. Leaves of the tree have exactly one relationship up the tree in which they act as Responder and no down tree relationships.(Tony Frecher)|
|Transition Condition| | |"Each Business Message Type may have constraints associated with it. A constraint may be
* an Invariant
* a Precondition
* a Postcondition, and
* a Transition Condition. Invariants are constraints defined on the information in the Business Message itself. Transition Conditions relate the Business Information State after the Business Message has been processed to the State before it was processed. For example, the Order Item Numbers in an Order Confirmation Business Message may not be changed. Whenever a constraint is totally within the scope of an ABIE, the constraint should be defined on ABIE level as a CCTS Usage Rule. Contraints on the level of the Business Message should have a scope wider thant an ABIE.. (CCMA 0.6)"|
|transition phase| | |The fourth phase of the process in which the software is turned over to the user community. (RUP)|
|type| | |Description of a set of entities that share common characteristics, relations, attributes, and semantics. (RUP) A stereotype of class that is used to specify an area of instances (objects) together with the operations applicable to the objects. A type may not contain any methods. See class, instance. Contrast interface. |
|UDDI|UDDI| |See Universal Description, Discovery and Integration|
|UEB Architecture| | |UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture|
|UML|UML| |See Unified Modeling Language.|
|UMM|UMM| |See Unified Modeling Methodology|
|UMM Information Entity| | |A UMM Information Entity realizes structured business information that is exchanged by partner roles performing activities in a business transaction. Information entities include or reference other information entities through associations." (CCTS 2.01)|
|UN/CEFACT| |Centre des Nations Unies pour la facilitation du commerce et les
transactions électroniques |United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business |
|UN/CEFACT Business Process Analysis Working Group|BPAWG| |UN/CEFACT Business Process Analysis Working Group. Responsible for analyzing and understanding the key elements of international transactions and working for the elimination of constraints.|
|UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology|UMM| |(1) Most activities can be decomposed into business processes that are more generic to a specific type of business (UN/CEFACT) (2) The UMM Meta Model is a mechanism that allows Trading Partners to capture the details for a specific business scenario using a consistent modeling methodology (UMM)|
|UN/CEFACT Techniques and Methodologies Working Group| | |UN/CEFACT Techniques and Methodologies Group. To research and identify techniques and methodologies which could be utilized by CEFACT and its working groups to enhance the process by which its deliverables are produced and integrated. (UN/CEFACT)|
|UN/EDIFACT| | |"United Nations Rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport. ""User application protocol, for use within user application systems for data to be interchanged, compatible with the OSI model."" (UN/EDIFACT)"|
|UN/EDIFACT Working Group|EWG| |UN/EDIFACT Working Group. To develop and maintain UN/EDIFACT, the support of harmonized implementations and the use of multi-lingual terminology. (UN/CEFACT)|
|UNeDocs| |Documents commerciaux électroniques de l'ONU |See United Nations electronic Documents (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)
|UNeDocs Core Document| | |is a subset of an UNeDocs Document and describes those semantic data elements of each UNeDocs document type which are almost used in all exchanged (payload) documents of that document type (i.e. they are globally accepted) and might exclude all those semantic data elements which are for sure not used in the Global Cross Border Trade. (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)|
|UNeDocs Document| | |TBD NOTE: For each UNeDocs Document there will be: a class diagram, based on any existing related TBG class diagram, the layout of the document based on the UN Layout Key, Box Completion Guidelines, XML specifications (i.e. UN/CEFACT schema, stylesheet), and UN/EDIFACT message implementation guide. (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)|
|UNeDocs Document Type| | |TBD |
|UNeDocs Implementation Project| | |"is an implementation of one, several or all parts of the UNeDocs Standards and deliverables in a specific region, nation or industry. NOTE: This follows the concepts of regional, national or industry applications as of the UN Rec. No 1 ""UN Layout Key"". (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)"|
|UNeDocs Project| | |"activity of UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 ""Digital paper/UNeDocs"" approved by the UN/CEFACT plenary in June 2005 (see TRADE/CEFACT/2005/27) (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)"|
|UNeDocs Project User Implementation Guide| | |document to make the users of UNeDocs familiar with the series of steps required for an UNeDocs implementation|
|UNeDocs Standards and Deliverables| | |any kind of document prepared and published within the framework of the UNeDocs project (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2 - definition by Boesler, to be checked)|
|United Nations electronic Documents|UNeDocs| |"a set of deliverables for the production of paper and electronic specifications comprising: a Business Process Model illustrating where the UNeDocs documents fit into the operation of the International Supply Chain a compliant Common Data Model based on UN/CEFACT Core Components that are linked to the UNTDED/ISO 7372 showing the relationships between key Business Entities referred to across the UNeDocs documents and any BRS and RSM submitted from the stakeholders. In the absence of an existing BRS or RSM the processes will be modelled against existing best practices and the forms used in international trade. (UN/CEFACT/TBG 2 and the ISO/TC 154/JWG 2)"|
|Unified Modeling Language|UML| |(1) UML is a standard notation for the modeling of real-world objects as a first step in developing an object-oriented design methodology. Its notation is derived from and unifies the notations of three object-oriented design and analysis methodologies. ( (2) A set of diagrams that communicate requirements regarding a business process. (OMG)|
|Uniform Resource Identifier |URI| |The addressing technology from which URLs are created. Technically, URLs such as HTTP:// and FTP:// are specific subsets of URIs.|
|Unique Identifier|UID| |The abstract concept of utilizing a standard mechanism and process for assigning a sequence of alphanumeric codes to ebXML Registry items, including: Core Components, Aggregate Information Entities, and Business Processes. The identifier that references a Registry Class instance in a universally unique and unambiguous way. (CCTS 2.01)|
|United Nations Economic Commission for Europe|UN/ECE| |"UN/ECE is the worldwide focal point within the United Nations system for the development, maintenance and promotion of trade facilitation measures and standards
* that international non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations actively participate and support these efforts
* that trade facilitation reduces transaction costs in national and international economies and strengthens trade relations through the simplification, rationalization and whenever possible elimination of procedures, such procedures being the collection, presentation, communication and processing of data in paper or electronic format
* that modern trade facilitation techniques such as EDI are prerequisites for the management and administration of efficient organizations
* that the development and implementation of approved international standards are seen as fundamental to effective trade facilitation. (MoU) "|
|Universal Description, Discovery and Integration|UDDI| |UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) is an XML-based registry for businesses worldwide to list themselves on the Internet. Its ultimate goal is to streamline online transactions by enabling companies to find one another on the Web and make their systems interoperable for e-commerce. UDDI is often compared to a telephone book's white, yellow, and green pages. The project allows businesses to list themselves by name, product, location, or the Web services they offer. Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba spearheaded UDDI. The project now includes 130 companies, including some of the biggest names in the corporate world. Compaq, American Express, SAP AG, and Ford Motor Company are all committed to UDDI, as is Hewlett-Packard, whose own XML-based directory approach, called e-speak, is now being integrated with UDDI. While the group does not refer to itself as a standards body, it does offer a framework for Web services integration. The UDDI specification utilizes World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards such as XML, HTTP, and Domain Name System (DNS) protocols. It has also adopted early versions of the proposed Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messaging guidelines for cross platform programming. (|
|Universally Unique Identifier|UUID| |An identifier that is unique across both space and time, with respect to the space of all UUIDs. A UUID can be used for multiple purposes, from tagging objects with an extremely short lifetime, to reliably identifying very persistent objects across a network. (CPP 2.0)|
|usage rules | | |Usage Rules describe how and/or when to use the Registry Class. (CCTS 2.01)|
|use case| | |The specification of a sequence of actions, including variants, that a system (or other entity) can perform, interacting with actors of the system. See use-case instances. A use-case class contains all main, alternate flows of events related to producing the 'observable result of value'. Technically, a use-case is a class whose instances are scenarios. (RUP)|
|use-case analysis| | |The part of the software development process using use case methodology whose primary purpose is to formulate a model of the problem area. Analysis focuses on what to do, design focuses on how to do it. |
|use-case diagram| | |A diagram that shows the relationships among actors and use cases within a system. (RUP)|
|use-case instance| | |A sequence of actions performed by a system that yields an observable result of value to a particular actor. (RUP)|
|use-case model| | |A model that describes a system's functional requirements in terms of use cases.|
|use-case realization| | |A use-case realization describes how a particular use case is realized within the design model, in terms of collaborating objects. (RUP)|
|use-case view| | |An architectural view that describes how critical use cases are performed in the system, focusing mostly on architecturally significant components (objects, tasks, nodes). In the Unified Process, it is a view of the use-case model. (RUP)|
|user community | | |A user community is a group of practitioners, with a publicised contact address, who may define Context profiles relevant to their area of business. Users within the community do not create, define or manage their individual Context needs but conform to the community's standard. Such a community should liase closely with other communities and with general standards-making bodies to avoid overlapping work. A community may be as small as two consenting organisations. (CCTS 2.01)|
|value domain| | |A set of permissible values. NOTE 1: The value domain provides representation, but has no implication as to what data element concept the values may be associated with nor what the values mean. NOTE 2: The permissible values may either be enumerated or expressed via a description. (ISO/IEC 11179-3:2003, 3.3.140)|
|verb| | |(1) word used to indicate a action, a state, or an occurrence (POD) (2) A Verb may indicate the action to be performed on the information (e.g. add/change/delete), the intention of the sender (e.g. propose/accept/decline), a service indication (e.g. get/query/response/list) or the activity the receiver is supposed to perform (e.g. produce/pick up/pay). (CCMA 0.6)|
|version| | |An indication of the evolution over time of an instance of a Core Component, Data Type, Business Context, or Business Information Entity. (CCTS 2.01)|
|version identifier| | |The identification of an issue of a data element specification in a series of evolving data element specifications within a Registration Authority. (ISO/IEC 11179-5 1st edition)|
|view| | |(1) A simplified description (an abstraction) of a model, which is seen from a given perspective or vantage point and omits entities that are not relevant to this perspective. See also architectural view. (RUP) (2) A projection of a model, which is seen from a given perspective or vantage point and omits entities that are not relevant to this perspective. (OMG)|
|vulnerability| | |A flaw or weakness in a system's design, implementation, or operation and management that could be exploited to violate the system's security policy. (IETF RFC 2828)|
|Web service| | |A set of standards for how systems connect to each other and communicate information. Using open standards such as XML, SOAP and UDDI. Commercial services that provide software/hardware/personnel to companies for data integration purposes. (|
|Web Service Description Language|WSDL|The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based language used to describe the services a business offers and to provide a way for individuals and other businesses to access those services electronically. WSDL is the cornerstone of the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) initiative spearheaded by Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba. UDDI is an XML-based registry for businesses worldwide, which enables businesses to list themselves and their services on the Internet. WSDL is the language used to do this. ( WSDL is derived from Microsoft's Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and IBM's Network Accessible Service Specification Language (NASSL). WSDL replaces both NASSL and SOAP as the means of expressing business services in the UDDI registry. |
|well-formedness rule| | |The rules and constraints on valid models are defined. The rules are expressed in English prose and in a precise Object Constraint Language (OCL). (OMG)|
|workflow| | |A sequence of activities in the Rational Unified Modeling Methodology.|
|WSDL|WSDL| |See Web Service Description Language|
|XMI| | |a model driven XML Integration framework for defining, interchanging, manipulating and integrating XML data and objects. XMI-based standards are in use for integrating tools, repositories, applications and data warehouses. Provides rules by which a schema can be generated for any valid XMI-transmissible MOF-based metamodel. (OMG)|
|XML |XML| |See eXtensible Markup Language.|
|XML schema| | |"(1) An XML schema is a document that describes the valid format of an XML data-set. This definition include what elements are (and are not) allowed at any point what the attibutes for any element may be the number of occurances of elements. (W3C) (2) A generic term used to identify the family of grammar based XML document structure validation languages to include the more formal W3C XML Schema Technical Specification, Document Type Definition, Schematron, Regular Language Description for XML (RELAX), and the OASIS RELAX NG. (CCTS 2.01)"|