- Return to:
Team Members
- Yan ZHANG (The secretariat)
- Bertrand Geoffray (Co-chair)
- Wenfeng Sun (Co-chair)
- Stefano Sabatini (Italy)
- Antti Arkima (Finland)
- Yoshio Kito
- Zhang Yin fen (China)
- Feargal HOGAN
- Jun Li (CNIS)
- Xuefeng Sun (CNIS)
- Nardo Bezemer
DMR Requests
- George Papathanasiou
- Toni Maricevic
- Nardo Bezemer
UNLOCODE Working Copy
Status Number Approved 1 Rejected 1 Withdrawn Postponed Special Note
Special Note
- The Xiamen conference including the next UN/LOCODE Advisory Group Annual Meeting was announced. Online registration is open.
- List of NFPs was updated.
- The secretariat to confirm with the local organizer of the Xiamen conference if the remote participation will be supported.
- Due to unavailability of co-chairs, the next meeting is cancelled.
- The secretariat to fix the new timing slots of 26/09/2019 and 7/10/2019 meetings in order to facilitate participation from America.
- The secretariat to contact Michael SCHROEDER to reach Schenker headquarters to discuss massive DMRs from Schenker;
- The secretariat to discuss with Finland FP offline to follow up the presence of requested MR submitters to the meeting in two weeks.
- The secretariat to contact INTTRA for clean-up of their DMRs like last time
- The secretariat to contact SGL to clarify DMR submission, especially function 1
- The secretariat to help George to contact SMDP to look for a solution to code a terminal.
- Bertrand to contact Australian administration for FP nomination.
- The SMDP meeting will be held in Singapore from 17-19 September 2019.