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  • Position to progress the Orchestration Focal Point

Discussion items

2Read and approve prior meeting notes and action itemsAll

3Review todays meeting agendaRajiv Garg

Deliverables for Forum to Lance on or before 15 Aug:

  1. Synopsis for half day workshop
  2. PDA Weekly Meeting agenda
  3. Forum Schedule - Room allocation
  1. Review and Finalize synopsis for half day event
  • Draft Submitted to Lance 9 Aug
  • Agree and submit final

2. PDA Weekly Meeting agenda

  • Draft submitted to Lance 9 Aug
  • Agree and submit final

3. Forum Schedule - Room allocation

  • Final submitted to Lance 9 Aug

Review docs in CUE Files - Orchestration Focal Point

  1. Suggested discussion topics, presentations and speakers for a half workshop at the October 2018 forum
    1. Focal Point workshop
    2. Transport & Logistics workshop
    3. Suggestions for promotional material and volunteers

           i.     Preparation of brochures

           ii.     Suggestions for promoting the workshops

           iii.     Target audience

The workshop is 3 hours in length.

Inviting speakers and other PDAs to participate in the workshop - Discuss Status of contact for speakers

  • Rajiv – to confirm with Jaco GS1 - Jaco confirmed GS1 participation
  • Zisis – to confirm with David Roff,
  • Steve - to confirm Dept. of Home affair speaker
  • Meg – to confirm a speaker
20POW to be submitted to Lance by 20 Aug

Draft project proposal to be submitted on Aug 12

2Conference call schedule
  1. A regular weekly schedule is proposed as we prepare for the October 2018 forum
  2. Rotating meetings will continue to accommodate time zones – at 10PM, 6AM or 4PM Geneva time
Rajiv GargWeekly conference call to be scheduled till October.
5Call for engagement
  1. Confirm interested parties and acceptance of roles
Ian Watt

Attend China Forum


Reminder to attend China forum:

  • Don't forget to enroll early
  • Deadline for Deefly hotel in Hangzhou room reservation is 20 August, secretariat is working with hotel to extend the date for blocked rooms, but no guarantee that they will do it. So book early
  • Deadline to Register for Visa invitation - 20 September
  1. Wrap up and next call
    1. Confirm action items –who does what
    b. Next meeting will be Aug 21/22

Rajiv GargNext conference call on USA TUE Aug 21 7AM PT - 4PM (Geneva) & Aug 22 Wed Midnight Melbourne

Action items for Meeting #006
