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  • Formalise repository, Confirm PDA direction, Assign tasks

Discussion items

Agree meeting notes #001IW
  • Agreed



All. Agreed

Agree approach to proceed. CUE and other repository.

Tomas Nott & Ian to hold a conf call to organise CUE. Nott to arrange.

PDA directionAll

Refer prior emails from IW on the subject of Informative and Normative deliverables. IW Agreed to lead the writing of a briefing paper for Bureau & Secretariat consideration and approval

Hold development of this paper until the team has been briefed on existing concepts, collateral etc. Briefing Scheduled for 9/11 Conf call.

Reference Collateral -   SCRDM MMT RDM & ISCRM.

Conf Call attendance. Inadequate attendance at Conf Calls. IW to address


Processes paper


Briefing on the technical papers of the Blockchain project.

IW discussed conf call with Marek Laskowski. Intent is for the Harmonization PDA and Marek's tech lab to enhance the model being piloted. A choreography (process0 is required beyond just Document ie CII.

Assign tasksJK/IWCommence hand over from IW to JK and team. Task delayed until team attendance ensured.
AOBAllAdjust GTM time. Decision - Leave as is.

Action items

  • Natthaphat Rojanasupamit Conf call re CUE setup   Requires Nott Tomas Ian
  • Ian Watt Arrange for briefing on existing concepts
  • Ian Watt Email team members on importance of engagement
  • Ian Watt Briefing paper to Bureau and Secretariat for discussion on PDA recommended direction