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Invitees (Pre finalisation of registration)

  • William McCarthy
  • Nita Sharma 



  • Briefing: Conf call #001 post Rome forum. Set conf call cycle. Introduce team members not at Rome

Discussion items

10 MinTeam IntroductionsAll
  • Brief Harry, Max, Nita & Bill who were unable to engage at Rome due to WiFi issues at the Rome venue.
15 Min

Harmonization PDA

Launch - Rome


Briefing on agreement at the Paris (6/2017) Bureau F2F and Rome (10/2017) forum on the role of the harmonization PDA as UN/CEFACT now increases focus on process modelling.

Reference to the presentation (2.5 hrs) made to the Bureau F2F Paris

25 MinOpinionsAll

Discussion related to the Canonical Model project, including discussion of how wide and deep should UN/CEFACT prescribe standards related to processes.


10 MinLiaisonECDiscussion on how UN/CEFACT liaises and harmonizes with other related standards bodies and at what model level of detail could this be meaningful and valuable
5 MinNext ActionsAll

Agreement to run weekly conf calls for the next 4 weeks.


2 MinCUEIWEstablish initial CUE set-up for the Harmonization PDA. IW to liaise with UNECE Secretariat, JK Peng & Nott.
2 MinStrategyIWIW to liaise with Jonathan, Harry and team re initial articulation of the approach going forward, and how related to existing UN/CEFACT deliverables

Action items


