UN/EDIFACT D.24A - Publication Cycle

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D24A - List of submitted DMRs

UN Log #EP Log #RequesterTypeMessageNoteRequest FileInserted

UAE National Advance Information Center (NAIC)


Code Name (*):    Responsible agency code
Code TAG (*):    3055
Action (*):    Add
Code definition (*):    NAIC (National Advance Information Center), United Arab Emirates  
Code Note:    
Based on data element (*):    3055 (Code list responsible agency code). 
Based on composite:    
Based on segment:    BGM, FTX, TDT
Based on message (*):    CUSCAR
Based on Directory:    D23A
Target Directory:    
Code category (*):    Codes in the public domain, maintained by UN/EDIFACT. 

Need/justification (*) :    NAIC is using UN/EDIFACT CUSCAR, CUSRES, and APERAK message definitions for its Maritime Preload Cargo Information Program (MPCI). 

Forum National de la Facture Electronique et des Marchés Publics Electroniques


Code Name (*):    Self-billed corrective invoice
Code TAG (*):    
Action (*):    ADD
Code definition (*):    Invoice produced by the invoicee is producing instead of the seller that includes revised information differing from an earlier submission of the same invoice.
Code Note:    Requested code is a combination of 389 Self-billed invoice and 384 Corrected Invoice. Usage within the invoice and/or acknowledgement & response message.
Based on data element (*):    1001
Based on composite:    C002
Based on segment:    EDIFACT: BGM DOC DMS
UNCEFACT information entities: 
-    Exchanged_ Document. Type. Code
-    Referenced_ Document. Type. Code
Based on message (*):    Usage within UNCEFACT messages: 
-    Cross Industry Invoice (CII)
-    Cross Domain Acknowledgement & Response (CDAR)
Based on Directory:    D23B
Target Directory:    D24A
Code category (*):    3
Need/justification (*) :    To indicate a particular invoice type and/or referenced document type.

Code Name (*):    Factored corrective Invoice
Code TAG (*):    
Action (*):    ADD
Code definition (*):    Invoice assigned to a third party for collection that includes revised information differing from an earlier submission of the same invoice.
Code Note:    Requested code is a combination of 393 Factored invoice and 384 Corrective invoice. Usage within the invoice and/or acknowledgement & response message.
Based on data element (*):    1001
Based on composite:    C002
Based on segment:    EDIFACT: BGM DOC DMS
UNCEFACT information entities: 
-    Exchanged_ Document. Type. Code
-    Referenced_ Document. Type. Code
Based on message (*):    Usage within UNCEFACT messages: 
-    Cross Industry Invoice (CII)
-    Cross Domain Acknowledgement & Response (CDAR)
Based on Directory:    D23B
Target Directory:    D24A
Code category (*):    3
Need/justification (*) :    To indicate a particular invoice type and/or referenced document type.

Code Name (*):    Self-billed factored corrective invoice
Code TAG (*):    
Action (*):    ADD
Code definition (*):    Invoice produced by the invoicee instead of the seller, assigned to a third party for collection, that includes revised information differing from an earlier submission of the same invoice.
Code Note:    Requested code is a combination of 389 Self-billed invoice, 393 Factored invoice and 384 Corrected Invoice. Usage within the invoice and/or acknowledgement & response message.
Based on data element (*):    1001
Based on composite:    C002
Based on segment:    EDIFACT: BGM DOC DMS
UNCEFACT information entities: 
-    Exchanged_ Document. Type. Code
-    Referenced_ Document. Type. Code
Based on message (*):    Usage within UNCEFACT messages: 
-    Cross Industry Invoice (CII)
-    Cross Domain Acknowledgement & Response (CDAR)
Based on Directory:    D23B
Target Directory:    D24A
Code category (*):    3
Need/justification (*) :    To indicate a particular invoice type and/or referenced document type.

Jost Müller (SMDG)


Code Name (*):    Storage
Code TAG (*):    33 (to be assigned at production)
Action (*):    Add
Code definition (*):    Transport Equipment (Empty) is destined for storage.
e.g. In case of re-positioning of empty (unloaded) containers: return to Empty Stock of a container Terminal or Depot.
Code Note:    
Based on data element (*):    8249
Based on composite:    -
Based on segment:    EQD
Based on message (*):    COPARN, CODECO, COPRAR, COARRI
Based on Directory:    D.23A
Target Directory:    Batch
Code category (*):    3

Need/justification (*) :    Re-positioning of empty (unloaded) containers: return to Stock Empty of a container Terminal.
It is to be used in de EQD segment data element to make a distinction on container pre-arrival announcement.
Due to the imbalance of available Transport Equipment in different parts of the world, more and more Transport Equipment (containers) are positioned empty on a vessel.  
This new development makes it unclear whether the empty container will enter a container terminal for re-positioning to the empty stock of the container terminal or the container must be positioned in the export stack for Vessel export.

Code Name (*):    Block Stow Reference
Code TAG (*):    BST (to be assigned at production)
Action (*):    Add
Code definition (*):    Block Stow Reference
Code Note:    
Based on data element (*):    1153
Based on composite:    -
Based on segment:    RFF
Based on Directory:    D.23A
Target Directory:    Batch
Code category (*):    3

Need/justification (*) :    Additional reference of a group of Transport Equipment (containers) to be stowed together.
Block stowage helps in easy loading and unloading of transport equipment by Location. It is also useful in segregating dangerous goods to prevent accidents or to face any dangerous situations.

Piergiorgio Licciardello  GS1 AISBL


Message (*):    DESADV
Based on Directory (Batch) (*):    D.01B 
Target Directory (Batch) (*):    Batch
Attached documentation:    
need/justification (*):    The need is to provide, in an EDI message, the phytosanitary passport information, according to https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2016/2031/oj
Related change request(s):    

Action (*):    Add a new code in the DE 7143 in PIA segment.

Code name (*):    Phytosanitary Passport Information
Code tag (*):    PPI
Code definition (*):    A string providing the phytosanitary passport information related to the trade item
Code note:    
Based on data element (*):    7143
Based on composite (*):    
Based on segment (*):    PIA
Code category (*):    2

Message (*):    RECADV
Based on Directory (Batch) (*):    D.01B 
Target Directory (Batch) (*):    Batch
Attached documentation:    
need/justification (*):    On line item level of a Receiving Advice Message (RECADV) we need the possibility to indicate an early delivery in EANCOM code list 4221 (QVR segment). The shipment or goods cannot be accepted prematurely due to lack of capacity.
Related change request(s):    

Action (*):    Add a new code in the DE 4221 in QVR segment.

Code name (*):    Delivered too early
Code tag (*):    AI
Code definition (*):    The shipment or goods were delivered at an earlier time than specified in the agreements or in the order.
Code note:    
Based on data element (*):    4221
Based on composite (*):    
Based on segment (*):    QVR
Code category (*):    2

Message (*):    RECADV
Based on Directory (Batch) (*):    D.01B 
Target Directory (Batch) (*):    Batch
Attached documentation:    
need/justification (*):    On line item level of a Receiving Advice Message (RECADV) we need the possibility to indicate in EANCOM code list 6063 (QVR segment) that goods must be picked up because defects have been noticed after goods receipt
Related change request(s):    

Action (*):    Add a new code in the DE 6063 in QVR segment.

Code name (*):    Collection desired
Code tag (*):    534
Code definition (*):    The shipment or goods received at a particular location, but not accepted and therefore the collection is desired.
Code note:    
Based on data element (*):    6063
Based on composite (*):    
Based on segment (*):    QVR
Code category (*):    2

Message (*):    RECADV
Based on Directory (Batch) (*):    D.01B 
Target Directory (Batch) (*):    Batch
Attached documentation:    
need/justification (*):    On line item level of a Receiving Advice Message (RECADV) we need the possibility to indicate in EANCOM code list 4221 (QVR segment) that the delivery conditions were not met and goods cannot be accepted.
Related change request(s):    

Action (*):    Add a new code in the DE 4221 in QVR segment.

Code name (*):    Delivery conditions not fulfilled
Code tag (*):    AZ
Code definition (*):    The received delivery does not comply with the delivery conditions.
Code note:    
Based on data element (*):    4221
Based on composite (*):    
Based on segment (*):    QVR
Code category (*):    2

Gerhard Heemskerk

Virginia Cram-Martos 


3035        NAD    PRODAT    D23B    D24A    2
PARTY ROLE                        
Business Need/Justification (*): Circular Economy                        
Code Name (*):    Code TAG (*):    Action (*):    Code definition (*):    Code Note:        
Waste Sorter        ADD    A person or company that separates different types of waste materials into designated categories for recycling, composting, or disposal (landfilling or incineration).             
Waste Aggregator         ADD    A company that consolidates and collects, often across multiple municipalities or even regions, various types of waste materials from multiple sources for efficient processing, recycling, or disposal.             
Reseller        ADD    A person or company that purchases goods or services with the intention of selling them rather than consuming or using them.            
Finishing Treatment Provider        ADD    A person or company that specializes in applying various treatments or processes to enhance the appearance, functionality, durability, or other properties of materials or products.             
Refurbisher        ADD    A person or company that specializes in refurbishing, repairing, and restoring used or pre-owned products to a functional and often like-new condition.            
Waste Collector        ADD    A person or a company responsible for collecting and transporting waste materials from residential, commercial, and industrial areas to designated facilities for further processing or disposal.            
Waste Incinerator Operator        ADD    A person or a company responsible for overseeing and managing the operation of a waste incineration facility.            
Based on data element (*):    Based on composite:    Based on segment:    Based on message (*):    Based on Directory:    Target Directory:    Code category (*):
4405    C555    STS    PRODAT    D23B    D24A    2
PRODUCT STATUS                        
Business Need/Justification (*): Circular Economy                        
Code Name (*):    Code TAG (*):    Action (*):    Code definition (*):    Code Note:        
Unsold        ADD    The object or item is unsold.            
Repaired        ADD    The object or item is repaired.            
Sorted        ADD    The object or item is sorted.            
Refurbished        ADD    The object or item is refurbished.            
Incinerated        ADD    The object or item is incinerated.            
Remanufactured        ADD    The object or item is remanufactured.            
Repurposed        ADD    The object or item is repurposed.            
Collected        ADD    The object or item is collected.            
Pre-processed        ADD    The object or item is pre-processed.            
Rented        ADD    The object or item is rented.            
Resold        ADD    The object or item is resold.            
Processed        ADD    The object or item is processed.            
Consumed        ADD    The object or item is consumed.            
Aggregated        ADD    The object or item is aggregated.            
Discarded        ADD    The object or item is discarded.            
Near Resuable        ADD    The object or item is near reusable (needs to be repaired, refurbished, remanufactured or repurposed)            
Direct Reusable        ADD    The object or item is direct reusable.            
Based on data element (*):    Based on composite:    Based on segment:    Based on message (*):    Based on Directory:    Target Directory:    Code category (*):
1001    C002    DOC    PRODAT    D23B    D24A    2
DOCUMENT NAME CODE                        
Business Need/Justification (*): Circular Economy                        
Code Name (*):    Code TAG (*):    Action (*):    Code definition (*):    Code Note:        
Product Circularity Data        ADD    A document/message providing data relating to how well the product adheres to circular principles, such as durability, recyclability, or ease of repair.             
Sustainability Report        ADD    A document commonly addressed to customers, employees, and the general public, detailing a company's initiatives, goals, performance, and impacts across environmental, social, and economic dimensions.            
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report        ADD    A document commonly addressed to investors and regulators, containing standardized data to assess corporate performance and risk, detailing a company's impact and efforts regarding environmental and social issues, as well as corporate board and management structures, company policies, standards, information disclosures, and auditing and compliance issues            
Consumer Product Circularity Performance Report        ADD    A document detailing how effectively a product follows circular economy principles throughout its lifecycle, from design and production to use and end-of-life management.            
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Report        ADD    A document detailing the actions taken by a company to identify and act on actual and potential risks to people and to the environment. Not only within its own operations but throughout its entire supply chain.            
Resource Consumption Report         ADD    A document detailing the organization's energy use, including electricity, heating, and cooling, across different facilities and operations or water consumption.            
Emission Inventory Report        ADD    A document detailing the types and quantities of pollutants, greenhouse gases (GHGs), and other harmful emissions released into the environment as a result of an organization's activities.            
Product Environmental Footprint (PEF)        ADD    A document detailing the environmental impact of products throughout their lifecycle, including raw material extraction, production, use, and disposal.             
Corporate Environmental Footprint (CEF)        ADD    A document detailing a multi-criteria measure of the environmental performance of an organisation that provides goods or services, with the perspective of the whole life cycle, i.e. considering not only direct impacts but also indirect impacts on which we have influence.            
Declaration of Conformity        ADD    A self-issued document in which the manufacturer or supplier declares that their product, process, or service meets the specified standards or regulatory requirements.            
Disposal Instructions        ADD    A document detailing how to safely dispose of products, especially those that may contain hazardous materials.            
Recycling Instructions        ADD    A document or guideline detailing how products can be recycled correctly and efficiently (such as sorting instructions, disassembly procedures, hazardous material handling, recycling techniques).            
Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA)        ADD    A document that details the process and findings of a Chemical Safety Assessment.            
Based on data element (*):    Based on composite:    Based on segment:    Based on message (*):    Based on Directory:    Target Directory:    Code category (*):
3227        LOC    PRICAT    D23B    D24A    2
LOCATION FUNCTION                        
Business Need/Justification (*): Circular Economy                        
Code Name (*):    Code TAG (*):    Action (*):    Code definition (*):    Code Note:        
Waste Collection Centre        ADD    A facility where items or waste materials are gathered and processed for further distribution or disposal.            
Waste Incineration Facility        ADD    A facility (a.k.a. as a waste-to-energy plant) that burns waste materials to generate electricity or heat.0            
Refurbishment Centre        ADD    A facility or operation dedicated to refurbishing, repairing, and rejuvenating used or pre-owned products to extend their usable lifespan and improve their overall condition.            
Landfill Site        ADD    A location or facility where solid waste materials are disposed of by burying them underground or placing them in engineered cells.            
Textile sorting facility        ADD    A facility specialized in sorting donated or collected clothing products based on their condition, quality, and potential for reuse, recycling, repair, or disposal.            
Textile ginning mill        ADD    A facility where raw cotton fibres are processed to separate the cotton fibres from the seeds and other impurities.             
Textile spinning mill        ADD    A facility specifically designed for the production of yarn from various types of natural or synthetic fibres.             
Textile weaving mill        ADD    A facility specifically designed for the production of woven fabrics from yarns.             
Retail Store        ADD    A physical establishment, also known simply as a store or shop, is where goods or services are offered for sale to consumers directly.            
Based on data element (*):    Based on composite:    Based on segment:    Based on message (*):    Based on Directory:    Target Directory:    Code category (*):
7187    C242    PRC    QALITY    D23B    D24A    2
PROCESS TYPE                        
Business Need/Justification (*): Circular Economy                        
Code Name (*):    Code TAG (*):    Action (*):    Code definition (*):    Code Note:        
Renting        ADD    The act of temporarily using or occupying property, goods, or services in exchange for payment of a fee or rent.             
Reusing        ADD    The process of repeating the use of a product, material, or resource for its original purpose or for a new purpose, extending its lifespan and avoiding disposal as waste.            
Selling        ADD    The process of exchanging goods or services for money or other valuable consideration between a seller (vendor, merchant, or supplier) and a buyer (customer or purchaser).            
Consuming        ADD    The process of using products, materials, and resources.            
Repairing        ADD    The process of putting materials or products damaged, broken, or not working correctly back into good condition to enable continuation of its original function or make it work again.            
Refurbishing        ADD    The process of adapting, modifying, or transforming an object, material, or resource for a new use or function that differs from its original purpose or intended use.             
Remanufacturing        ADD    The process of rebuilding of a product to specifications of the original manufactured product using a combination of reused, repaired and new parts.             
Aggregating        ADD    The process of collecting, gathering, or combining individual items, data, or elements into a unified whole or group.            
Repurposing        ADD    The process of giving new use to something for a different purpose than the one for which it was originally designed or intended.            
Composting        ADD    The process of breaking down natural textile fibres such as cotton or linen, or scraps of leather, into nutrient-rich soil through the process of composting.             
Remodelling        ADD    The process of making significant changes or improvements to the structure, layout, design, or functionality of a building, space, or object.            
Ironing        ADD    The process of removing wrinkles and creases from fabric by pressing it with a heated iron or flatiron.            
Upcycling        ADD    The process of taking old or discarded materials and turning them into new, stylish and unique products or accessories. This can involve embellishing, dyeing the materials to create something new and fashionable.            
Downcycling        ADD    The process of converting waste or discarded materials into lower-quality products, typically with a lower value than the original materials.             
Landfilling        ADD    The process of disposing waste materials by burying them in designated areas of land called landfills.            


  File Modified
ZIP Archive dmrs24a.zip Oct 02, 2024 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive stdsdat24a-post.zip Oct 02, 2024 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive dmrauto.new.zip Oct 02, 2024 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive dmrauto.zip Sep 30, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive stdsdat24a-pre.zip Sep 23, 2024 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive EDIFACT D24A - DMR Review Databases.zip Sep 20, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive GaitDBcd-D24A Publication DMRs.zip Sep 20, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet DMR Codes Project PCD-28MAY2024.xlsx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document New codes request (3).docx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document DMR-SMDG-2402-1153-BST-Jost.docx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document DMR-SMDG-2401-8249-33-Jost.docx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document FNFE_DMR_Codes 18-FEB-2024.doc Apr 22, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document DMR_form_Code_NAIC.doc Apr 22, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive stdsdir23a.zip Oct 09, 2023 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive Director_D23A-postproduction.zip Oct 09, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP


  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document DMR-SMDG-2402-1153-BST-Jost.docx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document DMR-SMDG-2401-8249-33-Jost.docx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document FNFE_DMR_Codes 18-FEB-2024.doc Apr 22, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document DMR_form_Code_NAIC.doc Apr 22, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP


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  File Modified
ZIP Archive dmrs24a.zip Oct 02, 2024 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive stdsdat24a-post.zip Oct 02, 2024 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive dmrauto.new.zip Oct 02, 2024 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive dmrauto.zip Sep 30, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive stdsdat24a-pre.zip Sep 23, 2024 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive EDIFACT D24A - DMR Review Databases.zip Sep 20, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive GaitDBcd-D24A Publication DMRs.zip Sep 20, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet DMR Codes Project PCD-28MAY2024.xlsx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document New codes request (3).docx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document DMR-SMDG-2402-1153-BST-Jost.docx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document DMR-SMDG-2401-8249-33-Jost.docx Aug 19, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document FNFE_DMR_Codes 18-FEB-2024.doc Apr 22, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document DMR_form_Code_NAIC.doc Apr 22, 2024 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive stdsdir23a.zip Oct 09, 2023 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive Director_D23A-postproduction.zip Oct 09, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP