UN/EDIFACT D.23A - Publication Cycle

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D23A - List of submitted DMRs

UN Log #EP Log #RequesterTypeMessageNoteRequest FileInserted


FNFE - cyrille.sautereau / FeRD - Rolf Wessel

Forum National de la Facture Electronique et des Marchés Publics Electroniques


1001 Document Name Code                    
Code TAG (*):    Action (*):    Code Name:    Code definition (*):    Code Note:    
    ADD    Self billed prepayment invoice    An invoice produced by the buyer (invoicee) instead of the seller, which indicates that the buyer has to pay amounts for goods and services in advance; these amounts will be subtracted from the final invoice.    Self billed prepayment invoice, which is equivalent to 389 (self billed) and Prepayment invoice (386). Indeed. Self billed characteristic is important for rooting and control and prepayment invoice characteristic is also important for automation and VAT ass these invoices are not booked like a standard commercial invoice.    
    ADD    Self billed factored invoice    An invoice assigned to a third party for collection, produced by the buyer (invoicee) instead of the seller.    Self billed factored invoice, which is equivalent to 389 (self billed invoice) and factored invoice (393)    
    ADD    Self billed factored credit note    An invoice assigned to a third party for collection, produced by the buyer (invoicee) which indicates that the buyer is claiming credit.    Self billed factored credit note, which is equivalent to 261 (self billed credit note) and factored credit note (396)    
    ADD    Prepayment Credit note    A document/message providing credit information to the relevant party which indicates that the buyer has to pay amounts for goods and services in advance; these amounts will be subtracted from the prepayment invoice.    Prepayment Credit note, which is the equivalent of 386 (Prepayment invoice), but for a credit note on a prepayment invoice    

Business Justification: In the context of the French reform which will mandate e-invoicing for 100% of business cases, we need to have some Document name code we do not find in the 1001 codelist for self billing processes.

⌛ APR with changes. 


Jorg Walther

New MS

Message Name (*):    International multimodal status report message
Message  TAG 
(e.g. INVOIC) (*):    IFTSTA
Based on Directory (*):    21B
Target Directory (*):    23A

Proposed change (*):    Add a QTY segment to SG9 after SEL (counter 0390) and to SG23 after SEL (counter 0930). Both segment groups are triggered by an EQA segment – Attached Equipment.

For both QTY-segments:
Status C
Maximum repition: 9

The structure of the resulting message would look like – see attached file.

Need/justification (*):    For the distribution process of finished (new) and used vehicles it is necessary to specify the quantity of attached equipment. 






Hanane BECHA -  DCSA


Data element Name :    Online platform provider party
Data Element TAG:    3035
Action (*):    Add a new qualifier in UNCL 3035 

Data element Name :    To arrive by electronic means
Data Element TAG:    1373
Action (*):    Add a code as part of the code list 1373: the document status code to cover the status of the message being electronic message exchange 

Based on segment:    NAD
Based on message (*):    IFTMIN

Data element definition:    The name of platform provider party delivering the eBL

Business Need/justification (*): Facilitation of electronic document exchange - e.g., Enabling sharing the online platform provider party of the eBL to facilitate the eBL adoption. 



Hisanao Sugamata -  JEC (UN/CEFACT Japan Committee)


Code Name (*):    JP, Electronically Recorded Monetary Claims
Code TAG (*):    098
Action (*):    ADD
Code definition (*):    An electronically recorded monetary claim is a claim that is separate from the underlying debt that gave rise to its accrual. Therefore, even if an electronically recorded monetary claim is accrued as a means of payment of the underlying debt, the underlying debt will not be extinguished as a matter of course.
Code Note:    This “Electronically Recorded Monetary Claims” is stipulated by Japanese law.
Based on data element (*):    4461 Payment means code
Based on composite:    
Based on segment:    
Based on message (*):    Invoice
Based on Directory:    D22B
Target Directory:    D23A
Code category (*):    2

Need/justification (*) :    The “Electronically Recorded Monetary Claims” is used one of the payment means in Japan.



Jost Muller


Code Name (*):
Number of planned lost slots
Code TAG (*):
14 (proposal, actual value to be assigned during production)
Action (*):
Code definition (*):
Number of lost slots (TEU) caused during transport
Code Note:
Based on data element (*):
Based on composite:
Based on segment:
Based on message (*):
Based on Directory:
Target Directory:
Code category (*):

Need/justification (*) :

In VSA (Vessel Sharing Agreements) the partner lines announce bookings of special cargo like out-of-gauge, breakbulk, etc. to the vessel operator by an IFTMBF message. Announcements will be confirmed by an IFTMBC message.

In case the transport requires more than a single stowage position, the planned number of additional stowage positions (lost slots) shall be transmitted by an EQN segment in group 19 of the IFTMBC message. This requires the definition of an according code for the planned number of lost slots for the qualifier data element 6353. Note: This code refers to a beforehand announcement. The actual number of lost slots is to be reported later in a bayplan message.

UN-2023-0001 to UN-2023-0005

EB-2023-0001 to EB-2023-0005

Piergiorgio Licciardello


Message (*):    PRICAT
Based on Directory (Batch) (*):    D.01B 
Target Directory (Batch) (*):    Batch
Related change request(s):    

Action (*):    Add a new code in the DE 6411 in LIN segment.

Code name (*):    Colony Forming Units per milliliter
Code tag (*):    CF3
Code definition (*):    Estimation of the number of viable bacteria or fungal cells per milliliter.

Code note:    
Based on data element (*):    6411
Based on composite (*):    
Based on segment (*):    LIN
Code category (*):    3

need/justification (*):    In master data alignment there is the need to specify, in food products, the micro-organism presence. Colony forming units is a unit of measure for micro-organisms, such as bacteria, in a food item. Micro-organisms form colonies that are be counted under determined conditions
This requires a new code in REC 20


Piergiorgio Licciardello


Message (*):    PRICAT
Based on Directory (Batch) (*):    D.01B 
Target Directory (Batch) (*):    Batch
Attached documentation:    

Related change request(s):    

Action (*):    Add a new code in the DE 7143 in PIA segment.

Code name (*):    Global model number
Code tag (*):    GMN
Code definition (*):    The GMN is the GS1-identification key used to identify a product model or product family based on attributes common to the model or family              as defined by industry or regulation.
Code note:    
Based on data element (*):    7143
Based on composite (*):    
Based on segment (*):    PIA
Code category (*):    2

need/justification (*):    In fashion, apparel & shoes the GTIN identifies a trade item by color and size. A certain product model can have a lot of GTINs. The GS1 Global Model Number (GMN) is the GS1 identification key used to identify a product model or product family based on attributes common to the model or family as defined by industry or regulation. 


Piergiorgio Licciardello


Message (*):    INVOICE
Based on Directory (Batch) (*):    D.01B 
Target Directory (Batch) (*):    Batch
Attached documentation:    

Action (*):    Add a new code in the DE 7161 in ALC segment.

Code name (*):    Price variation
Code tag (*):    PRV
Code definition (*):    Price variation related to energy and or raw materials cost variation
Code note:    
Based on data element (*):    7161
Based on composite (*):    
Based on segment (*):    ALC
Code category (*):    2

need/justification (*):    There’s the need for new type of allowance/charge related to a variation of prices related, for instance, to energy or raw materials cost variation.
Related change request(s):    


Piergiorgio Licciardello


Message (*):    ORDERS
Based on Directory (Batch) (*):    D.01B 
Target Directory (Batch) (*):    Batch
Attached documentation:    
Action (*):    Add a new code in the DE 3139 in CTA segment.

Code name (*):    Prescribing physician
Code tag (*):    PP
Code definition (*):    The subject providing the prescription for the ordered pharmaceutical or medical item
Code note:    
Based on data element (*):    3139
Based on composite (*):    
Based on segment (*):    CTA
Code category (*):    2

need/justification (*):    There is the need, for healthcare sector, to identify, in an order, the role “prescribing physician”, who is the subject prescribing the pharmaceutical or medical products included in the order.
Related change request(s):    



  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document WR-22-000362 - New Code for ORDERS.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document WR-22-000338 - New Codes for INVOICE.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document WR-21-000213 - New Code for PRICAT.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document WR-21-000101 - New Codes for REC20.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Excel Sheet Submission 23A FNFE-FeRD DMR Codes.xls May 06, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive stdsdir22b.zip May 08, 2023 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive stdsdat23a-pre.zip May 08, 2023 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive stdsdat23a-post.zip May 11, 2023 by Gait Boxman
File stdsdat.mdb May 07, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
PDF File IFTSTA_Odette_DRAFT.pdf Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive GaitDBcd-D23A.zip May 07, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive forum202305print.zip May 16, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive forum202305icg.zip May 16, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document DMRCodeRequest_2023A.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive dmrauto.zip May 11, 2023 by Gait Boxman
File dmrauto.mdb May 09, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
PDF File DMR23A-SMDG-01-newCodeDE6353-v2.pdf Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document DMR_IFTSTA_Message.doc Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document DMR_form_Code to arrive by electronic means-Jost.doc Feb 02, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document DMR_form_Code platform provider party-Jost.doc Feb 02, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
File Director.mdb May 06, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP


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All Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document WR-22-000362 - New Code for ORDERS.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document WR-22-000338 - New Codes for INVOICE.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document WR-21-000213 - New Code for PRICAT.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document WR-21-000101 - New Codes for REC20.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Excel Sheet Submission 23A FNFE-FeRD DMR Codes.xls May 06, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive stdsdir22b.zip May 08, 2023 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive stdsdat23a-pre.zip May 08, 2023 by Gait Boxman
ZIP Archive stdsdat23a-post.zip May 11, 2023 by Gait Boxman
File stdsdat.mdb May 07, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
PDF File IFTSTA_Odette_DRAFT.pdf Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive GaitDBcd-D23A.zip May 07, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive forum202305print.zip May 16, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive forum202305icg.zip May 16, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word Document DMRCodeRequest_2023A.docx Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
ZIP Archive dmrauto.zip May 11, 2023 by Gait Boxman
File dmrauto.mdb May 09, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
PDF File DMR23A-SMDG-01-newCodeDE6353-v2.pdf Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document DMR_IFTSTA_Message.doc Apr 03, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document DMR_form_Code to arrive by electronic means-Jost.doc Feb 02, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
Microsoft Word 97 Document DMR_form_Code platform provider party-Jost.doc Feb 02, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP
File Director.mdb May 06, 2023 by Kevin Macdonald BISHOP