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titleHeader Data 1 - Not visible to users

UNCEFACT Expert Registration

titleGeneral Info
  • Diagrams: Structure | Process
  • Delegations lists (to be switched before going to production)
    • Test data = Page ID 17828960
    • Prod. data = Page ID 17828922
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titleHeader Data 2 - Not visible to users


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UNCEFACT Expert Registration - Frontend

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Expert Registration



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ConfiForms Form Definition
saveButtonLabelRegister as UN/CEFACT Expert
registrationFormTitleUN/CEFACT Expert Registration

Approval (hidden to user)

randomrandomCEILING((RANDOM()* PI * 10000 * NOW()))calc

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTApprovalHIDDEN Approval statusfalse[complete=Pending|error=Disapproved|success=Approved|moved=Duplicate|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACT, uncefact_hodstatus


CUE.secretariat_CEFACTApprovalNoteHIDDEN Approval status notefalse[complete=Pending|error=Disaproved|success=Approved|]



Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTApprovalDateHIDDEN Approval date


BISHOP, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTdatetime

ERRequestPageLinkHIDDEN Link

Expert Registration Request - TSHIDDEN TimestampMalik,




 TSHIDDEN Timestamp


Timestamp Update Logic

TestConfiFormDelegationOtherTS=[entry._now]Set valueERFormTSupdate

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTIPaddrHIDDEN IP Addressfalse[complete=Pending|error=Disapproved|success=Approved|]trueMalik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTip

Contact Information

ERFormText01Contact Informationfalse[]onsection

ERFormPresentationPresentationPlease select your Presentationfalse[1=Mr.|2=Ms.|]trueradio_grouptrue

ERFormFirstNameFirst NamePlease fill your First Name (use only alphabet characters)texttrue


ERFormLastNameLast NamePlease fill your Last Name (use only alphabet characters)texttrue


ERFormOrganizationGovernment Agency or Department / Organization / InstitutionPlease fill your OrganizationPlease format as: Name, (Acronym)text

ERFormJobTitleJob TitlePlease fill your Job Titletext

ERFormAddressAddressPlease fill your Addresstext

ERFormCityCityPlease select your Citytext

ERFormPostalCodePostalCodePlease fill your Postal Codetext


Country Smart


ERFormPhonePhonePlease fill your PhonePlease write in this format: +41 (0) 22 91712345text

ERFormEmailEmailPlease fill your E-mailtexttrue

Area Of Interest

ERFormText02Area of InterestArea of InterestonPlease check the boxes below for areas of interest and expertise you can contribute to UN/CEFACT work. (Check at least one or indicate "other")section

color: #707070; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText05Please check the boxes below for areas of interest and expertise you can contribute to UN/CEFACT work. (Check at least one or fill "Other Interest")Area of Interestonsection

ERFormInterestAreas of interestsfalse[1=Int'l Trade Procedures|2=Single Window|3=TFA Focal Point|4=Supply Chain & Procurement|5=Finance|6=Accounting / Audit|7=Transport & Logistic|8=Insurance|9=UN/LOCODE Focal Point|10=Cross

ERFormInterestAreas of interestsfalse[99=Task Force on eCITES Permit Exchange|6=Accounting / Audit|13=Agriculture Fisheries & Agri Food|19=BRS/RSM Harmonization|10=Cross Border Management|11=e-Government|12=Environment Management|

13=Agriculture Fisheries & Agri Food|14=Travel & Tourism|15=Utilities|16=Specificat'

5=Finance|8=Insurance|1=Int'l Trade Procedures|20=ISCRM (UMM Harmonization)|17=Library Maintanance|




Single Window|

19=BRS/RSM Harmonization|20=ISCRM (UMM Harmonization)|21=Validation|22=Project Review & Support|23=Communication Committee|24=TFIG Focal Point|]on

16=Specificat'|4=Supply Chain & Procurement|22=Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries|3=TFA Focal Point|7=Transport & Logistic|14=Travel & Tourism|9=UN/LOCODE Advisory Group|15=Utilities|18=Validation|100=Advisory Group on Advanced Technologies|101=Team of Specialists on Environmental, Social and Governance Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains in the Circular Economy|]label;falsecheckbox_group

ERFormInterestOtherOther Interesttext


ERFormText03Delegationfalse[]onSeveral countries, international organizations, NGOs have appointed Heads of Delegation (HoD) to UN/CEFACT. These are listed in the list below.

If your Country/Org/NGO does not appear on the list, please specify it in "Other" and the UNECE secretariat will contact the relevant authorities.


Delegation Smart


Delegation Other

ERFormDelegationOtherOther Delegationtext

ShowHide Other Delegation logic

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*ERFormDelegationOtherShow fieldtrueERFormDelegationSmart

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*ERFormDelegationOtherHide fieldERFormDelegationSmart


ERFormAgreementAgreementYou must agree to UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct and UN/CEFACT Intellectual Property Rights Policy to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expertyesno<b>I agree</b> to adhere to the UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br/>and the UN/CEFACT Intellectual Property Rights Policy


color: #707070; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText06Several countries, international organizations, NGOs have appointed Heads of Delegation (HoD) to UN/CEFACT. These are listed in the list below. If your Country/Org/NGO does not appear on the list, please specify it in "Other" and the UNECE secretariat will contact the relevant authorities.false[]onsectiontrue


Delegation Smart


Delegation Other

ERFormDelegationOtherOther Delegationtext

ShowHide Other Delegation logic

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*ERFormDelegationOtherShow fieldtrueERFormDelegationSmart

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*ERFormDelegationOtherHide fieldERFormDelegationSmart


ERFormAgreementAgreementYou must agree to UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct and UN/CEFACT Intellectual Property Rights Policy to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expertyesno<b>I agree</b> to adhere to the UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct

<a href="




2" target="_blank">





<br/>and the UN/CEFACT Intellectual Property Rights Policy checkboxtrue 


ERFormCaptchaCaptchaValidation check failed, try to retype provided characters or or click on " ⟳ " next to these characters to get a new codePlease enter characters from image abovecaptchatrue

color: red; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText07* Mandatory Field false[]onsectiontrue

Email - to Expert - Confirmation for Expert Registration request if Delegation IS SELECTED

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreated - New Expert Registration - Requester Email[entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>



ERFormCaptchaCaptchaValidation check failed, try to retype provided characters or or click on " ⟳ " next to these characters to get a new codePlease enter characters from image abovecaptchatrue

color: red; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText07* Mandatory Field false[]onsectiontrue

Email - to Expert - Confirmation for Expert Registration request if Delegation IS SELECTED

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration confirmation[entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT.

We are reaching out to the head of your selected delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] and will let you know once your request has been processed.

With best regards,

Email - to Expert - Confirmation for Expert Registration request if Delegation IS NOT SELECTED

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration confirmation[entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT.

We are reaching out to the head of your selected delegation - [entry.


ERFormDelegationOther] and will let you know once your request has been processed.

With best regards,

Email - to

Expert - Confirmation for Expert Registration request

UN Secretariat if Delegation IS



!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email
no-reply@cue.cefact.unece.orgonCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert
Registration - Requester Email
registration - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.
ERFormEmail]Dear StatusREJConfirmtrueTextREJStatusREJECTEDhidden

color: Red; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;TextREJ01To REJECT this requestAPPROVEDsection

Text02REJ⬇ Click on the button belowAPPROVEDsection

StatusREJIPAddrStatus Reject IP AddressAPPROVEDip

Reject true


Send Emailno-reply@cue.cefact.unece.orgonCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Name: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]     [entry.ERFormFirstName]  [entry.ERFormLastName] 

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Approval Status: Rejected

Send Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]  [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] 

We thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT. After consultation with your head of delegation, your request was Rejected.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or would like further information.

Best regards,


Delete ConfiForms Entryuncefact@unece.orgonCreatedTextAPR:*APPROVED*StatusAPR:



Approval CommentClick to insert Approval CommentApprovalComment



Expert registration request from [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName]


Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT.

We are reaching out to the head of your selected delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] and will let you know once your request has been processed.

With best regards,

Email - to UN Secretariat if Delegation IS SELECTED

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Emailno-reply@cue.cefact.unece.orgonCreated - New Expert,

Hello User,

There is a new Expert registration request from
<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> whose delegation is <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b>

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<h2>Full Details:</h2>
<h3>Contact Information:</h3>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<h3>Areas of Interests:</h3>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>
Delegation: <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b>

Copy of this request was sent to Head of [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]'s delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName] ( [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail] ) for approval.


Email - to selected HoD

(Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Canada China Colombia Croatia Czech Republic Cyprus, Republic of Denmark Finland France Germany Greece India Iran, Republic of Ireland Italy Japan Korea, Republic of Lebanon Malaysia Morocco Netherlands Norway Nigeria Pakistan Russian Federation Senegal Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey United Kingdom Ukraine United States of America Viet Nam)

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreated - New Expert Registration - HoD Email[entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName] from [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] delegation,

<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> ( [entry.ERFormEmail] ) wants to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expert and selected <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> delegation to confirm this request.

One of the roles of a UN/CEFACT Head of Delegation is to approve requests from your delegation’s experts to participate. We would appreciate if you would go to the page on CUE referenced below and approve or reject this request. Alternatively, you may respond to this email with your approval or rejection.

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<h2>Full Details:</h2>
<h3>Contact Information:</h3>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<h3>Areas of Interests:</h3>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>

Feel free to contact us on email for any additional questions or details.

With best regards,


Email - to Secretariat if Delegation IS not SELECTED

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Emailno-reply@cue.cefact.unece.orgonCreated - New Expert,

WARNING: "Other" Delegation selected

Hello User,
there is a new Expert registration request from
<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> whose delegation is <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> - <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] </b>

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<h2>Full Details:</h2>
<h3>Contact Information:</h3>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<h3>Areas of Interests:</h3>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>

Delegation: <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> - <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] </b>
Copy of this request was NOT SENT to any Head of Delegation for approval, as user selected Other delegation ( [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] ), please find and consult expert request with appropriate contact manually.


Wiki page with request details creation for Approval

trueCreate Page17828790onCreatedExpert Registration Request - [entry.TS]expert-registration-request,registration-pending

UNCEFACT Expert Registration Request

This page is containing UN/CEFACT Expert registration details for
[entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] whose delegation is [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]  



StatusAPR1created DESC

TextAPRtrue Datecreatedtrue

StatusREJ1created DESC

TextREJtrue Datecreatedtrue



color: Green; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;TextAPR01To APPROVE this requestAPPROVEDsection

Text02APR⬇ Click on the button belowAPPROVEDsection

StatusAPRIPAddrStatus Approve IP AddressAPPROVEDip

Approve true


Send Emailno-reply@cue.cefact.unece.orgonCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Name: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]   [entry.ERFormFirstName]  [entry.ERFormLastName]  

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Approval Status: Approved

Navigate to to create Expert's account
Send Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]  [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] 

Thank you again for your interest in UN/CEFACT. Your request was Approved. You may now officially participate in UN/CEFACT projects and events.

You will receive shortly a link that will allow you to access Collaborative UN/CEFACT Environment (CUE) where all project development is shared.

Best regards,


Delete ConfiForms Entryuncefact@unece.orgonCreatedTextREJ:*REJECTED*StatusREJ:

whose delegation is [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Contact Information

Presentation:  [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] 
First Name:  [entry.ERFormFirstName] 
Last Name:  [entry.ERFormLastName] 
Organization: [entry.ERFormOrganization] 
Job Title: [entry.ERFormJobTitle] 
Address: [entry.ERFormAddress] 
City: [entry.ERFormCity]
Postal Code: [entry.ERFormPostalCode]
Country: [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry]
Phone: [entry.ERFormPhone] 
Email: [entry.ERFormEmail]

Areas of Interests

Other Interest: [entry.ERFormInterestOther]


Delegation: [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]

Copy of this request was sent to Head of [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]'s delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName] ( [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail] ) for approval.


Email - to selected HoD

(Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Canada China Colombia Croatia Czech Republic Cyprus, Republic of Denmark Finland France Germany Greece India Iran, Republic of Ireland Italy Japan Korea, Republic of Lebanon Malaysia Morocco Netherlands Norway Nigeria Pakistan Russian Federation Senegal Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey United Kingdom Ukraine United States of America Viet Nam)

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration[entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName] from [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] delegation,

[entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] ( [entry.ERFormEmail] ) wants to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expert and selected [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] delegation to confirm this request.

One of the roles of a UN/CEFACT Head of Delegation is to approve requests from your delegation’s experts to participate. We would appreciate if you would go to the page on CUE referenced below and approve or reject this request. Alternatively, you may respond to this email with your approval or rejection.

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Contact Information:

Presentation: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]
First Name: [entry.ERFormFirstName]
Last Name: [entry.ERFormLastName] 
Organization: [entry.ERFormOrganization]
Job Title: [entry.ERFormJobTitle]
Address: [entry.ERFormAddress] 
City: [entry.ERFormCity]
Postal Code: [entry.ERFormPostalCode]
Country: [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry]
Phone: [entry.ERFormPhone] 
Email: [entry.ERFormEmail]

Areas of Interests

Other Interest: [entry.ERFormInterestOther]

An expert within UN/CEFACT is a volunteer (not paid) and only represents their own expertise. They do not represent any special interests of their countries or institutions. See Paragraph 34c of our Terms of Reference and Mandate.

The approval is only to allow this person to participate in the meetings, Forums and working groups of UN/CEFACT.

Feel free to contact us on email for any additional questions or details.

With best regards,

Email - to Secretariat if Delegation IS not SELECTED

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Emailno-reply@cue.cefact.unece.orgonCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName]

WARNING: "Other" Delegation selected

Expert registration request from [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] whose delegation is [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] - [entry.ERFormDelegationOther]  

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Contact Information:

Presentation: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] 
First Name: [entry.ERFormFirstName]
Last Name: [entry.ERFormLastName] 
Organization: [entry.ERFormOrganization]
Job Title: [entry.ERFormJobTitle]
Address: [entry.ERFormAddress]
City: [entry.ERFormCity]
Postal Code: [entry.ERFormPostalCode]
Country: [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry]
Phone: [entry.ERFormPhone]
Email: [entry.ERFormEmail]

Areas of Interests

Other Interest: [entry.ERFormInterestOther]


Delegation:  [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] - [entry.ERFormDelegationOther]

Copy of this request was NOT SENT to any Head of Delegation for approval, as user selected Other delegation ( [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] ), please find and consult expert request with appropriate contact manually.

Wiki page with request details creation for Approval

trueCreate Page17828790onCreatedExpertRegistrationRequest[entry.ERFormLastName][entry.created.formatDate(yyyyMMddHHmm)]expert-registration-request,registration-pending

UNCEFACT Expert Registration Request

This page is containing UN/CEFACT Expert registration details for
[entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] whose delegation is [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]  


StatusAPR1created DESC

TextAPRtrue Datecreatedtrue

StatusREJ1created DESC

TextREJtrue Datecreatedtrue



color: Green; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;TextAPR01To APPROVE this requestAPPROVEDsection

Text02APR⬇ Click on the button belowAPPROVEDsection

StatusAPRIPAddrStatus Approve IP AddressAPPROVEDip

Approve trueINLINE

Send Emailno-reply@cue.cefact.unece.orgonCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Name: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]   [entry.ERFormFirstName]  [entry.ERFormLastName]  

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Approval Status: Approved

Navigate to to create Expert's account
trueSend Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]  [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] 

Thank you again for your interest in UN/CEFACT. Your request was Approved. You may now officially participate in UN/CEFACT projects and events.

You will receive shortly a link that will allow you to access Collaborative UN/CEFACT Environment (CUE) where all project development is shared.

Best regards,


Delete ConfiForms Entryuncefact@unece.orgonCreatedTextREJ:*REJECTED*StatusREJ:

color: Red; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;TextREJ01To REJECT this requestAPPROVEDsection

Text02REJ⬇ Click on the button belowAPPROVEDsection

StatusREJIPAddrStatus Reject IP AddressAPPROVEDip

Reject trueINLINE

Send Emailno-reply@cue.cefact.unece.orgonCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Name: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]     [entry.ERFormFirstName]  [entry.ERFormLastName] 

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Approval Status: Rejected

trueSend Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]  [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] 

We thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT. After consultation with your head of delegation, your request was Rejected.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or would like further information.

Best regards,


Delete ConfiForms Entryuncefact@unece.orgonCreatedTextAPR:*APPROVED*StatusAPR:

Approval CommentClick to insert Approval CommentApprovalCommenthideCUE.secretariat_CEFACTINLINE
Reminder email button - Not visible to users


Reminder LogReminderFormTextcreated

ReminderFormReminder email to [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

visibility:hidden;ReminderFormTextReminder logReminder sent to - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]read_only

Send reminder Email to [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]ReminderFormRemindtrueINLINE

trueSend Emailuncefact@unece.orgonCreated- Pending UN/CEFACT Expert registration request[entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName],

We are reaching you again to bring your attention to this UN/CEFACT Registration request which is pending your approval

[entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] ( [entry.ERFormEmail] ) wants to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expert and selected [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] delegation to confirm this request.

One of the roles of a UN/CEFACT Head of Delegation is to approve requests from your delegation’s experts to participate. We would appreciate if you would go to the page on CUE referenced below and approve or reject this request. Alternatively, you may respond to this email with your approval or rejection.

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Contact Information

Presentation: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]
First Name: [entry.ERFormFirstName]
Last Name: [entry.ERFormLastName]
Organization: [entry.ERFormOrganization]
Job Title: [entry.ERFormJobTitle]
Address: [entry.ERFormAddress]
City: [entry.ERFormCity]
Postal Code: [entry.ERFormPostalCode]
Country: [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry]
Phone: [entry.ERFormPhone]
Email: [entry.ERFormEmail]

Areas of Interests

Other Interest: [entry.ERFormInterestOther]

An expert within UN/CEFACT is a volunteer (not paid) and only represents their own expertise. They do not represent any special interests of their countries or institutions. See Paragraph 34c of our Terms of Reference and Mandate.

The approval is only to allow this person to participate in the meetings, forums and working groups of UN/CEFACT.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Feel free to contact us on email for any additional questions or details.

With Best Regards,

Full Details:

Contact Information:

Presentation: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]
First Name: [entry.ERFormFirstName]
Last Name: [entry.ERFormLastName]
Organization: [entry.ERFormOrganization]
Job Title: [entry.ERFormJobTitle]
Address: [entry.ERFormAddress]
City: [entry.ERFormCity]
Postal Code: [entry.ERFormPostalCode]
Country: [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry]
Phone: [entry.ERFormPhone]
Email: [entry.ERFormEmail]

Areas of Interests:


Other Interest: [entry.ERFormInterestOther]


Delegation: [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]

REmail=ERFormEmailUpdate ConfiForms entries by


ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations ControlredirectUrl

Redirect to URLonCreated
reportFieldErrorstrueformNameERFormpresetValuesTS=[entry._now]registrationMessageRegistration successfully submittedregistrationButtonLabelRegister as Expertembeddedtrue







@selftrueERFormRegistration successfully submitted. Thank you!Register as ExperttrueINLINEtrue