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  • Formatting was changed.

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Hangzhou Forum - registration

Forum Registration - FRONTEND

titleAnonymous Show


Expert+Forum registration form




+ Visa support (checkbox)

  • IF Checked
  • Show: Birthdate, Nationality, Passport number,


  • Valitidytill

+ Events

  • List of events


  • asmilti-checkboxes
Restrict Content


ConfiForms Form Definition
saveButtonLabelRegister as UN/CEFACT Expert and for the Forum
registrationFormTitleHangzhou Forum Registration

Approval (hidden to user)

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTApprovalHIDDEN Approval statusfalse[complete=Pending|error=Disapproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTstatus (Approval status hidden)

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTApprovalNoteHIDDEN Approval status notefalse[complete=Pending|error=Disaproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTtext (Approval note hidden)

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTApprovalDateHIDDEN Approval dateMalik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTdatetime (Approval date hidden)

ERRequestPageLinkHIDDEN Link Registration Request - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName]autolink (Request Page link)

 TSHIDDEN TimestampMalik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTread_only (timestamp - to use in Request page link)

Timestamp Update Logic

TestConfiFormDelegationOtherTS=[entry._now]Set valueERFormTSupdate (rule to update TS - timestamp field )

Contact Information

ERFormText01Contact Informationfalse[]onsection (Contact information -Text 1 Section name)

ERFormPresentationPresentationPlease select your Presentationfalse[1=Mr.|2=Ms.|]trueradio_grouptrue (Contact information - presentation radio)

ERFormFirstNameFirst NamePlease fill your First Name (use only alphabet characters)texttrue^[a-zA-Z ]*$ (Contact information - First Name)

ERFormLastNameLast NamePlease fill your Last Name (use only alphabet characters)texttrue^[a-zA-Z ]*$ (Contact information - Last Name)

ERFormOrganizationGovernment Agency or Department / Organization / InstitutionPlease fill your OrganizationPlease format as: Name, (Acronym)texttrue (Contact information - Organization)

ERFormJobTitleJob TitlePlease fill your Job Titletext (Contact information - Job Title)

ERFormAddressAddressPlease fill your Addresstext (Contact information - Address - 1 Street)

ERFormCityCityPlease select your Citytext (Contact information - Address - 2 City)

ERFormPostalCodePostalCodePlease fill your Postal Codetext^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$ (Contact information - Address - 3 Postal Code)

ERFormCountrySmartCountry[17828925|COFormCountries|COFormCountry|true||]smartselect2 (Contact information - Address - 4 Country Smart Select)

ERFormPhonePhonePlease fill your PhonePlease write in this format: +41 (0) 22 91712345text (Contact information - Phone)

ERFormEmailEmailPlease fill your E-mailtexttrue (Contact information - Email)

Area Of Interest

ERFormText02Area of InterestArea of InterestonPlease check the boxes below for areas of interest and expertise you can contribute to UN/CEFACT work. (Check at least one or indicate "other")section (Area of interest - Text 1)

color: #707070; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText05Please check the boxes below for areas of interest and expertise you can contribute to UN/CEFACT work. (Check at least one or fill "Other Interest")Area of Interestonsection (Area of interest - Text 2)


ERFormInterestAreas of interestsfalse[1=Accounting and Audit Domain|2=Agriculture Fisheries and Agri food Domain|3=Cross Border Management Domain|4=e-Government Domain|5=Environmental Management Domain|6=Finance and Payment Domain|7=Insurance Domain|8=International Supply Chain Orchestration - Focal Point|9=International Trade Procedures Domain|10=Library Maintenance - Focal Point|11=Project Review and Support - Focal Point|12=Single Window Domain|13=Specification Domain|14=Supply Chain & Procurement Domain|15=Syntax - Focal Point|16=Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries|17=Trade Facilitation Agreement - Focal Point|18=Trade Facilitation Implementation Guide - Focal Point|19=Transport & Logistics Domain|20=Travel and Tourism Domain|21=UN/LOCODE|22=Utilities Domain|23=Validation - Focal Point|]id;falsecheckbox_group (Area of interest / Domain checkbox group)

ERFormInterestOtherOther Interesttext (Area of interest - Other)


MalikForumRegAnonMainEventNameHIDE Main event name32nd Forum - ChinaMalikhidden (main event name)

Event list

font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAnonEventsTextSelect the events you plan to attend:false[]onsection (events - text)

ForumRegAnonEvents2Forum Eventsfalse[1=eGovernment - IoT for Trade focusing on actual implementation and benefits derived|2=eGovernment - Blockchain and the International Supply Chain – If, When, Where and How?|3=Orchestration - Opening up UN/CEFACT work to the world of web developers|4=Transport & Logistics - Showcasing of T&L deliverables, concrete applications of Trade Facilitation through automation|5=Advancing the Circular Economy through Sustainable Value Chains / Belt and Road / eCommerce|6=UN/LOCODE - Advisory Group meeting on DMR procedures|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group)



font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAnonDomainsTextWhich domains are you interested in during this Forum?false[]onsection (domains - text)

ForumRegAnonDomainsITPPDAInternational Trade Procedures PDAfalse[1=International Trade Procedures Domain, Single Window, TFA, TFIG|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group ITP PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsISPPDAInternational Supply Chain PDAfalse[1=Transport & Logistics Domain|2=Supply Chain & Procurement Domain|3=Finance and Payment Domain|4=Accounting and Audit Domain|5=Insurance Domain|6=Orchestration - Focal Point|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group ISP PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsREGPDARegulatory PDAfalse[1=e-Government Domain|2=Environmental Management Domain|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group Regulatory PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsSECPDASectoral PDAfalse[1=Agriculture Fisheries and Agri food Domain|2=Travel and Tourism Domain|3=Utilities Domain|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group Sectoral PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsMATPDAMethodology and Technology PDAfalse[1=Library Maintenance, Syntax, Validation & Specification|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group M&T PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsOTHPDAOther Working Groupsfalse[1=UN/LOCODE|2=Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group Other WG PDA)


font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAnonAdditionalInfoTextAdditional informationfalse[]onsection (additional info text)


font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAnonProfilePhotoProfile photo (Passport type)Photo is required for registration, Please use only *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, or *.gif file typesimage/gif, image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/pngtrueIn order to prepare your entry badge please upload a recent photo <br>Please use max. resolution 1024 x 768 pixel and max. size 500kb<br>Supported file types are: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .giffiletrue.*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ (Profile photo)

Remote participation

ForumRegAnonRemoteParticipationRemote Participation (if and when available)id;falsecheckbox (Remote participation)

Approval fileds

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTForumRegAnonApprovalHIDE Approval statusfalse[complete=Pending|error=Disapproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTstatus (approval statsu - hidden)

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTForumRegAnonApprovalNoteHIDE Approval status notefalse[complete=Pending|error=Disaproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTtext (approval note - hidden)



ERFormText03Delegationfalse[]onSeveral countries, international organizations, NGOs have appointed Heads of Delegation (HoD) to UN/CEFACT. These are listed in the list below. If your Country/Org/NGO does not appear on the list, please specify it in "Other" and the UNECE secretariat will contact the relevant authorities.sectiontrue (Delegation Text 1)

color: #707070; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText06Several countries, international organizations, NGOs have appointed Heads of Delegation (HoD) to UN/CEFACT. These are listed in the list below. If your Country/Org/NGO does not appear on the list, please specify it in "Other" and the UNECE secretariat will contact the relevant authorities.false[]onsectiontrue (Delegation Text 2)

ERFormDelegationSmartDelegation[17828922|DEFormDelegations|DEFormDelegation|true||]smartselect2true (Delegation Smart)

ERFormDelegationOtherOther Delegationtext (Delegation Other)


ShowHide Other Delegation logic

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*ERFormDelegationOtherShow fieldtrueERFormDelegationSmart 

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*ERFormDelegationOtherHide fieldERFormDelegationSmart


ERFormAgreementAgreementYou must agree to UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct and UN/CEFACT Intellectual Property Rights Policy to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expertyesno<b>I agree</b> to adhere to the UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br/>and the UN/CEFACT Intellectual Property Rights Policy <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>checkboxtrue 


ERFormCaptchaCaptchaValidation check failed, try to retype provided characters or or click on " ⟳ " next to these characters to get a new codePlease enter characters from image abovecaptchatrue

color: red; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText07* Mandatory Field false[]onsectiontrue (mandatory fileds indicatior text)


font-weight:normal; font-size:20px;ForumRegAnonConfMailTextAfter sucessful registration, you should receive a confirmation email. In case you do not, please contact us at [email protected]false[]onsection (Last remarks)


Email - to Expert - Confirmation for Expert Registration request if Delegation IS SELECTED

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration confirmation[entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT.

We are reaching out to the head of your selected delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] and will let you know once your request has been processed.

With best regards,

Email - to Expert - Confirmation for Expert Registration request if Delegation IS NOT SELECTED

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration confirmation[entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT.

We are reaching out to the head of your selected delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] and will let you know once your request has been processed.

With best regards,

Email - to UN Secretariat if Delegation IS SELECTED

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][email protected],[email protected]

Hello User,

There is a new Expert registration request from
<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> whose delegation is <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b>

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<b>Full Details:</b>
<b>Contact Information:</b>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<h3>Areas of Interests:</h3>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>
Delegation: <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b>

Copy of this request was sent to Head of [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]'s delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName] ( [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail] ) for approval.


Email - to selected HoD

(Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Canada China Colombia Croatia Czech Republic Cyprus, Republic of Denmark Finland France Germany Greece India Iran, Republic of Ireland Italy Japan Korea, Republic of Lebanon Malaysia Morocco Netherlands Norway Nigeria Pakistan Russian Federation Senegal Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey United Kingdom Ukraine United States of America Viet Nam)

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration[entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName] from [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] delegation,

<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> ( [entry.ERFormEmail] ) wants to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expert and selected <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> delegation to confirm this request.

One of the roles of a UN/CEFACT Head of Delegation is to approve requests from your delegation’s experts to participate. We would appreciate if you would go to the page on CUE referenced below and approve or reject this request. Alternatively, you may respond to this email with your approval or rejection.

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<b>Full Details:</b>
<b>Contact Information:</b>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<b>Areas of Interests:</b>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>

Feel free to contact us on email [email protected] for any additional questions or details.

With best regards,


Email - to Secretariat if Delegation IS not SELECTED

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][email protected],[email protected]

WARNING: "Other" Delegation selected

Hello User,
there is a new Expert registration request from
<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> whose delegation is <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> - <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] </b>

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<b>Full Details:</b>
<b>Contact Information:</b>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<b>Areas of Interests:</b>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>

Delegation: <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> - <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] </b>

Copy of this request was NOT SENT to any Head of Delegation for approval, as user selected Other delegation ( [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] ), please find and consult expert request with appropriate contact manually.


BluePage creation

Wiki page with request details creation for Approval

trueCreate Page17828790onCreatedExpert Registration Request - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName]expert-registration-request,registration-pending

UNCEFACT Expert Registration Request

This page is containing UN/CEFACT Expert registration details for
[entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] whose delegation is [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]  


StatusAPR1created DESC

TextAPRtrue Datecreatedtrue

StatusREJ1created DESC

TextREJtrue Datecreatedtrue



color: Green; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;TextAPR01To APPROVE this requestAPPROVEDsection

Text02APR⬇ Click on the button belowAPPROVEDsection

StatusAPRIPAddrStatus Approve IP AddressAPPROVEDip

Approve trueINLINE


Send Email[email protected]onCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][email protected],[email protected]

Name: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]   [entry.ERFormFirstName]  [entry.ERFormLastName]  

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Approval Status: Approved

Navigate to to create Expert's account
Send Email[email protected]onCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]  [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] 

Thank you again for your interest in UN/CEFACT. Your request was Approved. You may now officially participate in UN/CEFACT projects and events.

You will receive shortly a link that will allow you to access Collaborative UN/CEFACT Environment (CUE) where all project development is shared.

Best regards,


Delete ConfiForms Entry[email protected]onCreatedTextREJ:*REJECTED*StatusREJ:

color: Red; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;TextREJ01To REJECT this requestAPPROVEDsection

Text02REJ⬇ Click on the button belowAPPROVEDsection

StatusREJIPAddrStatus Reject IP AddressAPPROVEDip

Reject trueINLINE


Send Email[email protected]onCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][email protected],[email protected]

Name: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]     [entry.ERFormFirstName]  [entry.ERFormLastName] 

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Approval Status: Rejected

Send Email[email protected]onCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]  [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] 

We thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT. After consultation with your head of delegation, your request was Rejected.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or would like further information.

Best regards,


Delete ConfiForms Entry[email protected]onCreatedTextAPR:*APPROVED*StatusAPR:



Approval CommentClick to insert Approval CommentApprovalCommenthideCUE.secretariat_CEFACTMalikINLINE
Reminder email button - Not visible to users



Reminder LogReminderFormTextcreated

ReminderFormReminder email to [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

visibility:hidden;ReminderFormTextReminder logReminder sent to - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]read_only


Send reminder Email to [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]ReminderFormRemindtrueINLINE


Send Email[email protected]onCreated- Pending UN/CEFACT Expert registration request[entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName],

we are reching you again to bring your attention to this UN/CEFACT Registration reguest which is pending your approval

<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> ( [entry.ERFormEmail] ) wants to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expert and selected <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> delegation to confirm this request.

One of the roles of a UN/CEFACT Head of Delegation is to approve requests from your delegation’s experts to participate. We would appreciate if you would go to the page on CUE referenced below and approve or reject this request. Alternatively, you may respond to this email with your approval or rejection.

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<h2>Full Details:</h2>
<h3>Contact Information:</h3>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<h3>Areas of Interests:</h3>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>

Thank you for your cooperation.

Feel free to contact us on email [email protected] for any additional questions or details.

With Best Regards,



Email button to Expert after confirmation with visa details - Not visible to users



Email LogEmailVisaSupTextcreated

EmailExpConfirmationEmail to the experts after approval

visibility:hidden;EmailVisaSupTextReminder logVisa instructions sent to - [entry.ERFormEmail]read_only


Send Visa Instructions Email [entry.ERFormEmail]EmailExpConfirmationRemindtrueINLINE


Send Email[email protected]onCreated- UN/CEFACT Forum registration – Confirmation [entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT; you have now confirmed as UN/CEFACT Expert and your registration for our upcoming Forum in Hangzhou, China has been completed.

Please note that if you require a visa for China the local partners have kindly agreed to assist by providing the required letters of invitation.

Please download the following form and follow the instructions: Visa application support form_Hangzhou Forum.docx


With best regards,
UN/CEFACT Secretariat

Full Details:

Contact Information:

Presentation: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]
First Name: [entry.ERFormFirstName]
Last Name: [entry.ERFormLastName]
Organization: [entry.ERFormOrganization]
Job Title: [entry.ERFormJobTitle]
Address: [entry.ERFormAddress]
City: [entry.ERFormCity]
Postal Code: [entry.ERFormPostalCode]
Country: [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry]
Phone: [entry.ERFormPhone]
Email: [entry.ERFormEmail]

Areas of Interests:


Other Interest: [entry.ERFormInterestOther]


Delegation: [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]

REmail=ERFormEmailUpdate ConfiForms entries by filteronCreated




ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageRegistration successfully submitted
registrationButtonLabelRegister as Expert



Restrict Content
titleAuthenticated show

titleusr Macro

Profile show details and update link

custom "Current User" macro




Forum registration form

Visa support (cconfirmation
  • Checked
  • Show: Birthdate, Nationality, Passport number,


  • Valitidytill


  • List of events as multi-checkboxes



ConfiForms Form Definition
saveButtonLabelRegister for the Hangzhou Forum
registrationFormTitleHangzhou Forum Registration


(use createdBy.fullName metadata -

MalikForumRegAuthEmailHIDE Users Email[]Malikhidden (Logged in user email)

MalikForumRegAuthMainEventNameHIDE Main event name32nd Forum - ChinaMalikhidden (main event name)

Event list

font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAuthEventsTextSelect the events you plan to attend:false[]onsection (events - text)

ForumRegAuthEvents2Forum Eventsfalse[1=eGovernment - IoT for Trade focusing on actual implementation and benefits derived|2=eGovernment - Blockchain and the International Supply Chain – If, When, Where and How?|3=Orchestration - Opening up UN/CEFACT work to the world of web developers|4=Transport & Logistics - Showcasing of T&L deliverables, concrete applications of Trade Facilitation through automation|5=Advancing the Circular Economy through Sustainable Value Chains / Belt and Road / eCommerce|6=UN/LOCODE - Advisory Group meeting on DMR procedures|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group)



font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAuthDomainsTextWhich domains are you interested in during this Forum?false[]onsection (domains - text)

ForumRegAuthDomainsITPPDAInternational Trade Procedures PDAfalse[1=International Trade Procedures Domain, Single Window, TFA, TFIG|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group ITP PDA)

ForumRegAuthDomainsISPPDAInternational Supply Chain PDAfalse[1=Transport & Logistics Domain|2=Supply Chain & Procurement Domain|3=Finance and Payment Domain|4=Accounting and Audit Domain|5=Insurance Domain|6=Orchestration - Focal Point|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group ISP PDA)

ForumRegAuthDomainsREGPDARegulatory PDAfalse[1=e-Government Domain|2=Environmental Management Domain|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group Regulatory PDA)

ForumRegAuthDomainsSECPDASectoral PDAfalse[1=Agriculture Fisheries and Agri food Domain|2=Travel and Tourism Domain|3=Utilities Domain|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group Sectoral PDA)

ForumRegAuthDomainsMATPDAMethodology and Technology PDAfalse[1=Library Maintenance, Syntax, Validation & Specification|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group M&T PDA)

ForumRegAuthDomainsOTHPDAOther Working Groupsfalse[1=UN/LOCODE|2=Team of Specialists on Sustainable Fisheries|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group Other WG PDA)


font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAuthAdditionalInfoTextAdditional informationfalse[]onsection (additional info text)


font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAuthProfilePhotoProfile photo (Passport type)Photo is required for registration, Please use only *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, or *.gif file typesimage/gif, image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/pngtrueIn order to prepare your entry badge please upload a recent photo <br>Please use max. resolution 1024 x 768 pixel and max. size 500kb<br>Supported file types are: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .giffiletrue.*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ (Profile photo)

Remote participation

ForumRegAuthRemoteParticipationRemote Participation (if and when available)id;falsecheckbox (Remote participation)

Approval fileds

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTForumRegAuthApprovalHIDE Approval statusfalse[complete=Pending|error=Disapproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTstatus (approval statsu - hidden)

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTForumRegAuthApprovalNoteHIDE Approval status notefalse[complete=Pending|error=Disaproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTtext (approval note - hidden)

font-weight:normal; font-size:20px;ForumRegAuthLastTextAfter sucessful registration, you should receive a confirmation email. In case you do not, please contact us at [email protected]false[]onsection (Last remarks)



Confirmation email to the participant (to currently logged in [])

Send Email[email protected]onCreated - UN/CEFACT Forum registration – Confirmation[]

Dear [user.fullName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT; your registration for our upcoming Forum in Hangzhou, China has been successfully submitted.

Please note that if you require a visa for China the local partners have kindly agreed to assist by providing the required letters of invitation.

Please download the following form and follow the instructions: Visa application support form_Hangzhou Forum.docx


With best regards,
UN/CEFACT Secretariat


Notification email to UN Secretariat

Send Email[email protected]onCreated - UN/CEFACT Forum registration – New Registration[email protected]

Dear Colleague,

There is a new Forum registration from UN/CEFACT Expert [user.fullName], 

With best regards,

UN/CEFACT Secretariat



ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationButtonLabelRegister for the Forum




ConfiForms TableView
sortcreated DESC
inlineAddButtonLabelAdd manually

ForumRegAuthMainEventName Main event name

dateCreatedFormatted Created date

createdBy.fullName User - createdBy

ForumRegAuthEmail User - []





ForumRegAuthDomainsITPPDA TP PDA

ForumRegAuthDomainsISPPDA SP PDA

ForumRegAuthDomainsREGPDA REG PDA

ForumRegAuthDomainsSECPDA SEC PDA

ForumRegAuthDomainsMATPDA MAT PDA

ForumRegAuthDomainsOTHPDA OTH PDA


ForumRegAuthRemoteParticipation Remote Participation


ForumRegAuthApproval Approval

ForumRegAuthApprovalNote Approval Note



titlemanual record

ConfiForms (FormView) Registrations Control
registrationMessageManual Forum registration completed
registrationButtonLabelManually Register for the Forum


Restrict Content

Restrict macros

Hangzhou Forum - registration Chinese version

Hangzhou Forum - registration Chinese (FrontEnd)

titleAnonymous Show


Expert+Forum registration form

Standard ERForm

+ Visa support (checkbox)

  • IF Checked
  • Show: Birthdate, Nationality, Passport number,Valitidytill

+ Events

  • List of eventsasmilti-checkboxes
Restrict Content


ConfiForms Form Definition
saveButtonLabel注册为UN / CEFACT专家和论坛

Approval (hidden to user)

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTApprovalHIDDEN Approval statusfalse[complete=Pending|error=Disapproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTstatus (Approval status hidden)

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTApprovalNoteHIDDEN Approval status notefalse[complete=Pending|error=Disaproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTtext (Approval note hidden)

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTApprovalDateHIDDEN Approval dateMalik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTdatetime (Approval date hidden)

ERRequestPageLinkHIDDEN Link Registration Request - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName]autolink (Request Page link)

 TSHIDDEN TimestampMalik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTread_only (timestamp - to use in Request page link)

Timestamp Update Logic

TestConfiFormDelegationOtherTS=[entry._now]Set valueERFormTSupdate (rule to update TS - timestamp field )

Contact Information

ERFormText01个人信息false[]onsection (Contact information -Text 1 Section name)

ERFormPresentation称呼Please select your Presentationfalse[1=先生|2=女士|]label;falseradio_grouptrue (Contact information - presentation radio)

ERFormFirstNamePlease fill your First Name (use only alphabet characters)texttrue (Contact information - First Name)

ERFormLastNamePlease fill your Last Name (use only alphabet characters)texttrue (Contact information - Last Name)

ERFormOrganization政府机构或部门 / 组织/ 学会Please fill your Organization请格式化为:姓名,(缩写)texttrue (Contact information - Organization)

ERFormJobTitle职务Please fill your Job Titletext (Contact information - Job Title)

ERFormAddress地址Please fill your Addresstext (Contact information - Address - 1 Street)

ERFormCity城市Please select your Citytext (Contact information - Address - 2 City)

ERFormPostalCode邮编Please fill your Postal Codetext^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$ (Contact information - Address - 3 Postal Code)

ERFormCountrySmart国家[17828925|COFormCountries|COFormCountry|true||]smartselect2 (Contact information - Address - 4 Country Smart Select)

ERFormPhone电话Please fill your Phone请用以下格式书写:+41(0)22 91712345text (Contact information - Phone)

ERFormEmail电邮Please fill your E-mailtexttrue (Contact information - Email)

Area Of Interest

ERFormText02感兴趣的领域Area of Intereston请选择您感兴趣和可以为UN/CEFACT工作做出贡献的领域 (至少选择一个或者填写其他兴趣项Other Interest)section (Area of interest - Text 1)

color: #707070; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText05请选择您感兴趣和可以为UN/CEFACT工作做出贡献的领域 (至少选择一个或者填写其他兴趣项Other Interest)Area of Interestonsection (Area of interest - Text 2)


ERFormInterest感兴趣的领域false[1=会计/审计|2=农业,渔业和农业食品|3=跨境管理|4=电子政务|5=环境管理|6=金融|7=保险|8=国际供应链参考模型|9=国际供应链参考模型ISCRM (UN / CEFACT建模方法 UMM协调 ) |10=库维护|11=项目审查和支持 - 联络点|12=单一窗口 |13=规范域|14=供应链和采购|15=语法 - 联络点|16=可持续渔业专家组|17=贸易便利化协议联络人|18=贸易便利化实施指南 - 联络点|19=运输和物流|20=旅行与旅游|21=UN / LOCODE咨询组|22=公用事业|23=验证|]id;falsecheckbox_group (Area of interest / Domain checkbox group)

ERFormInterestOther其他兴趣text (Area of interest - Other)


MalikForumRegAnonMainEventNameHIDE Main event name32nd Forum - ChinaMalikhidden (main event name)

Event list


Event list

font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAnonEventsText请选择您计划参加的会议false[]onsection (events - text)

ForumRegAnonEvents2论坛活动false[1=电子政务 - 贸易物联网,侧重于实施和效益|2=电子政务 - 区块链和国际供应链 –讨论 是否,何时,何地以及如何应用区块链?|3=国际供应链协调工作领域 - 向Web开发人员开放UN / CEFACT工作|4=运输与物流 - 展示该领域可交付成果,通过自动化实现贸易便利化的具体应用|5=通过可持续性价值链/一带一路/电子商务推进循环经济|6=咨询小组讨论新DMR流程|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group)



font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAnonDomainsText论坛期间, 您对哪些领域感兴趣?false[]onsection (domains - text)

ForumRegAnonDomainsITPPDA国际贸易程序PDAfalse[1=国际贸易程序领域, 单一窗口, 贸易便利化协定(TFA),, 贸易便利化实施指南 (TFIG)|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group ITP PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsISPPDA国际供应链PDAfalse[1=运输与物流领域|2=供应链与采购领域|3=财务和支付领域|4=会计和审计领域|5=保险领域|6=协调联系人|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group ISP PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsREGPDA监管PDAfalse[1=电子政务领域|2=环境管理领域|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group Regulatory PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsSECPDA行业PDAfalse[1=农业渔业和农业食品领域|2=旅行和旅游领域|3=公用事业领域|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group Sectoral PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsMATPDA方法与技术PDAfalse[1=库维护,语法,验证和规范|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group M&T PDA)

ForumRegAnonDomainsOTHPDA其他工作组 false[1=UN/LOCODE|2=可持续渔业专家小组|]id;falsecheckbox_group (checkbox group Other WG PDA)


font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAnonAdditionalInfoText其它信息false[]onsection (additional info text)


font-weight:normal; font-size:14px;ForumRegAnonProfilePhoto照片Photo is required for registration, Please use only *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, or *.gif file typesimage/gif, image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/pngtrue为了准备您的进入会场的通行证,请上传您的最近照片, 最大分辨率为1024 x 768像素, 文件最大 尺寸为500kb 支持上传的文件类型有:.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.giffiletrue.*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ (Profile photo)

Remote participation

ForumRegAnonRemoteParticipation远程参与(如果可用的话)id;falsecheckbox (Remote participation)

Approval fileds

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTForumRegAnonApprovalHIDE Approval statusfalse[complete=Pending|error=Disapproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTstatus (approval statsu - hidden)

Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTForumRegAnonApprovalNoteHIDE Approval status notefalse[complete=Pending|error=Disaproved|success=Approved|]Malik, CUE.secretariat_CEFACTtext (approval note - hidden)



ERFormText03代表团false[]on一些国家, 国际组织, 非政府组织已任命了UN/CEFACT代表团主席(HoD), 请参阅下面的下拉列表。如果您在此列表中未找到您的国家/ 国际组织/ 非政府组织, 请选择"Other"项并在’Other Delegation’中列明您的国家/ 国际组织/ 非政府组织。sectiontrue (Delegation Text 1)

color: #707070; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText06一些国家, 国际组织, 非政府组织已任命了UN/CEFACT代表团主席(HoD), 请参阅下面的下拉列表。如果您在此列表中未找到您的国家/ 国际组织/ 非政府组织, 请选择"Other"项并在’Other Delegation’中列明您的国家/ 国际组织/ 非政府组织。false[]onsectiontrue (Delegation Text 2)

ERFormDelegationSmart代表团[17828922|DEFormDelegations|DEFormDelegation|true||]smartselect2true (Delegation Smart)

ERFormDelegationOtherOther Delegationtext (Delegation Other)


ShowHide Other Delegation logic

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*ERFormDelegationOtherShow fieldtrueERFormDelegationSmart 

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*ERFormDelegationOtherHide fieldERFormDelegationSmart


ERFormAgreement承诺You must agree to UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct and UN/CEFACT Intellectual Property Rights Policy to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expertyesno我同意遵守UN/CEFACT 行为守则 <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br/>和UN/CEFACT知识产权政策 <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>checkboxtrue 


ERFormCaptcha验证码Validation check failed, try to retype provided characters or or click on " ⟳ " next to these characters to get a new code请键入上图所示的字符captchatrue

color: red; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; text-transform:none;line-height: 14px !important; margin-top: -20px !important;ERFormText07* 必填项false[]onsectiontrue (mandatory fileds indicatior text)


font-weight:normal; font-size:20px;ForumRegAnonConfMailText成功注册后,您应该收到确认电子邮件。 如果您没有收到,请通过[email protected]与我们联系.false[]onsection (Last remarks)


Email - to Expert - Confirmation for Expert Registration request if Delegation IS SELECTED

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration confirmation[entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT.

We are reaching out to the head of your selected delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] and will let you know once your request has been processed.

With best regards,

Email - to Expert - Confirmation for Expert Registration request if Delegation IS NOT SELECTED

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration confirmation[entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT.

We are reaching out to the head of your selected delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] and will let you know once your request has been processed.

With best regards,

Email - to UN Secretariat if Delegation IS SELECTED

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][email protected],[email protected]

Hello User,

There is a new Expert registration request from
<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> whose delegation is <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b>

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<b>Full Details:</b>
<b>Contact Information:</b>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<h3>Areas of Interests:</h3>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>
Delegation: <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b>

Copy of this request was sent to Head of [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]'s delegation - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName] ( [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail] ) for approval.


Email - to selected HoD

(Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Canada China Colombia Croatia Czech Republic Cyprus, Republic of Denmark Finland France Germany Greece India Iran, Republic of Ireland Italy Japan Korea, Republic of Lebanon Malaysia Morocco Netherlands Norway Nigeria Pakistan Russian Federation Senegal Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey United Kingdom Ukraine United States of America Viet Nam)

!ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration[entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName] from [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] delegation,

<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> ( [entry.ERFormEmail] ) wants to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expert and selected <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> delegation to confirm this request.

One of the roles of a UN/CEFACT Head of Delegation is to approve requests from your delegation’s experts to participate. We would appreciate if you would go to the page on CUE referenced below and approve or reject this request. Alternatively, you may respond to this email with your approval or rejection.

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<b>Full Details:</b>
<b>Contact Information:</b>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<b>Areas of Interests:</b>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>

Feel free to contact us on email [email protected] for any additional questions or details.

With best regards,


Email - to Secretariat if Delegation IS not SELECTED

ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation:Other*Send Email[email protected]onCreated - New UN/CEFACT Expert registration - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][email protected],[email protected]

WARNING: "Other" Delegation selected

Hello User,
there is a new Expert registration request from
<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> whose delegation is <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> - <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] </b>

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<b>Full Details:</b>
<b>Contact Information:</b>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<b>Areas of Interests:</b>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>

Delegation: <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> - <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] </b>

Copy of this request was NOT SENT to any Head of Delegation for approval, as user selected Other delegation ( [entry.ERFormDelegationOther] ), please find and consult expert request with appropriate contact manually.


BluePage creation

Wiki page with request details creation for Approval

trueCreate Page17828790onCreatedExpert Registration Request - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName]expert-registration-request,registration-pending

UNCEFACT Expert Registration Request

This page is containing UN/CEFACT Expert registration details for
[entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] whose delegation is [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]  


StatusAPR1created DESC

TextAPRtrue Datecreatedtrue

StatusREJ1created DESC

TextREJtrue Datecreatedtrue



color: Green; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;TextAPR01To APPROVE this requestAPPROVEDsection

Text02APR⬇ Click on the button belowAPPROVEDsection

StatusAPRIPAddrStatus Approve IP AddressAPPROVEDip

Approve trueINLINE


Send Email[email protected]onCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][email protected],[email protected]

Name: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]   [entry.ERFormFirstName]  [entry.ERFormLastName]  

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Approval Status: Approved

Navigate to to create Expert's account
Send Email[email protected]onCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]  [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] 

Thank you again for your interest in UN/CEFACT. Your request was Approved. You may now officially participate in UN/CEFACT projects and events.

You will receive shortly a link that will allow you to access Collaborative UN/CEFACT Environment (CUE) where all project development is shared.

Best regards,


Delete ConfiForms Entry[email protected]onCreatedTextREJ:*REJECTED*StatusREJ:

color: Red; font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold;TextREJ01To REJECT this requestAPPROVEDsection

Text02REJ⬇ Click on the button belowAPPROVEDsection

StatusREJIPAddrStatus Reject IP AddressAPPROVEDip

Reject trueINLINE


Send Email[email protected]onCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][email protected],[email protected]

Name: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]     [entry.ERFormFirstName]  [entry.ERFormLastName] 

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

Approval Status: Rejected

Send Email[email protected]onCreatedRequest Approval Update - [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName][entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]  [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName] 

We thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT. After consultation with your head of delegation, your request was Rejected.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or would like further information.

Best regards,


Delete ConfiForms Entry[email protected]onCreatedTextAPR:*APPROVED*StatusAPR:



Approval CommentClick to insert Approval CommentApprovalCommenthideCUE.secretariat_CEFACTMalikINLINE
Reminder email button - Not visible to users



Reminder LogReminderFormTextcreated

ReminderFormReminder email to [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

visibility:hidden;ReminderFormTextReminder logReminder sent to - [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]read_only


Send reminder Email to [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]ReminderFormRemindtrueINLINE


Send Email[email protected]onCreated- Pending UN/CEFACT Expert registration request[entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegationsHoDName],

we are reching you again to bring your attention to this UN/CEFACT Registration reguest which is pending your approval

<b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b> <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b> ( [entry.ERFormEmail] ) wants to be registered as UN/CEFACT Expert and selected <b> [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation] </b> delegation to confirm this request.

One of the roles of a UN/CEFACT Head of Delegation is to approve requests from your delegation’s experts to participate. We would appreciate if you would go to the page on CUE referenced below and approve or reject this request. Alternatively, you may respond to this email with your approval or rejection.

Request page: [entry.ERRequestPageLink]

<h2>Full Details:</h2>
<h3>Contact Information:</h3>
Presentation: <b> [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] </b>
First Name: <b> [entry.ERFormFirstName] </b>
Last Name: <b> [entry.ERFormLastName] </b>
Organization: <b> [entry.ERFormOrganization] </b>
Job Title: <b> [entry.ERFormJobTitle] </b>
Address: <b> [entry.ERFormAddress] </b>
City: <b> [entry.ERFormCity] </b>
Postal Code: <b> [entry.ERFormPostalCode] </b>
Country: <b> [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry] </b>
Phone: <b> [entry.ERFormPhone] </b>
Email: <b> [entry.ERFormEmail] </b>
<h3>Areas of Interests:</h3>
<b> [entry.ERFormInterest] </b>
Other Interest: <b> [entry.ERFormInterestOther] </b>

Thank you for your cooperation.

Feel free to contact us on email [email protected] for any additional questions or details.

With Best Regards,



Email button to Expert after confirmation with visa details - Not visible to users



Email LogEmailVisaSupTextcreated

EmailExpConfirmationEmail to the experts after approval

visibility:hidden;EmailVisaSupTextReminder logVisa instructions sent to - [entry.ERFormEmail]read_only


Send Visa Instructions Email [entry.ERFormEmail]EmailExpConfirmationRemindtrueINLINE


Send Email[email protected]onCreated- UN/CEFACT Forum registration – Confirmation [entry.ERFormEmail]

Dear [entry.ERFormPresentation.label] [entry.ERFormFirstName] [entry.ERFormLastName],

Thank you for your interest in UN/CEFACT; you have now confirmed as UN/CEFACT Expert and your registration for our upcoming Forum in Hangzhou, China has been completed.

Please note that if you require a visa for China the local partners have kindly agreed to assist by providing the required letters of invitation.

Please download the following form and follow the instructions: Visa application support form_Hangzhou Forum.docx


With best regards,
UN/CEFACT Secretariat

Full Details:

Contact Information:

Presentation: [entry.ERFormPresentation.label]
First Name: [entry.ERFormFirstName]
Last Name: [entry.ERFormLastName]
Organization: [entry.ERFormOrganization]
Job Title: [entry.ERFormJobTitle]
Address: [entry.ERFormAddress]
City: [entry.ERFormCity]
Postal Code: [entry.ERFormPostalCode]
Country: [entry.ERFormCountrySmart.COFormCountry]
Phone: [entry.ERFormPhone]
Email: [entry.ERFormEmail]

Areas of Interests:


Other Interest: [entry.ERFormInterestOther]


Delegation: [entry.ERFormDelegationSmart.DEFormDelegation]

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