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Electronic Consignment Note UNSM - eCMR (BRS,RSM,XML SCHEMA) > UNCEFACT Presentation eCMR project_DTLF_26042017_v2.pptx (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
Electronic Consignment Note UNSM - eCMR (BRS,RSM,XML SCHEMA) > UNCEFACT Presentation eCMR project avril 2017 BCM 18042017.pptx (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
Electronic Consignment Note UNSM - eCMR (BRS,RSM,XML SCHEMA) > minute on modeling session of 12042017 e-CMR working group.pdf (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
Pipeline Data Carrier (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
MMT Multi Modal Transport (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)