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Core vocabulary related to single windows and similar platforms (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
Core vocabulary related to single windows and similar platforms (UN/CEFACT Public Information)
Women in Trade Facilitation (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
Women in Trade Facilitation (UN/CEFACT Public Information)
Recommendation on Consultation Approaches for Public and Private Sector Consultation (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
Recommendation on Consultation Approaches for Public and Private Sector Consultation (UN/CEFACT Public Information)
Background Research on Public-Private-Partnership for Trade Facilitation (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)
Background Research on Public-Private-Partnership for Trade Facilitation (UN/CEFACT Public Information)
Revision of Recommendation 14, Authentication of Trade Documents by Means other than Signature (UN/CEFACT Collaboration Environment)