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Small scaled Lodging House Travel Product Information


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Small scaled Lodging House Travel Product Information



Project Purpose

The purpose of the project is to create Business Process Models and Business Class Diagrams for documenting the business scenarios and business transactions involved in Small scaled Lodging House (abbr. as SLH) Travel Product Information Process for the small scaled lodging house industry. The output will be used to obtain and validate the XML messages to support the business transactions.

Project Scope

The SLH Travel Product Information Process will be to provide buying parties with the lodging house travel product information. The SLHs are those that usually have around 100 guest rooms or less and serve meals as one of their typical services. They have more human touched services than large scaled ones. The variety of services as travel products are to be well supplied in the information.

Project Deliverables

The deliverables from the project are: A catalogue of Business Process Models covering all the SLH travel product information process The class diagrams of the business transactions for the creation of the XML messages ABIEs, BBIEs, and CCs (if necessary), based on the UN/CEFACT Core Component Technical Specification XML messages to support the business transactions

Exit Criteria


Project Team Membership and Required Functional Expertise

Membership is open to experts who have broad knowledge in the areas ...

Head of Delegation Support


Geographical Focus

The geographic focus of the project is global

Initial Contributions

Initial contributions will come from a variety of sources. A call for contributions will be made for ... The following have expressed an interest in making such contributions:

Resource Requirements

Participants in the project shall provide resources for their own participation. The continued existence and functioning of the project team shall not require any additional resources from the UN/ECE secretariat other than: - Establishing and maintaining the project team's public Web site pages with appropriate links, document download facilities, and items of interest; - Establishing and maintaining the project team's public and private list servers.

Project Leadership

Project Chair : Akio Suzuki Editor : Akio Suzuki