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International Supply Chain Reference Model


Submitted dateLast Update DateVersionProject Proposal StatusProject Page
2009-08-102009-08-10 1.0

International Supply Chain Reference Model



Project Purpose

The purpose of this work is to develop a model of the supply chain that can be used as a reference for all parties engaged in the supply chain in order to assist in harmonization of trade processes and data, use of best practice, promotion and training.

Project Scope

The Model builds on the earlier work carried out by the Business Process Analysis Group (BPAWG) of UN/CEFACT. This described the major processes involved in the International Supply Chain in its simplest form by the three key business processes involved-Buy, Ship, Pay- and the main Business Partner Types involved- Customer, Supplier, Intermediary and Authority.

Project Deliverables

The deliverables from the project will be: a) A structured reference data model based on the latest release of the CCL including a high level BRS and a high level RSM. b) Semantics links with UN/EDIFACT messaging and the TDED to support increased interoperability between data exchange structures

Exit Criteria

a) A structured CCL-based reference data model including a high level BRS and a high level RSM • Internal and external review logs showing how comments have been addressed • Final version ready for publication b) Semantics links with UN/EDIFACT and UNTDED • Internal and external review logs showing how comments have been addressed • Final version ready for publication

Project Team Membership and Required Functional Expertise

The project team is open to experts with broad knowledge and experience in the area of supply chain and related activities as well as in modelling techniques. In addition, Heads of Delegations may invite technical experts from their constituency to participate in the work. Experts are expected to contribute to the work based solely on their expertise and to comply with the UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Head of Delegation Support


Geographical Focus

The geographic focus of the project is global

Initial Contributions

Initial contributions will come from a variety of sources.

Resource Requirements

Participants in the project shall provide resources for their own participation. The continued existence and functioning of the project team shall not require any additional resources from the UN/ECE secretariat other than: - Establishing and maintaining the project team's public Web site pages with appropriate links, document download facilities, and items of interest; - Establishing and maintaining the project team's public and private list servers.

Project Leadership

Project Chair: Colin Clark Lead Editor: Niki Sahling






Expected Completion Date



Expected Completion Date



Expected Completion Date



Expected Completion Date



Expected Completion Date


Expected Completion Date


Expected Completion Date

Structured Reference Data ModelYES YES YES YES YES YES YES 

Project Proposal Files

No files shared here yet.
