Cross Industry Scheduling Supply Chain


Project Details

Project Identifier
Bureau Decision #

Project Proposal Status


Project Page

Cross Industry Scheduling Supply Chain

Supporting VC

Project Lead
HoD Support
JP / FR/ TH / NL
Submitted date
Draft Development Completion
Publication Date

Project Purpose

The project is to revise the function of the current Cross Industry Scheduling Process which was published by UN/CEFACT in 2008. The purpose of the project is to maintain the scheduling supply chain (Cross Industry Demand Forecast and Cross Industry Supply Instruction) for adapting the recent-day business practice in the world.

Project Scope

Scope of the project is to exchange information from one party to another party for the scheduling supply chain management. Messages used in the scheduling supply chain management are to be specified for the demand forecast, the inventory forecast, the order and the order response, delivery instruction, dispatch advice and invoice. Messages can be used by any organizations involved in the scheduling supply chain, including SMEs.

Project Deliverables

The project deliverables include: a. A Business Requirements Specification (BRS) document containing Business Process Models covering electronic business processes b. A Requirements Specification Mapping (RSM) document describing the message structures (as class diagrams) for the business transactions c. XML Schemas to implement the message structures for the business transactions

Exit Criteria

The exit criteria that when met will indicate the deliverable has been completed, are specified in the table below. a. A Business Requirements Specification (BRS) document containing Business Process Models covering electronic business processes • Completed BRS. • Public review and logs showing how comments have been addressed. b. A Requirements Specification Mapping (RSM) document describing the message structures (as class diagrams) for the business transactions • Completed RSM. • Public review and logs showing how comments have been addressed. c. XML Schemas to implement the message structures for the business transactions • Completed XML Schemas. • Public review and logs showing how comments have been addressed.

Project Team Membership and Required Functional Expertise

The membership is open to experts in the area of commercial transaction of Supply Chain and EDI and their e-business operation, and the functions of UN/CEFACT and its groups. In addition, Heads of Delegations may invite technical experts from their constituency to participate in the work. Experts are expected to contribute to the work based solely on their expertise and to comply with the UN/CEFACT Code of Conduct and IPR Policy.

Geographical Focus

The focus is global.

Initial Contributions

Business Requirment Specification (BRS) Cross Industry Scheduling Process 1.00.08 issued 2008-09-13 Maintenance Request for Scheduled Just In Time (Annex 1.)

Resource Requirements

Resources required are business experts in Supply Chain and EDI in any region or country. Modeling expertise is also required. Note: The project does not require any additional resources from the UN/ECE secretariat.

Project Proposal Files