SCRDM Internal Review Survey




  1. Select a chapter for example ‘1. New objects’, by clicking on it (top of page)
  2. Open the Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15Bv2.0.xls
  3. If applicable you can search on subject/issue in the excel file column A (just filter – contains - subject number – eg. 2.2
  4. Read the proposal text of the subject/issue.
  5. Vote for : Approved (No further discussion needed) or Not approved (Further discussion needed) ; you are entitled to Undo your answer and change it anytime before the deadline (17th April 2016) is reached.
  6. (Optional) Share the reasons for your choice (Approved / Not Approved) using the discussion items in yellow at the right of each question.
  7. Subjects/Issues voted ‘Not Approved’ will be discussed during weekly SCRDM calls or during the forum in April



  • Replying to any question is completely anonymous.
  • Statistics collected at the end of the Survey are completely anonymous.
  • Sharing the reasons for your answers is not anonymous and it is an endorsement to fostering the dialogue among experts.

1. New objects

1.1. ABIE CI_ Note -> Trade_ Note

Instead of using ABIE Note we should choose for Trade_ Note and change/extend it with:
Trade_ Note. Subject. Code
Trade_ Note. Content. Text ->  unbounded
Trade_ Note. Content. Code -> unbounded
Trade_ Note. Subject. Text
Trade_ Note. Identification. Identifier
Trade_ Note. Name. Text -> new
Trade_ Note. Creation. Date Time -> new
Proposal: extend Trade_ Note to match CI_ Note

100% 5 votes
Not Approve
0% 0 votes

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1.2. ABIE Workflow Object -> Trade_Workflow Object

ABIE Workflow object is only used within the Quotation Proposal, Quotation Proposal Response and Quotation Request.
Proposal: new ABIE or deprecate old ABIE.  
- Trade_ Workflow Object -> new

100% 6 votes
Not Approve
0% 0 votes

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1.3. New ABIEs for header, line, subordinate and payment.

The below mentioned will be introduced, and will be semantically equal to their context ABIE during applying CCBDA MA.
For header restricted ABIEs
1. Header_ Trade Agreement. Details
2. Header_ Trade Delivery. Details
3. Header_ Trade Settlement. Details
4. Header_ Balance Out. Details
5. Trade Settlement Header_ Monetary Summation. Details
For line restricted ABIEs
6. Line_ Trade Agreement. Details
7. Line_ Trade Delivery. Details
8. Line_ Trade Settlement. Details
9. Line_ Trade Transaction. Details
10. Trade Settlement Line_ Monetary Summation. Details
For subline restricted ABIEs
11. Subordinate Line_ Trade Agreement. Details
12. Subordinate Line_ Trade Delivery. Details
13. Subordinate Line_ Trade Settlement. Details
For payment restricted ABIEs
14. Trade Settlement Payment_ Monetary Summation. Details
15. Payment_ Balance Out. Details
Proposal: The ABIEs (agreement, delivery, settlement, transaction) are based on their Supply Chain qualified ABIE. ABIEs for Monetary Summation are based on their Trade Settlement qualified ABIE. The ABIEs for Balance Out are based on their  Specified qualified ABIE.

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0% 0 votes

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1.4. CIRL_ Supply Chain_ Trade Transaction -> Line_ Trade Transaction

Within the Remittance Advice the following ASBIE exits:
CIRL_ Supply Chain_ Trade Settlement. Referenced. CIRL_ Supply Chain_ Trade Transaction
This ASBIE is a restricted ABIE of the Supply Chain_ Trade Transaction. Because we do not use document related qualifiers (CIR) we introduce a new ‘Line’ qualified Trade_ Transaction
Proposal: add ABIE Line_ Trade Transaction

100% 5 votes
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0% 0 votes

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1.5. Payment_ Trade Settlement -> extend existing ABIE

In SCRDM the ABIE Payment_ Trade Settlement will be used for the CIRH_ Supply Chain_ Trade Settlement used in the Remittance Advice. The ABIE Payment_ Trade Settlement is only related to the Remittance Advice. Because we introduced the level Payment, we can reuse Payment_ Trade Settlement only if it will be extended by the following BBIE and ASBIEs.  
- Payment_ Trade Settlement. Payment_ Currency. Code -> 0..1
- Payment_ Trade Settlement. Payee. Trade_ Party -> 0..1
- Payment_ Trade Settlement. Payer. Trade_ Party -> 0..1
- Payment_ Trade Settlement. Applicable. Trade_ Currency Exchange -> 0..1
- Payment_ Trade Settlement. Payment_ Specified. Trade_ Payment Means -> 0..1
- Payment_ Trade Settlement. Specified. Trade Settlement Payment_ Monetary Summation -> 0..1
- Payment_ Trade Settlement. Applicable. Trade_ Tax -> 0..1
Proposal: extend existing ABIE Payment_ Trade Settlement

100% 5 votes
Not Approve
0% 0 votes

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2. New objects (Property Term)

2.1. Supply Chain_ Trade Transaction. Shipment_ Identification. Identifier

In Supply Chain_ Trade Transaction ABIE the BBIE for Shipment_ Identification does not exist. Only without the property term
Proposal: add BBIE Supply Chain_ Trade Transaction. Shipment_ Identification. Identifier
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 2.1

60% 3 votes
Not Approve
40% 2 votes

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2.2. Trade_ Price. Trade_ Comparison. Reference_ Price

In Trade_ Price ASBIE the property term qualifier  ‘Trade’  does not exist, only without the property term qualifier. So, instead of  Comparison is must be Trade_ Comparison.  
Proposal: add property term to ASBIE Trade_ Price. Trade_ Comparison. Reference_ Price  
   or add new ASBIE.
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 2.2

20% 1 vote
Not Approved
80% 4 votes

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2.3. Supply Chain_ Trade Line Item. Physical. Referenced_ Logistics_ Package

In ASBIE Supply Chain_ Trade Line Item. Physical. Referenced_ Logistics_ Package the property term qualifier ‘Referenced’ does not exists. So, instead of  Logistics_ Package it must be Referenced_ Logistics_ Package.
Proposal: add property term qualifier to ASBIE Supply Chain_ Trade Line Item. Physical. Referenced_ Logistics_ Package or add new ASBIE
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 2.3

40% 2 votes
Not Approve
60% 3 votes

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2.4. Line_ Trade Delivery. Latest_ Despatched. Quantity

In the ABIE where it was copied from (Supply Chain_ Trade Delivery), this BBIE exists without property term ‘Latest’, but still the ABIE itself and therefore also it content will be added.
Proposal: add BBIE Line_ Trade Delivery. Latest_ Despatched. Quantity
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 2.4

40% 2 votes
Not Approve
60% 3 votes

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2.5. Logistics_ Package. Despatch Note_ Associated. Referenced_ Document

Logistics_ Package. Despatch Note_ Associated. Referenced_ Document  does not have the property term ‘Despatch Note’.
Proposal: add ASBIE Logistics_ Package. Despatch Note_ Associated. Referenced_ Document
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 2.5

40% 2 votes
Not Approve
60% 3 votes

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2.6. Immediate_ Previous Price List_ Referenced

A double qualified property term in the ASBIE (below) must be made now single qualified:
- CICL_ Supply Chain_ Trade Agreement. Immediate_ Previous Price List_ Referenced. CI_ Referenced_ Document
- Line_ Trade Agreement. Immediate Previous Price List_ Referenced. Referenced_ Document
Proposal: The new ASBIE will have one long property term qualifier.  
 See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 2.6

40% 2 votes
Not Approve
60% 3 votes

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2.7. Product_ Characteristic

To the existing ABIE Product_ Characteristic the following BBIE, used in the CI_ version, must be added:
- Product_ Characteristic. Content_ Type. Code
Proposal: add BBIE to exiting ABIE
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 2.7

60% 3 votes
Not Approve
40% 2 votes

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2.8. Trade_ Tax. Place_ Applicable. Trade_ Location

In Trade_ Tax ABIE the property term qualifier ‘Place’ does not exists for BBIE Trade_ Tax. Applicable. Trade_ Location
Proposal: add BBIE Trade_ Tax. Place_ Applicable. Trade_ Location or add property term qualifier to exiting  
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 2.8

20% 1 vote
Not Approve
80% 4 votes

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3. Changed objects

3.1. CICH_ Catalogue_Product Group -> Trade_Product Group

This ABIE is only used in the catalogue message. It would be more logic to introduce ABIE Trade_ Product Group which can be used for all message in the supply chain.  
Proposal: add new ABIE Trade_ Product Group equal to it document related (CICH) related one.
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 3.1

100% 5 votes
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0% 0 votes

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3.2. ABIE Measurement -> Trade_Measurement

Measurement in SCRDM is only used in the Catalogue message.
Proposal: introduce Trade_ Measurement
- Transport_ Dangerous Goods. Flashpoint Temperature. Trade_ Measurement
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 3.2

80% 4 votes
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20% 1 vote

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3.3. ABIE Keyword -> Specified_ Keyword

ABIE Keyword is only used within the Catalogue message within Trade_ Product:
- Trade_ Product. Applicable. Keyword
 Proposal: new ABIE and ASBIE and deprecate old ones.  
- Specified_ Keyword  
- Trade_ Product. Applicable. Specified_ Keyword
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 3.3

60% 3 votes
Not Approve
40% 2 votes

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4. Deprecated objects

4.1. ABIE Identified_Binary File -> Specified_Binary File

Identified_ Binary File in SCRDM only used in the invoice message (within valuation_ Break Down).
Proposal: extend Specified_ Binary File to match Identified_ Binary File, deprecate Identified_ Binary File
- Specified_ Binary File. Version. Identifier -> change to unbounded
- Specified_ Binary File. URI. Identifier -> change to unbounded
- Specified_ Binary File. Included. Binary Object -> change to unbounded
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 4.1

80% 4 votes
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20% 1 vote

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4.2. ABIE Delimited_Period -> Specified_Period

Delimited_ Period in only used in the invoice message (within valuation_ Break Down):  
- ASBIE Identified_ Binary File. Access Availability. Delimited_ Period
Replace Delimited_ Period by Specified_ Period, therefore below BBIE are needed:  
- Specified_ Period. Function. Code -> new (0..*)
- Specified_ Period. Inclusive. Indicator -> new (0..1)
[These BBIE’are DEPrected for delimited period but used in schemas]
Proposal: extend Specified_ Period to match Delimited_ Period, so it will fit Specified_ Binary File. Access Availability. Specified_ Period  and deprecate Identified_ Binary File. Access Availability. Delimited_ Period  
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 4.2

80% 4 votes
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20% 1 vote

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4.3. Catalogue_Trade_Product -> use Trade_Product

This ABIE is only used in the catalogue message. It would be more logic to introduce ABIE  
Trade_ Product Group which can be used for all message in the supply chain.  
- BBIE: Trade_ Product. Content_ Variable Measure. Indicator
- BBIE:  Trade_ Product. Function_ Description. Text
- ASBIE: Trade_ Product. Applicable. Trade Product_ Supply Chain_ Packaging
Proposal: only add new BBIE’s to Trade_ Product.  For ASBIE use exiting  ASBIE Trade_ Product. Applicable. Supply Chain_ Packaging (without property term Trade Product).
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 4.3

100% 5 votes
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0% 0 votes

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4.4. Trade Product_Supply Chain_Packaging -> Supply Chain_Packaging

This ABIE is only used in the catalogue message. It can be restricted during MA instead of using this restricted one.  
- Catalogue_ Trade_ Product. Applicable. Trade Product_ Supply Chain_ Packaging
Proposal:   Deprecate Catalogue_ Trade_ Product and  
      Deprecate Catalogue_ Trade_ Product. Applicable. Trade Product_ Supply Chain_ Packaging
      Activate     Trade_ Product. Applicable. Supply Chain_ Packaging
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 4.4

100% 5 votes
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0% 0 votes

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4.5. Supply Chain_Trade Transaction and their ASBIE’s for Agreement/Delivery/Settlement

This ABIE is one of the root elements of the master document structure. The problem is that is has ASBIE’s for agreement, delivery, settlement qualified Supply Chain but we are using now the levels (qualifiers) header, line and subordinate line.  
Proposal: add the ‘header’ qualified ASBIE’s to Supply Chain_ Trade Transaction and deprecate the ‘Supply Chain’ ones.
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 4.5

60% 3 votes
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40% 2 votes

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4.6. Supply Chain_Trade Line Item and their ASBIE’s for Agreement/Delivery/Settlement

This ABIE is contains ASBIE’s for agreement, delivery, settlement qualified Supply Chain but we are using now the levels (qualifiers) header, line and subordinate line.  
Proposal: add the ‘line’ qualified ASBIE’s to Supply Chain_ Trade Line Item and deprecate the ‘Supply Chain’ ones.
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 4.6

60% 3 votes
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40% 2 votes

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4.7. Subordinate_Trade Line Item and their ASBIE’s for Agreement/Delivery/Settlement

The problem is that is has ASBIE’s for agreement, delivery, settlement qualified Supply Chain but we are using now the levels (qualifiers) header, line and subordinate line.  
Proposal: add the ‘Line’ qualified ASBIE’s to Subordinate_ Trade Line Item and deprecate the ‘Supply Chain’ ones.
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 4.7

60% 3 votes
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40% 2 votes

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4.8. Payment_Trade Settlement

Because of the introduction of levelled ABIEs for Trade Settlement, an ASBIE has to be introduced for:
- CCL15B: CIRH_ Trade Settlement_ Payment. Specified. CIRH_ Supply Chain_ Trade Settlement.  
- SCRDM: Trade Settlement_ Payment. Specified. Payment_ Trade Settlement
The exiting ASBIE qualified ‘Supply Chain’ can be deprecated.
- Trade Settlement_ Payment. Specified. Payment_ Trade Settlement
Proposal: add ASBIE to exiting ABIE and deprecate the non levelled, qualified Supply Chain ASBIE.
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 4.8

60% 3 votes
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40% 2 votes

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4.9. Trade Product_ Supply Chain_Packaging

This ABIE contains ASBIE’s which are qualified ‘CI’. It applies the following ASBIEs:
- Trade Product_ Supply Chain_ Packaging. Linear. CI_ Spatial_ Dimension
- Trade Product_ Supply Chain_ Packaging. Specified. CI_ Packaging_ Marking
- Trade Product_ Supply Chain_ Packaging. Applicable. CI_ Material_ Goods Characteristic
- Trade Product_ Supply Chain_ Packaging. Applicable. CI_ Disposal_ Instructions
- Trade Product_ Supply Chain_ Packaging. Applicable. CI_ Returnable Asset_ Instructions
BUT please look at issue  4.4 (this chapter). Removing is then not necessary.
Proposal: remove the qualifier CI_ or  create new ABIE (see issue 4.4)
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 4.9

60% 3 votes
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40% 2 votes

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5. Sequence new objects

5.1. Added at the end: new BBIEs, ASBIEs

The previously restricted ABIE’s may contain extra BBIE’s and/or ABIE’s compared to their ‘based on’ ABIE. For example, the property term ‘Latest’ was used in the CISDFL_ Supply Chain_ Trade Delivery. Latest_ Despatched. Quantity but does not exist in Supply Chain_ Trade Delivery ABIE, and therefore would not be in Line_ Trade Agreement as it is based on it.
Although we have created new ABIE’s, the ordinal sequence of the ‘based on’ ABIE will be respected, and therefore the new BBIE’s and/or ASBIE’s will be added at the end of existing BBIE’s or ASBIE’s of the ABIE where they were based on (or in better terms ‘copied’ from).
Proposal: new BBIE’s and/or ASBIE’s will be added at the end of existing BBIE’s or ASBIE’s of the ABIE in order to respect the ordinal sequence of the ABIE where they were based on (copied from). As mentioned before, we copied Supply Chain_ Trade Agreement and changed it qualifier to Header, Line and Subordinate. Anyone adding new BBIE’s or ASBIE’s to Supply Chain_ Trade Agreement and so on might want to add it to the qualified header, line. subordinate line.  
Perhaps we should question whether or not to keep Supply Chain_ Trade Agreement, - Delivery and Settlement. These are only used in Supply Chain messages.

80% 4 votes
Not Approved
20% 1 vote

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6. Qualified Data Type (qDT)

6.1. qDT’s usage

Restriction of a qDT In 15B CCL was possible  due to single or double qualified qDT’s which were used in CI_ qualified ABIEs and message document related BBIEs,  such as;
- CICL_ Document Line_ Document. Line Status. Code
- CI_ Note. Subject. Code
But also in:
Catalogue:  catalogue_ Trade Product, now suggested to be Trade_ Product, non qualified)  
- Trade Product_ Supply Chain_ Packaging. Type. Code
- Trade_ Product. Cancellation_ Announced Launch. Date Time
- Trade_ Product. From Production_ Life Span. Measure
- Trade_ Product. From Opening_ Life Span. Measure
- Trade_ Product. From Delivery_ Life Span. Measure
Catalogue and Despatch Advice:
- Transport Setting_ Temperature. Value. Measure
- Transport Setting_ Temperature. Type. Code
Despatch Advice, Invoice, Order, Order Change, Order Response
- Transport_ Cargo. Type. Code
- Transport_ Cargo. Operational Category. Code
- Transport_ Cargo. Statistical Classification. Code
Despatch Advice, Invoice, Order, Order Change, Order Response
- Logistics_ Shipping Marks. Marking Instruction. Code
- Referenced_ Logistics_ Package. Level. Code
- Referenced_ Logistics_ Package. Type. Code
- Identified_ Binary File. MIME. Code (suggested to be replaced by Specified_ Binary File, see issue 4.1 )
- Identified_ Binary File. Size. Measure (suggested to be replaced by Specified_ Binary File, see issue 4.1)
- Valuation_ Breakdown Statement. Default_ Currency. Code
Proposal: Should we specify a qDT’s to the BBIE’s, no matter if the qDT is used in all messages and deal with the usage of the qDT during CCBDA MA? (it has to be investigated if it is allowed and possible in our tool)
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 6.1

100% 4 votes
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0% 0 votes

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6.2. Document Line_Document Line Identifier and Line Status Code

Except for the Catalogue message, the following ASBIE is mandatory:  
- Supply Chain_ Trade Line Item. Associated. Document Line_ Document
Proposal: it Is better to make it mandatory during message assembly. It’s now  optional.
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 6.2

100% 5 votes
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0% 0 votes

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6.3. Exchanged_Document. Type. Code

qDT used for this object in SCRDM are:
- UN02000006  (Document_ Code. Type)
- UN02000113  (Invoice_ Document_ Code. Type)
- UN02000128  (Quotation_ Document_ Code. Type)
- UN02000130 (Remittance_ Document_ Code. Type)
- UN02000132  (Scheduling_ Document_ Code. Type)
Proposal: UN02000006  (Document_ Code. Type) will be used for Exchanged_ Document. Type. Code
To be discussed: During CCBDA MA, if it allowed to choose another qDT? Can someone give more details?
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 6.3

100% 4 votes
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0% 0 votes

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6.4. MDT facets and content

There are some CCBDA rules that touch SCRDM. Below rule 18.
[R18] An MDT may restrict the values of the facets of a supplementary component or the content component  
to be more restrictive than the base qDT.
To my knowledge our tool does not allow another to restrict facets of a supplementary component or the  content component to be more restrictive than the base qDT.
Proposal: we have to check how this rule can be implemented in our tool. Could we prefix the qDT with a document prefix? E.g. UNCIO02000019. See possible solution for unique MBIE.

50% 2 votes
Not Approved
50% 2 votes

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6.5. MDT cardinality

There are some CCBDA rules that touch SCRDM. Below rule 16.
[R16] An MDT may reduce the maximum cardinality of a  supplementary component from 1 to 0. The  
minimum number of supplementary components is 0.
Proposal: we have to check how this rule can be implemented in our tool. Can someone give more details?

75% 3 votes
Not Approved
25% 1 vote

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7.1. Unique MBIE

For each message assembly the SCRDM ‘Reference BIE’ will be restricted. It then becomes virtually an MBIE. Because restrictions and ‘active’ BBIE’s/ASBIE’s can differ from message to message.  
The SCRDM MBIE inherits it’s ID from the SCRDM ‘Reference BIE’. It becomes unique by adding a prefix for a message. There prefixes are already used in our CCL, for example CIO and is stored in our tool as a publication reference note.
Proposal: REFBIE ID = MBIE ID -> Message prefix + MBIE ID = Unique MBIE iD  
     e.g.  REFBIE -> UN01004335  
MBIE -> UNCIO01004335   

75% 3 votes
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25% 1 vote

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7.2. Sequence MBIE in MA

There are some CCBDA rules that touch SCRDM. Below rule 24.
[R24] Each MBIE may be assigned a Sequence Number that is used for presentation of the MA structure or for  representation in a specific syntax.
Our tool does not allow another sequence of MBIE (MBBIE, MASBIE) because the sequence is inherited from the SCRDM ‘Reference BIE’. Can someone give more details?
Proposal: The sequence in the reference BIE must be respected and will not be changed during MA.

75% 3 votes
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25% 1 vote

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8. Alignment Header and Line restricted ABIEs

8.1. Inconsistencies header/line

It would be a good idea to look at our main ABIEs for header, line and subordinate. I experienced some BBIE’s/ASBIE’s not to be present on ‘line level’ but only on ‘header level’ and the other way around (ee below), though they could be both specified on these levels (see below). Other BBIE’s/ASBIE’s are really meant for the line, like prices.
- Line_ Trade Agreement. Order Response_ Referenced. Referenced_ Document
Proposal: perhaps we could discuss the availability of objects especially on header and line level. A clear distinction between header helps everyone to understand why they are created. During MA we still have the possibility to unselect objects for a particular message.
NOTE: download the original .docx Survey (link at the top of this page) to check the table related to this item.

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0% 0 votes

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9. CCL non conformances

9.1. For the new objects (ASBIEs) CCL/CCTS non conformance

Due to removing, mainly, the ‘CI qualifier’ the problem of CCL non- conformance arose (for Trade Agreement/Delivery/Settlement related ASBIE).
Proposal: Solve non conformance. Can someone give suggestions how?
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 9.1
NOTE: download the original .docx Survey (link at the top of this page) to check the table related to this item.

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0% 0 votes

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9.2. For existing objects (ASBIEs) CCL/CCTS non conformance

Due to removing, mainly, the ‘CI qualifier’ the problem of CCL non- conformance arose (for Trade Agreement/Delivery/Settlement related ASBIE).
Proposal: Solve non conformance.  Can someone give suggestions how?
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 9.2
NOTE: download the original .docx Survey (link at the top of this page) to check the table related to this item.

100% 4 votes
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0% 0 votes

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10.Gross / Net price Agreement Scheduling

10.1. No Gross and Net Price in Header_Trade Agreement

The ABIE for trade agreement is used on different levels in the Scheduling messages:  
- Demand Forecast,  
- Demand Forecast Response,  
- Inventory Forecast,  
- Supply Instruction  
- Supply Notification.  
Though the content of the ABIE for trade agreement in the present CCL15B  is equal. Because of the introduction of a header and line trade agreement ABIEs, we have to choose one of the for each level.  
The negative impact of SCRDM ABIE’s for these messages, described above, is missing 2 objects in case of the header trade agreement. Within the header trade agreement we do not specify prices.  
Question, are prices on header level necessary in the Scheduling messages?
- CISDF_ Supply Chain_ Trade Transaction. Applicable. CIS_ Supply Chain_ Trade Agreement
- CISDFL_ Supply Chain_ Trade Line Item. Specified. CIS_ Supply Chain_ Trade Agreement
I want to unselect the follow ASBIE’s from the Header_ Trade Agreement, again only used in the Scheduling messages.
- Header_ Trade Agreement. Gross Price_ Product. Trade_ Price
- Header_ Trade Agreement. Net Price_ Product. Trade_ Price
Proposal: use header trade agreement and line trade agreement ABIE for these different levels in Scheduling and please check whether prices can be dismissed in the header trade agreement.
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B: Column A issue ID 10.1

75% 3 votes
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25% 1 vote

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11.TDED numbers

11.1. TDED number for the used objects in SCRDM CCL

There are approx.. 224 TDED listed for the 868 objects used in SCRDM. How do we get this number up?
Proposal: How do we get this number up?

100% 4 votes
Not Approve
0% 0 votes

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12. Deprecate objects used in schema

12.1. Deprecate objects used in schema

Some deprecated objects are published in the schemas. Should we proceed doing this? Below an example of a deprecate object according to CCL 15B but it exist in the message schema.
- Deprecated in CCL15B: CI_ Handling_ Instructions. Handling_ Applicable. Transport Setting_ Temperature
- Deprecated in SCRDM: Handling_ Instructions. Handling_ Applicable. Transport Setting_ Temperature
Proposal: Deprecated objects will not be used in message assembly and therefore not published in message schemas
See file: Draft SCRDM CCL based on CCL 15B

50% 2 votes
Not Approve
50% 2 votes

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