DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
02 Nov 2017 2017-11-02 ISCRM Domain: ConfCall #002 Agenda & Meeting notes
  • Ian Watt Email team members on importance of engagement
06 Nov 2017Ian Watt2017-11-02 ISCRM Domain: ConfCall #002 Agenda & Meeting notes
  • Ian Watt Arrange for briefing on existing concepts
09 Nov 2017Ian Watt2017-11-02 ISCRM Domain: ConfCall #002 Agenda & Meeting notes
10 Nov 2017Natthaphat Rojanasupamit2017-11-02 ISCRM Domain: ConfCall #002 Agenda & Meeting notes
  • Ian Watt Briefing paper to Bureau and Secretariat for discussion on PDA recommended direction
17 Nov 2017Ian Watt2017-11-02 ISCRM Domain: ConfCall #002 Agenda & Meeting notes
22 Apr 2020 2020-04-08 Meeting notes
Recommendation 49 and UNTP documentation and Meeting Record
Recommendation 49 and UNTP documentation and Meeting Record
  • BH to tidy document and recirculate during the current week for final review by Team
DPCCE Meeting Note 2024-06-18
  • Nil
DPCCE Meeting Note 2023-12-11
  • Next conference call, in 3 weeks time, to progress on MLETR draft.
2023-02-09 Meeting notes
  • Next conference call, in 3 weeks time, to progress on MLETR draft.
2023-01-19 Meeting notes
  • Next conference call, in January 2023 to progress on MLETR draft.
2022-11-24 Meeting notes
  • Matt, Jaco, Brett to draft concluding section of WP
DPCCE Meeting Note 2022-11-08
  • Next conference call, in 3 weeks’ time (Week of 3-Nov-2022), to progress on MLETR draft.
2022-10-13 Meeting notes
  • Team members to complete follow up external contacts for expert contribution
DPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-16
  • Homework by next meeting: Assigned sector experts (above) to review draft discussion paper from the perspective of their nominated sectors and provide feedback re corrections/omissions
DPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-16
  • Multi-Modal Transport public review - request on participants to review and comment where appropriate  (all)
DPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-16
Jaco VoorspuijDPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-16
  • Open Actions from previous meeting have made progress BUT will be held 'open" until the 3rd. conf call (all)
DPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-16
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DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
13 Apr 2020 2020-04-08 Meeting notes
03 May 2021Jake SchostagEncouraging Private Sector Participation in National Trade Facilitation Bodies
14 May 2021Jake SchostagEncouraging Private Sector Participation in National Trade Facilitation Bodies
21 May 2021Birgit ViohlEncouraging Private Sector Participation in National Trade Facilitation Bodies
30 May 2021Birgit ViohlEncouraging Private Sector Participation in National Trade Facilitation Bodies
11 Nov 2022Birgit ViohlDTAD List of tasks - 9 November 2022
Brett HylandDPCCE Meeting Note 2023-09-25
DPCCE Meeting Note 2022-10-20
DPCCE Meeting Note 2022-09-27
DPCCE Meeting Note 2022-09-06
Ian WattDPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-02
Erik BoskerDPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-02
Brett HylandDPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-02
Brett HylandDPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-02
Birgit ViohlDPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-02
Ian WattDPCCE Meeting Note 2022-08-02
Ren Yuh Kay2020-05-06 Meeting notes
Ren Yuh Kay2020-04-08 Meeting notes
2019-09-24/25 ISCO Conference call
2019-09-24/25 ISCO Conference call
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