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  • Progress on draft of MLETR whitepaper from UN/CEFACT Experts.

Discussion items

  • Kay explained we are looking at final draft of Chapter 3.
  • On requirements of 3 original BLs: feedback from group is from historical but unable to say why it is like that, but we can put a footnote that under MLETR; The Model  Law  does  not  affect  the  continuation  of  that  practice  with  respect  to  the  use  of  electronic  transferable  records  in  accordance  with  article  10  of  the  Model  Law  when  that  practice  is  permitted  under  applicable    Similarly,  the  Model  Law  does  not  prevent  the  possibility  of  issuing  multiple  originals  on  different  media(e.g.,  one  on  paper  and  one  in  electronic  form),  where  that  is  permitted  under  applicable  law.
  • Chapter 4: written in layman language
  • “Transacting”: Tahseen explained in electronic EDI environment, Transaction is a complete set of a particular document, which is moved from one party to another party and there is an expectation of an input, hence a change. 
  • Remove “currently legally valid” as it is not clear
  • Verifying via “Trusted services” / “Trusted 3rd parties”
  • Review the key management process
  • Kay will request Gunnar(which he contributed) to attend next meeting to clarify on 4.1


Other matters

No other matter

Action items

  • Next conference call, in 3 weeks’ time (Week of 7-Apr-2022), to progress on MLETR draft. (section 4)