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  • Discussion of MLETR Draft

Discussion items



Chapter 3,4
  • Kay commented that while the MLETR covers the legal aspects, when it comes to technical implementation, there is a huge gap, which this whitepaper attempts to serve.
  • For chapters 3,4, we should ask ourselves would the sentence achieve to provide the guidance that the industry is looking for.

  • There was discussion on the word Trust Services in the draft.
  • Miriam suggested for it to be placed at footnote which the group did not object.

3 min

  • Simone suggest for the draft to be made available for reading before next meetings.
  • Tahsheen confirmed with Kay if the draft will be updated and members can edit in track mode.
  • Kay will explore method for edit and discussion of draft.

Action items

  • Next conference call, in 3 weeks’ time (Week of 18-Nov-2021), to continue going through MLETR draft.