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  • Going through the feedbacks for MLETR draft Outline from UN/CEFACT Experts.

Discussion items

20minToC item 1
  • Manuel clarified his comments on lessons learned, how Model Law is applied for past and new solutions.
  • Manuel clarified his comments on definition of ETR is to state the considerations eg. the type of documents that is “transferrable” with reference to national laws.
  • Luca shared that Bahrain is moving towards implementation of Model Law. Eg. e-checks, (for more info, will need to check if can share the English translation).
18minToC item 2
  • Manuel clarified his comments focusing too much on BL would distract attention to the title to the goods function.
  • Tahseen explained when the project was initiated, is to take the documents one by one, hence this particular project will focus more towards Bill of Lading.

8minToC item 2
  • Manuel clarified his comments to combine point 5 and 6 (Exploration of Technical methods) was more towards organisation of documents.
  • Sue explained that on UNECE projects is to keep them methodological.
  • Kay checked if the approach of evaluation against a certain technical method is appropriate.
  • Sue and Tahseen is alright with both options being evaluated.
5minToC item 3
  • Kay clarified the last part are case studies, that is catered to practitioners.
  • Manuel clarified his comments on accreditation.
  • Kay reminded the accreditation refers to MLETR paper, section Article 12(vi), and in previous session, the consensus then was to only provide general guidelines (due to concerns it might be contentious if it goes into detail and solutioning).
  • Housekeeping notice; due to some still receive a different invite timing showing the previous meeting timing of SGT 3pm, we shall delete the old set of invites, and resend a new set with the timing of SGT 8pm.  

Action items

  • Additional inputs could be sent to Kay (,
  • Everyone to start exploring on which area/s you are interested to contribute on.
  • Next conference call, in 3 weeks’ time (Week of 6-Jul-2020), to continue going through the feedbacks for MLETR draft Outline and call for contributors for the various sections of the whitepaper.

Post Meeting Update

  • Gunnar Colin of Enigio has kindly contributed their Paper that looks at how their product (trace:original) fulfills MLETR requirements. It can be accessed here.